Ok, so i get that you have some illnesses that currently impair your ability to function…
And i know what you really want is to be able to function and that you dont have the motivation due to these illnesses
Sometimes the only answer, is to do something fully against our will in order to make a change.
And I get that you dont give a **** enough to care to even try and i get that its chemical…
But you already recognize that, so do it anyway, without giving a ****, and even though you don't want to, and even though it hurts your body and torchures your brain…
Because making the effort, is the only answer and nobody can provide any other answer because their isn't one.
The reality is that you do have to get up off the sofa, and you do have to make an appointment for therapy and you do have to get medicated.
And again, i get that you cant physically push yourself right now, but that doesn't mean that, this answer to do so is not the right one.
So, with that being said, yes, you are trapped, and i get that. And I think its ok so feel trapped and ok to stay trapped.. for a while, but at some point you have to go against your will.
If all you can do is think, then think about wanting to get better and think about the idea that maybe in the future you will make that choice to drag your body out against its will, not because you want to but because its the correct answer.
Come to terms with the reality that the right answer is going to hurt, its going to suck and its going to be traumatic at first, but it is the right answer and the only answer…
You do have to get up, against your will, with zero motivation, psychologically in pain, emotionally distraught, with trauma and tears in your eyes, and go get medicated and therapy… why?
Because there is no other way out, that is the answer, the only answer. You have a chemical imbalance and its not going to go away by itself.
Many of the things you are feeling, you might not even feel them as paralysing feelings if you actually treated the neurochemicals in your brain and brought them to a healthier state.
Our emotional perceptions are determined by our neurochemicals remember. And exhaustion and anhedonia come from dealing with traumatic emotional perceptions on a daily basis and consequently frying the adrenals with anxiety.
there is only one answer, nobody can tell you different
Stop drinking, get into AA or another program
Get medicated
Get therapy
And do it all Against your will and with all the pain and torchure of the experience
Why? because there is no other answer
Just do it.