Recently I was accused of providing "cookie cutter" responses in threads. The person is certainly entitled to their opinion and I bear no malice toward them for their comment. I actually don't know what they meant by the term, but it made me think about how we all see the world in slightly different ways due to all of our varied experiences and emotional states, and how an innocent comment can be taken many ways by different people. I think too often tones and emotions are read into some comments where none are meant, or presumptions and judgements are unnecessarily or unjustly made. Personally I don't like to infer any such thing unless it is made clear with certain words or emojis, otherwise I just read the words for what they are. I have a bit of an anxiety about my meaning or point being misunderstood because of things in my past and I try very hard to be clear with my words, even though I do have trouble at times articulating exactly what I want to put across and my vocabulary abilities elude me often when I need them. In fact, I get so anxious about being taken the wrong way that I often consider halting any further correspondence.
What do you think about the way you write your own words? Do you assume that everyone just understands what you're trying to say, that your words are clear, conveying the precise meaning you intend?
Edit - I have since looked up what a cookie-cutter response is and I guess my comments to people might be similar because what they post is similar to what others have said. I do try to individualise my responses where i can, but it depends on what they say. I'm certainly not implying that one solution fits all.
What do you think about the way you write your own words? Do you assume that everyone just understands what you're trying to say, that your words are clear, conveying the precise meaning you intend?
Edit - I have since looked up what a cookie-cutter response is and I guess my comments to people might be similar because what they post is similar to what others have said. I do try to individualise my responses where i can, but it depends on what they say. I'm certainly not implying that one solution fits all.
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