Tell us five random things about yourself...

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1. Ditto
2. Once for me. Is this because of lifestyle choices, sickness, or just wrong place wrong time?
3. Im so far from smart I don't know anything unless its about me.
4. Why him?
5. That's really cool. Did you use different materials to compare the differences?
4: He was smarter than me.
5: Different materials, different shapes, different sizes. Different airfoils. It is incredible how many ways one can make a stick fly.
If I didn't have to fit in with the timings of my job I would probably be nocturnal.

When I was a kid, I once broke my arm while in hospital of all places. Fell off the bed while climbing down to go get my tea. Never did get any tea that night and ended up the following morning with a new plaster jacket on, (the reason I was in hospital in the first place) and a cast on my arm.

I've been in the cockpit of a 747 mid-flight (prior to them stopping that sort of thing) and it was pretty amazing to see out of the windows and thunder storm below.

I have one sugar in a cup of tea but two sugars in a cup of coffee.

I'm a really quiet person, I keep myself to myself and just get on with things. I've always keep my emotions hidden and while it has served me well in the past, it seems to have it's downfalls in later life.
1. I talk to myself literally all day long.
2. I've seen Joan Baez in concert three times.
3. I'm 43 and I still have my teddy bear from childhood. He has his place next to my pillow, and he goes on every single vacation with me. That bear has been to the Maldives three times. Ridiculous. 🤣
4. I'm a native German, but I prefer the English language in literally every aspect. I even pick English sports commentary over German if both are available. It's been like that for 20+ years.
5. I used to write poetry.
1. I can name all the US presidents in order from 1 to 47
2. I used to know all the state capitols in the same manner as (1), but now I might miss 2 or 3
3. I've never had a girlfriend or even so much as been on a date
4. I've eaten raw, freshly killed octopus with the legs still squiggling
5. My first car was a used 1978 Chrysler Cordoba with rich corinthian leather - it got about 8 miles to the gallon
5 random things... hmmm... well...

1. I am extremely shy, I blush when ordering pizza, I stumble when someone sees me, I get dizzy when I have to speak in front of other people.
2. I'm half introvert, half extrovert. I have days when I feel like sharing my every thought and days when I am being completely silent.
3. I get the permanent sensation that I'm supposed to do something but I do not know what that is. So I do many things, hoping one day I'd end up doing what I was meant to do.
4. I've been listening to electronic music a lot lately, it's relaxing.
5. I gave my ukulele away and now I miss it.
This ought to be fun...
  1. I can type as fast as I talk, which is pretty fast.
  2. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
  3. I'm self-validated and don't care what the world thinks of me.
  4. I'm free-minded & free-spirited.
  5. I'm 100% my authentic self.

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