I'd rather die than use THAT amberella 
Ledia said:I just love you, my lady![]()
GraceBlossom said:I have brought back with me, some Whiskey, Rum, Vodka, Ouzo, Budweiser, Box of redwine, Gibger Ale, Lemonade, Dr.Pepper, and Diet Coke. Plus pizza, pancakes, Broiche, Pepperami's, Cheese and onion Walkers, Peanuts, more olives, more cherries, and a whopping Chochlate Gateux, oh and cocktail umbrellas. Dig in, if I have forgotten out get it yourself
ladyforsaken said:psst Ledia, I have it all recorded.![]()
Pass it over Lady
Right ok who has took my 50 Shades! Give it back now!
Garbageman said:I thought I saw Sigma disappear with it but I could be wrong.![]()
Ledia said:Scotsman said:Cheers man. I just used the empty whisky bottles.
Make sure to not drink it when u get drunk again.
Ok that was just gross.... Im awful xD
Ledia said:Sigma disappered. I wonder who kidnapped him.
Garbageman said:
Garbageman said:Just sitting here enjoying some lemonade with ginger ale mixed in. Mmmm delicious! Saving a glass for Grace.
Garbageman said:Here is another R&R to wash down the cheese and onion walkers, if Duffy shares.
Garbageman said:I like to refer to that as celebratory error, not dumb.What kind of tea and cake?
Ledia said:Tea and cake for everyone, for i passed my exams! Now i can proceed to a second year of torture! Mwahahahaah