The Ban Hut Thread

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*watches Gman's swift retreating back lol*

*flings Scotty a white frilly pinny* There you go, now you can protect your modesty, now hand over your cherries :D.
*read Grace's post while in the bathroom on phone* had to look up what a pinny was, so he would know what was going on out there. :D

Oh I see a Pinny, it just so happens I have one with me my sister made me for my BD. *comes out of bathroom wearing my pinny* as a show of support for Scotty.
^ haha :). I love it, is that really yours, or a random pic. If it is you, I am jealous of you figure grrr!
I just landed here, ty Grace for the kind invitation ;) ...i will try to figure out what this is all about hehe ;-P

GraceBlossom said:
^ haha :). I love it, is that really yours, or a random pic. If it is you, I am jealous of you figure grrr!

Its me, I cropped off the top part of me though. And thanks! She made me two, this is the more manly of the two, but I am more of a function kinda guy, so they both work. :)

Beckett said:
I just landed here, ty Grace for the kind invitation ;) ...i will try to figure out what this is all about hehe ;-P

Hey Beckett, welcome, long time no see. :)
Whatever happened to Edward? Did Ledia tape him up somewhere? And welcome Beckett. Make yourself feel at home. :)
Thank u too Gman and Lady :) ...i'm kinda lazy to read the whole 35 pages but maybe the very first post helps ;o)
You would have a nice laugh to yourself if you ever have the time to read the whole thread. Just saying. :p
ladyforsaken said:
Whatever happened to Edward? Did Ledia tape him up somewhere? And welcome Beckett. Make yourself feel at home. :)

Mee??? Noo! I'm innocent of all accusations till proven guilty :D

Hey there beckett, what's up?
* Wriggles free of tape whilst Ledia is distracted saying hi to Beckett *

* Heads to the shadows to get a drink *
It's not just because I dont have my eyes on you that I wouldnt know it when you move.
And since i'm in a bad mood you better Come.Back.Right.Now.

*stares at Edward*
Hehe Edward better do as she says :p

Hi beckett nice to see you :)

*eyes duff's sandwichs and crisps, licks her lips and starts sliding over again* :D
*in a sing song voice* Hi duff, wanna share?? :D
* Phone beeps - "Oooo - leaked map!" *

* Goes into world of his own - oblivious to all around, including Scotsmans fruity offerings *
*sniffs the air* mmmm fajita's, I think I will mix some magaritas to go with them.

Can I have a fajita Scotty, pretty please with a cherry on top :D
Hahaha. You definitely don't want a cherry on top and you know it. And why is Ledia sniffing around looking all mean and moody WITH MY DAMN SUNGLASSES ON!!!!!?

Edward!, bro!! You stole my glasses....for a girl. Pfft. I know you well enough to know you must've been under extreme duress.

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