Taking a '**** you' attitude towards others

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It's unclear where you are having these FU moments. If it's at work then that would not be so good!
Many days I seem to insult people more of late. It's not in a hostile way most of the time. Sometimes Im just pissed off with people and be straight with them. If someones being irritating or does something stupid for example spill a drink on me which happens EVERY time I'm out I don't say it's alright I just say watch what you're doing. Borderline insults keep a conversation interesting especially with women. It gives you an air of confidence that you're not afraid of what people think of you..
You guys....maybe it's because I am older....but how is being rude or arrogant or insulting of any help? I can't stand to be around people like that. There is a difference between being yourself and not caring what others think to being a jerk. Being a jerk is not helpful!

How about some middle ground? Like don't let others decide how you feel about yourself but still be a cool person?

I like being a "charming" person. I don't mean "people pleasing" I mean I like to make others feel good, to give to them. It just makes the day nicer, sweeter and creates better relationships.
People in general like loud talkers, and people who voice opinions and make a fuss about things. The reason is that you are somebody who creates activity and noise, and in the modern world we crave activity, and despise silence.

Introverted and shy people, depressed people, are despised in the modern world because we don't create noise and are thought of as dull and boring, and the impression that others have is that we think of ourselves as above "the mob" of humans and don't want anything to do with them.

In my case, I have to say, their impression is correct.
So you enjoy acting like a sardonic snot?

I think as long as you don't habitually exchange with select people this way or go completely out of your way to put on your little persona, I think people could otherwise deal with it.

Some context is really needed. It is possible to be blunt in a tactful and least derogatory way
I see a "**** it" attitude being more common (it is what it is) than a "**** you" attitude.
"It is what it is..." is less confrontational and still gets the point across.
I don't care what anyone thinks of me so I am sort of this way all the time. I don't intentionally be mean to people or anything, but if you ask me something I will tell you how I feel and what's on my mind. It seems that the older I get the more of a **** you attitude I have towards... the world, lol. Not sure if I am becoming misanthropic or if it's just the fact that I am naturally introverted and mostly a loner.
There are two me's. There is the socially acceptable nice guy that I wear as a necessity. Then, there is the real me. He's a pretty wicked ************. Mostly, he keeps to himself. Few have the depth of perception to discern the figure behind the facade. Of those that do, most draw my hatred while a few draw my love. In answer to your original question, no, I do not act like an ******* most days because I am incapable of a partial commitment to that demeanor. When I'm an *******, it is done in a grandiose fashion. So, instead, I sit on the sidelines and watch the little boys act like tough guys, just enough to draw the admiration of their peers and the infatuation of the ladies. It is what it is...
I think I flip flop a lot between my moods, there's days where I'm very caring towards others and other days I just get so stressed out and every little thing seems to bother me and I blow up on people which I end up feeling horrible in the end whenever I do this. Truly hate whenever I do this, cause I'm usually not the type of person to just be mean towards anyone. It's very exhausting and I realize I just need breaks away from everything where I can do my own thing. Give myself a timeout so I can collect my thoughts and get myself back on track. Think this is completely normal and a lot of people go through this. We all have our limits and we all get angry at some point in our lives.

Whenever I hurt someone's feelings which hardly happens, I usually explain to them that I'm not completely myself and I tell them that I need to go so I can gather up my thoughts. In the end there very understanding yet still hurt by what happened but I try not to make it a habit. Whenever I feel grouchy I usually tell them I'm not feeling the best and that I need to go and they understand right away.
Most of the time, because in my experience, people are boring idiots with nothing even remotely exciting to offer the rest of the world.
Sometimes I feel like this, having that **** you attitude especially when I feel betrayed or frustrated with life but even so, I don't feel its right to take out my frustration or anger out at someone if they weren't the cause of me having this attitude at times.

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