The cruelest things people have ever said to you

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Poguesy said:
ladyforsaken said:

Gosh reading this thread can be depressing... you guys are such nice people.

I've been told that I'm:
- "evil"
- "serving lucifer"
- "boring"
- "defiant"


I would say "serving Lucifer" is more complimentary than cruel.

Clearly whoever told you that is not a fan of some of the best music this world has seen. Haven't they read Good Omens? All those who serve the dark side are charming and have the best clothes.
My own mother was emotionally abusive and verbally abusive and would invalidate me constantly, as did my dad - I have a far better relationship with the both of them nowadays though.

From my parents: "You don't have any feelings", "I don't give a **** about your feelings or what you think", "you're opinion doesn't count". **** (I was 13 and a virgin when my dad called me a **** - he was in the middle of slapping me around screaming vileness, I'm still glad I punched him smack on the nose and broke it, he never called me "****" or any variant of it again after that because he realised I wasn't afraid of him and that I was a nihilist and didn't care if I lived or died (at the time this very accurately describes how I felt)), evil, bitch, stupid, clumsy oaf, worthless, too emotional/sensitive, both have threatened me with physical violence on numerous occasions, useless, psycho.

By others: bitch, stupid, fat (it was worse than this too, I know I've never been fat, but this amongst other things is why I make myself puke and starve - yeah, if you ever read this girls in college, this is your fault too), **** (again, I was a virgin), somebody once told me the only thing I should aspire to is being a prostitute, somebody who barely knew told me they hated me because I was unpopular and I said hi to them once (OMFG how stupid is this ****...), I was constantly invalidated and made fun of for my appearance (I didn't go out of my way to be "different" by any means), ugly, useless.

By my ex boyfriend: stupid, useless, I was invalidated a lot and made to feel like my feelings didn't matter by him too, psycho, bitch, psychotic, various stabs at my state of mental health, made to feel like I was going crazy, crazy, stubborn, "too skinny" (yes OK, sometimes he did worry about me/my health, but the last thing I want to hear with my ED is that I'm "too (much)" anything, skinny as I was it may not have been healthy but I was recovering and starting to like myself), "I don't like too skinny girls" (OK, go date somebody a dress size or 2 bigger then if I'm skinny and you don't like it for **** sake), "I mainly like blondes" (yeah, maybe I am too sensitive, but he knew how insecure I was after he cheated on me with some blonde girl and I did not need to hear that ****, it was unneccessary and again - if you prefer blondes, go find some blonde girl then for **** sake), horrible, bitchy, dense.

There's so much more but this is all I can think of right now... :/
Its sad that the closest people to us can hurt us the most, I bet your none of those things, sometimes people lash out at others as a result of being told those very things themselves
To my face I've been called a piece of ****, ugly, loser amongst other things

I've overheard people referring to me as retarded, that I have no head; latest example being the dentist after he thought I had left.

I overhear 'gross' a lot, it's about me rather than to me. One girl said "...he's so ugly you just want to kill him!" I'm clean and tidy, there's nothing to do about it. Women casually said these sorts of things as if they were talking about the weather.

At school I was teased mercilessly, particularly about going bald. I ended up skipping classes and hiding in empty classrooms during breaks. Funny now though since a good number of the guys are balding now. Told I'd never have any friends, laughed at that I would become a lonely psychopath. General hassling, it went on and on, and I suppose a lot of kids go through something like that though. There's worse but I can't go into it.
It feels like there's something wrong with the generation I grew up in, seems like there's such a high degree of arrogance in 'generation Y'. I'm honestly surprised by the apparent sincerity of people more than a few years my junior.

But the worst thing ever said was that I looked just like my father by one of his mates. Not intentionally insulting, but it had the biggest effect on me.
The worst thing I have ever been told was in 9th grade. Someone I considered a neutral, that is someone that didn't pick on me but also didn't talk to me, was sitting 1 seat behind me on the school bus. Out of the blue, they asked me, "Do you know what my goal in life is?" I answered, "no." They replied back, "It's to get you to kill yourself."
I don't really remember most of the cruel things that have been said to me. Like most people, I've been called various versions of fat, ugly, stupid, useless etc, but when I know that someone is trying to hurt me, then their words tend to have a lesser effect.

I guess the thing that had the biggest effect was when my ex-partner told me that living with me had been an absolute nightmare and that I wasn't the nice guy I thought I was. I knew she was just telling the truth as she saw it.
I dunno. Too many to list, and delving into those memories isn't something that seems very appealing, right now.

I guess my Mum constantly telling me I'm simply lazy and ignorant as opposed to not being able to leave my bedroom unless it's like 3AM and I'm 100% sure no one is active within 100 meters etc, maybe.

Though a little while back I applied for a Computer Science course at Uni, and it got declined for some reason - I think it was my email, to be honest, since I saw no reason to ever change it but it was created when I was small and thought..stuff like that was cool. Anyway my "wingman" for a couple of years wanted me and him to go Uni together and I thought he'd be sad, but nope. Just laughed, said "Oh well, guess you're not succeeding in life now, are you?" and that just drives the shrapnel of the sudden hopelessness even further into your heart, I guess.
Cruelest I don't know.
But most hurtful:

I love you (as a friend),
and you're bipolar (that one from an ex)

ladyforsaken said:

Gosh reading this thread can be depressing... you guys are such nice people.

I've been told that I'm:
- "evil"
- "serving lucifer"
- "boring"
- "defiant"


My god girl, you need an exorcism! Fear the holy cross! :)
That I am dead inside, that I can only find a way to exist by copying other peoples personal tastes and opinions, largely regarding music and clothing choice, as well as a hair length, by a self obssessed narcisstic prick who believed very much that they were the first to do everything within our little square of the Earth, and that anyone else even having similarities is just copying them to look better.

Said person once promised to make me a pen-drive filled with some bands I was interested in listening to, then recorded the conversation (via MSN..this was years ago) and sent it to friends trying to prove that I'm nothing but a copying ********. He didn't include his offer, and how humble I was at being offered music and a free pen-drive.

Generally his war against exposing me as copying him when I simply developed my own tastes based on ONE BAND WE SHARED TASTES FOR YEARS PRIOR etc. Well this is hard to explain.

It was a lot of cruelty, back then. A really good friend suddenly turning hostile for no reason, mocking you when you walked by, or hung with your still-friends who happened to be friends with him. Man, it sucked.

He'd also call everyone emo *******, dirty grebs, retard chavs etc, then loudly proclaim he doesn't label people when he in turn gets labeled.

BAH I'm reminiscing and musing about pointless stuff. Cruelness still stands, though. Might not of been ONE THING SAID but rather a COMBINED SPAM OF MANY THINGS ACROSS TWO YEARS but you get the gist.

My ex boyfriend telling me that no one could possibly love me, other than himself.
Whenever he insulted me, too many too name, lol!
I'm pretty thick skinned. I don't really care what people say about my looks and personality; I can't control either so my opinion about people disliking me is what they feel toward me is their problem not mine.

During a difficult time of my life, I had to put my daughter in foster care while I was in between homes. When I confessed that to my boyfriend, he called me selfish.
I don't know if he was trying to shame me - but all I felt was desolate betrayal. Not because I wanted his approval, but because I needed support experiencing the worst and all he did was make me realize that I lived a lie for years. Rubbing salt into my gaping wound.
My dad told me, in casual conversation about my life soon after I turned 22, that "all the other people you went to high school with are getting a 4 year degree in college right now." Despite him knowing extremely well all the problems I went through in my life and how I was still very much in a recovery phase at that point, not to mention having less than no idea of what I wanted to do with my life.

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