Well-known member
*flips permanent markers out* here Gracie, have some. I'm going to draw some olives on Gman's forehead. What you gonna do?
GraceBlossom said:Hmmm... how about a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Tatoo...where shall I draw it..........Ledia....stop stealing Duffy's pant's there lol!
Garbageman said:Great! *Smiles a big grin* I had the strangest dream that you wanted to draw a Turtle on my heart, my actual heart, how weird is that?
Scotsman said:Where are my pants? And why am I wearing women's underwear...again?
Garbageman said:*finally wakes up* Oblivious to any graffiti that has been done. I do detect the sent of olives, it seems someone has been pelting me with olives. :/ mmm.
ladyforsaken said:psst Ledia, I have it all recorded.