Well... I have to admit that one of my greater faults is that I am biased against stupid people... I see a stupid person and I just assume that they are stupid. lol.
But seriously, I am not friends with downright stupid people. Some of my friends are unbelievably innocent and naive, but they aren't stupid. I can't handle being around stupid people, they piss me off. I try to be more tolerant, but I can't help it.
I know I often feel anger and hateful towards stupid people, I know I should try and be more tolerant. I mean no one is tottally stupid, a lot of people are just very blonde and disty or have stupid moments when your brain can't seem to get things to conncet which we've all had that problem.
But Is it someones fault for being an idiot? a lot of times I forget to put the I in and i spell it idot, then i look lik an idot, hehe
I mean some people are REALLY REALLY stupid at geography, whenever i go somewhere out of the Florida or in the south Applilation people are really stupid and I tell them I'm from Iowa and they have no idea that is they're like is that near the pacific, do you guys have mountains? And I'm like no of course not we aren't even near the ocean or the mountains.
And when britiney spears said, yes I go to many overseas places like canada.
hello would it kill you guys to look at an atlas, well I guess they're all too busy shopping and sunbathing.
Some forms of idoicy can be cured by reading a book or basic school, some forms may be another story.
and Yayy! for passive agressiveness the only form of agression I'm not way to much of a chicken or have a lack of backbone to perform.
My favorite is mean sarcastic jokes that have a hint of not being entirely sarcastic
but ya I feel to guilty if i snub someone for being an idiot, so I ussally try to at least act interested and humor them. But I think having a kind heart is more important than brains beauty or talent, through we all want the later.