Skorian said:Here is how I would look at it. First you have to assume he is the only one nearby with this cure. Then you have to wonder how well to do this druggest is. Obviously he is already criminal/evil. If he is already taking more then his fair share from society and has far more then he
needs, then steal away. Since really he is already a thief himself, only his thievery is legal and yours won't be. Going to jail is a small price to pay for saving the life of a loved one.
Can you really assume the druggist is evil or criminal? I mean yes he is unreasonable and greedy but doesn't he have the right to charge what price he deems fit regardless of circumstances such as life and death? Going with the notion that the druggist is a thief, does him being a thief justify Heinz's action of stealing from him? Do two wrongs make a right or does an eye for an eye make the whole world blind?
Skorian said:It's not really a moral issue. It's sort of like defending yourself from someone who is trying to kill you.
I think it's the epitome of a moral issue, in fact I would go so far as to say that every decision you make calls some morality into question. Defending yourself from someone trying to kill you, you have to make the moral decision to hurt someone and decide if you are justified in doing that
All that being said I do agree with a lot of what you are saying
Skorian said:It basically comes down to a cartel or mob of well to do individuals getting into a high possition and then setting the laws to protect them from the greater majority of society. In a perfect world those people could just get together and take and equally distribute what really was taken from them in the first place. The tiny minority of uber wealthy wouldn't be able to do diddly if people could geninely work together. Since it is the people and not they that run everything.
Would you consider yourself a socialist? It sounds like your reading straight out of Marx
But I do know some things about liberalism and I'll use some of it's basic points to counter your argument. Please note that I don't agree with some of the principles of capitalism, I'm just playing the devil's advocate for the sake of discussion.
Your saying is that everyone should be equal? But the reality of the world is that there is a natural inequality of talent, industry and reason. This inequality of faculties results in class separation which is entirely natural, how it always has been.. Human nature will always dictate this inequality. We've built our government around this system of inequality, capitalism supports economic inequality. Why should we go against human nature and try to make everyone unnaturally equal? Shouldn't we have a survival of the fittest kind of mentality?
Skorian said:In a sane world people like Bill Gates would have the majority of his wealth taken away from him and evenly distributed to the general population. It is just insane that people are allowed to have so much when others are outright starving. What the hell do they need it for? To burn in case they get cold?
Doesn't Bill Gates have the right to accrue wealth as he pursues happiness? And the fact that he is justified in accruing this wealth overwhelms any consequence of him having that wealth. He earned it and should have the right to use it as he sees fit, why should he not?
Skorian said:We all live such short lives that really it makes no sense to really believe we truely own anything. Really it is just borrowing and everything is owned by society as a whole. Since everything comes from society in the first place. No one can gain anything without the rest of society being there and really when you get far more then your neighbor it's often because you were more exploitive of others.
We do own things. If I walk through the forest and pick up an apple, that apple is mine because I mixed my labor with it when I removed it from it's state of nature and since my labor is mine, the apple is mine. If I work tirelessly to raise a cow, I feed it, I milk it and take care of it entirely by myself, when it comes time to slaughter the cow, why should I share my meat with the rest of society when society didn't do a damn thing?
Skorian said:Really the only moral argument is what is of benifit to society and what is not. That which if not of benifit is immoral and that which is isn't immoral. The problem though is who decides which is which.
What if that society is "bad"? Was what benefited Nazi Germany moral because it benefited their society? On that logic, no one could go against the society or else we could instantly say they are immoral, which completely stifles any positive changes to the society and completely abolishes our right to make our own moral decisions, we would simply refer to the society to see if it is moral or not, our own opinions wouldn't matter.
I hope you argue with me about the principles of liberalism, I really do hate them so much they are so cruel and selfish...
SadRabbit said:Life is like a box of ****. No matter which one you open, it's still ****.
Yep basically just yep,lol