The Mass Effect Thread

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so i played all 3 extended endings... MUCH better. you see what happens to your squad mates. you can find out what the catalyst is and where it came from. each ending gets explained in what it will do and how its possible. control was the best improved and the most interesting. i still think synthesis is the best and destroy is the worst. i never hated the endings originally, but the vague taste that they left in my mouth is gone.

the 4th refusal ending is... absolutely. *******. brilliant. like i said SO many times before, shepard was in no position to defy the catalyst. i think defying the catalyst shows that humanity wasnt ready. i think the same for destroy and the extended version only furthers that belief for me. i also cant help but think that its partially a middle finger/troll ending to all the "fans" that cried about not being able to defy the catalyst. its not what i would pick, but i loved it. bravo bioware.
this is from the first game. the planet klencory in the newton system of the kepler verge cluster.

"Klencory is famously claimed by the eccentric volus billionaire Kumun Shol. He claims that a vision of a higher being told him to seek on Klencory the "lost crypts of beings of light." These entities were supposedly created at the dawn of time to protect organic life from synthetic "machine devils."

kind of a mind **** isnt it? lol
im bored... and ive been thinking too much about this again, lol. when i really did though i came to the conclusion that organics brought this on themselves. its similar to what happened in the matrix. i watched all 3 matrix movies thinking the humans were the victims. then i watched the animatrix and realized that the humans mistreated the sentient machines they created, resulting in a war. in mass effect its the same. i played the EC and came to the same conclusion. organics create synthetics and then act paranoid and fearful of them for no reason. then despite that they thought it would be a good idea to create a synthetic and put it in charge of creating and maintaining peace between the two.

“The popular idea, fostered by comic strips and the cheaper forms of science fiction, that intelligent machines must be malevolent entities hostile to man, is so absurd that it is hardly worth wasting energy to refute it. Those who picture machines as active enemies are merely projecting their own aggressive[ness]. The higher the intelligence, the greater the degree of co-operativeness. If there is ever a war between men and machines, it is easy to guess who will start it.” – Arthur C. Clarke
so this is the first single player DLC. they say it will create a "rift" in the ending. i saw more supposed leaked dialogue found pertaining to this DLC and if that dialogue is true then the catalyst, the reapers, and the cycle are all the result of organics doing what they always do while making an INCREDIBLY stupid decision. we shall see what this DLC reveals.

it supposed to open a new hub area up in the citadel and be about exploration. it should be about 3 hours long, a little more if you are the type to explore. im most excited to see what the "rift" will be that its supposed to add to the ending. supposedly there will be new/alternate dialogue with the catalyst based on "leaked" info people have found.
Just give me some DLC with Shep and a Batarian stuck behind enemy lines, having to overcome their differences and forgive the past to escape and I'll be a happy little space hamster. Here is one of the many I've submitted to Bioware Confessions:


Oh and how about this...

leviathan spoilers below!!!

so i played it. basically we hear exactly what the catalyst told us already, oly now its from the mouths of the race that created it. the catalyst is just a glorified tool that is stuck doing what it was created to do. the leviathan race sounds similar to the thorian creature from feros in the first game. it lives a LONG time and has watched us "lesser" life. in doing so the leviathan "recognized" the conflict between organics and synthetics and STILL decided to create a synthetic to solve the problem. for being an apex race... they single handedly made the dumbest decision in the history of life which resulted in all of this happening. the little extra bit of dialogue it adds to the extended cut dialogue with the catalyst doesnt change anything. it just reinforces that the catalyst is not lying, like SO many people insisted. again, its a construct... a machine. its doing what it was created to do and it doesnt know anything else. having played this it did not change my opinion about anything. i still think the galaxy needs to be changed, that synthesis needs to happen. the cycle needs to stop and i just cant see contributing to the ignorance and stupidity of the organic/synthetic conflict by continuing it.
I haven’t seen the endings with the Leviathan DLC installed so I could be wrong but from what I understood the Leviathans were around since the dawn of time and were basically the big boys of the galaxy, being worshiped by lesser species who paid the Leviathans tributes for being so awesome.

Alas some of those lesser species decided to go to war with each other and ended up killing each other off. As Leviathan said, dead species pay no tributes and feeling pissed that their worship-meter was dropping they invented the Reapers who’s job was to stop all these lesser species from killing each other so the tributes would keep coming in. The Reapers were given the simple objective to preserve life which they interpreted as “when the lesser species get too big for their boots, kill them all off but preserve some of the good bits” and like machines they carried this out with cold hard logic.

However in the true nature of the galaxy synthetics turn on their creators so too did the Reapers turn on the Leviathans. The problem now though is that even with all the Reapers dead the galaxy is still going to have a gang of power hungry Leviathans wanting to take the throne again.

