Well-known member
Penisfield [Cloverfield]
The Day the Penis Stood Still [The Day the Earth Stood Still]
March of the Penis [March of the Penguins]
The Penis King [The Lion King]
Penis the Fockers [Meet the Fockers]
The Penisshank Redemption [The Shawshank Redemption]
Saving Penis Ryan [Saving Private Ryan]
Penis at the Gates [Enemy at the Gates]
Penis Begins [Batman Begins]
Monty Penis and the Holy Penis [Monty Python and the Holy Grail]
2001: A Penis Odyssey [2001: A Space Odyssey]
Mighty Morphin Penis Rangers [Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]
The Silence of the Penis [The Silence of the Lambs]
Penis Rising [Hannibal Rising]
Eight Legged Penis (alternatively, Eight Penised Freaks) [Eight Legged Freaks]
Arachnopenisa [Arachnophobia]
Penis and Peniser [Dumb and Dumber]
Pulp Penis [Pulp Fiction]
Penis Day After Tomorrow [The Day After Tomorrow]
Man, I could do this all day. Which is actually rather sad but I'll stop now.
The Day the Penis Stood Still [The Day the Earth Stood Still]
March of the Penis [March of the Penguins]
The Penis King [The Lion King]
Penis the Fockers [Meet the Fockers]
The Penisshank Redemption [The Shawshank Redemption]
Saving Penis Ryan [Saving Private Ryan]
Penis at the Gates [Enemy at the Gates]
Penis Begins [Batman Begins]
Monty Penis and the Holy Penis [Monty Python and the Holy Grail]
2001: A Penis Odyssey [2001: A Space Odyssey]
Mighty Morphin Penis Rangers [Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]
The Silence of the Penis [The Silence of the Lambs]
Penis Rising [Hannibal Rising]
Eight Legged Penis (alternatively, Eight Penised Freaks) [Eight Legged Freaks]
Arachnopenisa [Arachnophobia]
Penis and Peniser [Dumb and Dumber]
Pulp Penis [Pulp Fiction]
Penis Day After Tomorrow [The Day After Tomorrow]
Man, I could do this all day. Which is actually rather sad but I'll stop now.