the most precious item you have in your possession

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My son's baby blanket and cap, since they are the only things I have that were ever wrapped around him while he was here with me.
cheaptrickfan said:
My son's baby blanket and cap, since they are the only things I have that were ever wrapped around him while he was here with me.

In sheer monetary terms, my car.

In terms of possessions... I like all my stuff too much to throw it out. It all means something to me. By that definition all and none of it is precious.

My camera, when I do my "pretending to be a reasonable photographer" thing, makes me more confident, more likely to go places I wouldn't have before just to get a good picture. I might speak to people I wouldn't otherwise speak to.

My computer keeps me in touch with almost everyone I know. Far more so than my phone. If it weren't for my computer I'd either feel far lonelier, or I'd be out there having a life. Maybe I should try it some day.

I don't really own many special things. You would have to fight me to the death to get me to part with my books. Stacks and stacks of books.
My hard drives, I suppose. My wedding rings are close behind though -- once I thought I'd accidentally thrown out my gold band, and I had thrown the trash into one of those big outdoor dumpsters that smells truly horrid. Yeah, I went looking for it.
A thimble. Representing a kiss, Peter Pan-style.

Cheesy as hell, but it was from a girl who pretty much told me she loved me a while back (before my ex)... and I basically told her that I wasn't ready. And then I met my ex and... well, things went from there. -_-

The girl moved away and I haven't seen her since.

I miss her and that thimble is probably my most prized, precious possession.

My Acoustic Guitar (Need power for an electric, not always their) Without it i'd be lost.

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