Well-known member
Bluey said:Well I think the meaning of life is different for everyone of us. We all have our own personal reasons for visiting this forum like we all have our own personal spiritual reasons for visiting this plane we live on called life.
I think this is true also. Life is like a blank canvas. It has no meaning, except for what we give it. So what meaning do we give life? I believe it is in our heart and one has to follow that to find thier meaning. It is not easy sometimes.
Bluey said:For the rest of us that live on for a lot longer then we have moor to learn in this world. maybe not moor just maybe that we have not yet learned what we need to. This can be to feel love or to fined out how to love. This why some ppl are good at something and other ppl not so good at other things.
It could be that you come here not with the intention to self better but you come here with a purpose to help some another spirit here. Again I think just like we visit any place here in this world or even in cyberspace we do the same spiritually as well.
I believe too, that in this life we all have lessons to learn. Sometimes we have to keep repeating those lessons of life until they sink in and we are ready to move on. We are all on different levels of learning. Hopefully, we learn from our experience and move forward.
You know, Bluey, I am not the person I was five years ago. None of are. And 10 years down the road, I know I will not be this person who I am now. I will have changed. Hopefully, for the better. The beauty of that is that we can look past where a person is at in thier life right now; and believe in what they can become. A person may be stuck in a place in thier life, but, they are not fixed in it- unless they choose to be. Then unfortunately for them, they get stuck repeating the same lessons over and over.
I think that is where the helping part comes in
Bluey said:This why its an imposable thing to answer.
I dunnoh, Bluey. I saw some really good answers here