My own mother was emotionally abusive and verbally abusive and would invalidate me constantly, as did my dad - I have a far better relationship with the both of them nowadays though.
From my parents: "You don't have any feelings", "I don't give a **** about your feelings or what you think", "you're opinion doesn't count". **** (I was 13 and a virgin when my dad called me a **** - he was in the middle of slapping me around screaming vileness, I'm still glad I punched him smack on the nose and broke it, he never called me "****" or any variant of it again after that because he realised I wasn't afraid of him and that I was a nihilist and didn't care if I lived or died (at the time this very accurately describes how I felt)), evil, bitch, stupid, clumsy oaf, worthless, too emotional/sensitive, both have threatened me with physical violence on numerous occasions, useless, psycho.
By others: bitch, stupid, fat (it was worse than this too, I know I've never been fat, but this amongst other things is why I make myself puke and starve - yeah, if you ever read this girls in college, this is your fault too), **** (again, I was a virgin), somebody once told me the only thing I should aspire to is being a prostitute, somebody who barely knew told me they hated me because I was unpopular and I said hi to them once (OMFG how stupid is this ****...), I was constantly invalidated and made fun of for my appearance (I didn't go out of my way to be "different" by any means), ugly, useless.
By my ex boyfriend: stupid, useless, I was invalidated a lot and made to feel like my feelings didn't matter by him too, psycho, bitch, psychotic, various stabs at my state of mental health, made to feel like I was going crazy, crazy, stubborn, "too skinny" (yes OK, sometimes he did worry about me/my health, but the last thing I want to hear with my ED is that I'm "too (much)" anything, skinny as I was it may not have been healthy but I was recovering and starting to like myself), "I don't like too skinny girls" (OK, go date somebody a dress size or 2 bigger then if I'm skinny and you don't like it for **** sake), "I mainly like blondes" (yeah, maybe I am too sensitive, but he knew how insecure I was after he cheated on me with some blonde girl and I did not need to hear that ****, it was unneccessary and again - if you prefer blondes, go find some blonde girl then for **** sake), horrible, bitchy, dense.
There's so much more but this is all I can think of right now... :/