SophiaGrace said:
Sometimes I still hum, and, being at a Deaf school, I hear people make noises which are inarticulate, but, to me, translate into direct emotion. I have a friend who makes a particular noise which means he is thinking, and another who makes a certain sound when he is happy.
Those sounds somehow translate more directly into an emotion in ways that words can't and somehow, by proxy, they make me happy too. Like an inexplicable bubbly sort of joy happiness at knowing what they mean, while others may not.
This is beautiful
Hmm, my "story". Why not eh.
Born in Wales, some weeks early. Had some blood disease or something, was very ill and on life support. Also denied nutrients from mother's dodgy placenta. I have weak bones and **** teeth and inherited all the bad things from my family members, and my mother's content for it all.
Parents divorced when I was born; dad slept with my mum's best friend.
Had horrendous nightmares as a child. Recurring ones, sleep paralysis, night tremors, sleepwalking, really horrible dreams, every night. I'd even start hallucinating as soon as my mum said goodnight and walked out the door. I'd beg her not to leave as the "white lines of death" would get me. No, it wasn't a cocaine premonition, these white lines on my walls would start weaving like smoke all across my ceiling and make their way into my mouth and nose and trap me. I feared going to sleep every single night, even just going to bed brought about such feelings of anxiety and terror.
Life was boring and uneventful until I was about 8 years old. Had my first girlfriend. We would go to private areas in the school playground and kiss at lunchtime. We'd write each other love letters. We'd hang out after school too. I was discovering the joys of good music at this time, stealing my older sister's tapes... Nirvana, Metallica, Pearl Jam etc. I don't think my girlfriend's parents appreciated their daughter coming home and blasting Nirvana's "Rape Me" at 8 years old. My bad influence.
She had to move away. We wrote each other every week... for a while. I think it was me that stopped writing. For the rest of my life I wondered when we would have contact again. Not every day of course, or week, month, maybe even year. But I never forgot her.
The nightmares continued, I started skateboarding. Well, first it was my sister's ****** hand-me-down rollerskates. Mother was poor and in rehab so I never had much, but I loved what I had. Dad wasn't much of a dad. I had a roof over my head but was left to come and go and I pleased.
Had Meningitis when I was 14. Very close to death there. Worst experience ever.
I got into raves and drugs when I was about 14/15. For the next 10 years or so I took copious amounts of pills... ecstacy, MDMA, LSD, mushrooms, speed, coke, ketamine, bass... and smoke SO MUCH weed. All day every day. Never went to school or college, just got the **** out of my head as much as I could.
Had a few intense relationships that always ended in tears. My own tears mostly. Had quite an abusive girlfriend who would hit me and sleep with other dudes, would take too many drugs at parties and I've have to care for her and make sure she didn't choke on her own vomit. She manufactured her own GHB and was addicted to it. Always overdosing on it to escape. We moved away together for a while, had a house. It didn't work out. 4 years I was with her.
I had started self harming by this time. Just scratches on the wrists, punching walls till my knuckles ripped and bled, giving myself black eyes, really beating the **** out of myself. I didn't like me at all. Over time, the cuts got worse. I started needing stitches, often turning up at A&E in the early hours. Started the medication/therapy route. Took a huge overdose, got put on a psychiatric ward, had a seizure and hit my head really hard. Was a retard for months, couldn't see properly, couldn't remember anything, couldn't eat, still had those ******* nightmares.
Meh, this is depressing, lol. Why am I only saying the bad things? Good things happened too. I don't know. That's my ****, anyway. Maybe some day I'll talk about the better things.