terry williams
thank you lovely people and admins for accepting me into the group, i am from london originally but now reside in wee bonny scotland lol, i have struggled to fit in anywhere i go i would say, due to crippling anxiety and ptsd, i am a mess, an emotional train wreck, i am also signed off work currently due to the mental health issues i mentioned, so that is a little bit about me, i am 40 yrs old, out of place, unwanted, a burden to everybody around about me, i have tried suicide twice but failed that too on both occasions (cant even get that correct), loneliness is a heavy burden i find, and i am here just looking for friends male or female to communicate with, and get to know, as i seriously dont have any irl, why are there so many lonely people ?, has social media prompted this ?, i just know i have never felt THIS alone before, thanks for having me guys/gals and accepting me here, much appreciated, i love you al, sounds cheesy i know, but i do, none of us should be this lonely, in an ideal world, i have been reading some of the threads on here having recently joined, and it is gut wrenching, my gp said to me recently loneliness is akin to a modern epidemic, and he encounters it more often from patients than ever before, in his time as a gp, i know that doesnt help us but just wanted to throw that out there, i feel loneliness that is thrust on us often says nothing about us as individuals, i can well believe what my gp said, maybe individualism has led us here, but anyhoos sorry for waffling, and thanks again you lovely people for accepting me into such a nice supportive safe space, peace and blessings, we got this