Or am I wrong?
ill have to watch the conversation again but what i got out of it was that it was more like they watched over the galaxy. the leviathan said something about being above the concerns of the lesser species. that sounds like the lesser species were possibly even unaware of the leviathans presence. it seemed like it ended up being more specifically about the organics/synthetic conflict. the leviathan recognized that conflict and despite that they still created a synthetic to solve the conflict. the way that i take that is... they are very flawed like the rest of organics for the exact same reasons. they want to control everything. this entire thing is the result of organics making a very dumb decision. the cycle and the catalyst/reapers are just the result of the original organic/synthetic conflict. then the catalyst basically rebelled against its organic creators like most enslaved synthetics do. thats the real problem with life in the galaxy.
I LOVE this game! This summer, a person on Facebook told me about this game and I just had to get it. I don't own an Xbox, only a PS3, so I got the second one in the series... I've played it three times so far, working on my fourth time. ^_^
What I'm trying to do is get everyone in my crew through the last mission alive. I keep losing two people, but finally found a good walk-through online to tell me what I'm doing wrong. It seems I didn't have my Paragon status maxed. Oops. Therefore, when it came to the fight between Miranda and Jack, I was force to choose between the two in the argument, instead of a compromise, like I did with Tali and Legion. So, on the fourth play-through, I'll get it right. ;^_^

Is it evil that I love Mordin in my group, because he sets enemies on fire? Hmm... ;o_o
Yeah, I love Zaeed! Though, he dies too quickly in battles, it's annoying. LOL!
Just finished Mass Effect 3. Loved it. I liked 2 a lil better because it was more relaxed, but 3 was more intense on purpose, being the climax.
i recently started playing the mass effect 3 co-op again and now that there are so many characters and weapons to unlock as well as challenges to complete i am completely hooked. i love playing as random species like the vorcha and batarians. and the geth especially.

and believe it or not i am still having debates about the ending and overall story about organics and synthetics with people. i think the EC and the leviathan DLC along with what that added to the actual ending dialogue set up and explained everything for the most part. unfortunately i think that the new information kind of steered the story in a direction that attempts to make one of the choices seem like the "right" choice. either way i have come to officially know what my choice is based on what ive seen and i think that overall its a great and complex story. im curious to see where they go with it. though i doubt it will be traditional sequel due to the vastly different ending choices available. and it sucks that two of the founding members of bioware have left the studio. the fact that they said things like "making video games just isnt what it used to be" makes me think that a combination of EA now running things and what i think was for the most part a gross overreaction to the ending by the "fans" makes me believe that this is what pushed them to leaving. i just hope that all of this doesnt hurt the mass effect series and the amazing universe it has established too much.
Submit your ideas for Mass Effect 4 now as Bioware are listening to fan suggestions. As a side game, not a full-blown sequel, I’d love a Mass Effect RTS.

Online I’m rocking the Batarian and Vorcha soldiers, I haven’t spent too much time with the Geth engineer and I wish I could unlock the Volus and Krogan. My last few games were rather frustrating though as two players spent the entire game camping in one position and hardly lent a hand to the rest of us. Its really annoying when you need a revive but your teammate, stood right next to you, refuses to leave his spot.
i want to get the machine mastery banner since i love the quarians and geth. i need to unlock one of the quarian engineers, the geth engineer, or the geth soldier and then do 200 waves with one one of them and i will have it. but the game refuses to give me one of those characters!!!! and engineer is my favorite class at that!!!! :p

as for ideas for ME4, i think prequels are a much better idea. attempting to do something that addresses all 3 of the vastly different endings seems next to impossible to me. the only thing i can think of is that it would have to take place SIGNIFICANTLY in the future and say that if the player didnt choose synthesis, that it slowly happened on its own over the course of time at some point down the road. and while i prefer the synthesis ending as my choice, i dont like the idea of one ending technically being the "right" ending. i think a sequel is asking for more backlash, even if the original backlash was mostly unwarranted. i cant help but feel like its asking for trouble.

as for prequels i think an obvious choice would be playing garrus as archangel on omega. or they could use one of the many wars like the first contact war, the geth war, the rachni wars, or the krogan rebellions. or they could do an origins game that has several origin stories for several of the characters from the original series. like the events that lead thane to be disconnected from his family. jacks incarceration at the hands of cerberus, her escape, and watch she did immediately after that. legion following shepard around to the places he had been in his attempt to look for him so the geth could join the fight. it could be called mass effect origins.

and then i have this idea of playing as a quarian on his/her pilgrimage during the events of the original series leading up to the recalling of pilgrimages in ME3 and ending with your character helping with the resolution of the quarian/geth conflict in ME3. this could bring the series back to the exploration that it had in the first game while also directly referencing the choices the player made during the series through the import feature. i know that will never happen though. unless its playing garrus as archangel on omega there is like a 99.98689% chance that whatever character we play will be human.

to be honest id like to see the majority of that stuff as animated movies. which brings me to mass effect paragon lost. anyone seen the trailer yet?


i think its odd that they picked james of all characters to do a movie of. and even then it seems like it would have made more sense to release this before ME3 so that when we first met james in ME3 we would have already known what hes been through. maybe i would have appreciated his character more if they had done it that way. as it is now he was pretty much the comic relief for me. either way, im excited about there being any sort of mass effect animated movie and i will be getting this.
anyone else getting the omega DLC for mass effect 3 on tuesday? they say its twice the size of any other mass effect DLC and the quality they were aiming for is that of the shadow broker DLC from mass effect 2. it will show us the first female turian(outside of the comics) and will feature aria t'loak being a badass. i cant say no to that.

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