7.3. Milankovitch Cycles
The Serbian astrophysicist Milutin Milankovitch (1879-1958) developed a mathematical theory (published
in 1941) of climate based on seasonal and latitudinal variations of solar radiation received by the Earth. He
recognised that changes in three of the Earth’s orbital parameters, precession, obliquity and eccentricity
(Fig. 1) controlled the insolation (INcident SOLar radiATION) received at different latitudes on the Earth.
The Earth rotates around the Sun in an elliptical orbit; it receives the most inoslation at its closest approach
to the Sun (perihelion, currently the 3rd January) and least at its greatest distance from the Sun (aphelion,
currently the 4th July).
Precession Cycle. This is the rotation of the Earth’s axis, similar to that seen in a spinning top. This alters
the dates of perihelion and aphelion, and therefore increases the seasonal contrast in one hemisphere, while
decreasing it in the other. The precession cycle has two periods, 19,000 and 23,000 years, giving a mean
value of about 21,000 yrs.
Obliquity Cycle. This relates to the axial tilt of the Earth, which varies from 22.1 to 24.5º. As the angle of
tilt increase, the seasonal contrast increases such that winters are colder and summers warmer. Currently
the tilt is 23.5º. The obiquity cycle has periods of 39,000 yrs and 43,000 yrs giving a mean period of about
41,000 yrs.
Eccentricity Cycle. The Earth’s orbit varies from being highly elliptical (high eccentricity) to nearly
circular (low eccentricity). At present the difference is only about 3%, and this results in a difference of
about 6% of insolation from perihelion to aphelion. At high eccentricity, the difference in insolation would
be 20-30%. The eccentricity has several periods, the most important being the short eccentricity of mean
100,000 yrs (with periods near 97,000 yrs and 127,000 yrs) and the long eccentricity of 400,000 yrs.
Obliquity Eccentricity
Figure 1. The Milankovitch cycles
These cycles change the insolation received by the Earth. Consequently they have a strong influence on the
Earth’s climate, including a major control on glaciations. During the last 600,000 yrs, glaciations have been
modulated by the eccentricity and precession cycles, whereas before this (Oligocene to early Pleistocene)
the obliquity cycle was dominant.
The periods of the precession and obliquity cycles depend on the Earth’s rotation rate and the distance of
the Moon (the period of the eccentricity cycles depends on the planetary orbits, and is essentially constant).
In the Late Cretaceous, the precession period is calculated to have been 2% shorter (20,800 yrs), and the
obliquity period 4.5% shorter (39,400 yrs).
7.4. Event Beds
Event beds occur in sedimentary successions and relate to a single event. Such events might include a
turbidite, a storm or an ash band (or bentonite) related to a volcanic eruption. Event beds, such as ash
bands, may be very widely distributed and if they can be correlated, they make excellent time lines.
8.1. Seismograms
The science of seismic stratigraphy was developed in the 1960s by oil companies to locate oil reserves in
deep, unexplored basins both offshore and on land. Seismic reflections are generated from physical layers
in the subsurface (such as beds). Seismic reflection surveys create seismograms which rather than have a
vertical depth axis, have a two-way travel time axis. On seismograms, four basic types of reflection
configurations can be recognised: parallel patterns, divergent configurations, prograding reflection
configurations and chaotic reflection patterns (Fig. 2).
Parallel Divergent Prograding Chaotic
Figure 2. Basic seismic reflection configurations
8.2. Clinoforms
The prograding reflection configurations represent clinoforms. The term clinoform was introduced by Rich
in 1951 to describe the sloping surface extending from wave base down to the generally flat floor of the
water body.
8.3. Seismic Sequence Analysis
Seismic sequence analysis is the method of the identification of reflection ‘packages’ defined by
discontinuity surfaces. Two types of surface are recognised: erosional unconformities (sequence
boundaries) and downlap surfaces. These surfaces can be identified by examining the systematic patterns of
seismic reflections. Two main patterns are recognised above surfaces downlap and onlap surfaces (Fig. 3).
Onlap surface (sequence boudary)
Downlap surface
Onlap surface (sequence boudary)
Figure 3. Schematic downlap and onlap surfaces
Seismic sequence analysis involves the following steps.
i. Identifying onlap and downlap surfaces on a seismogram.
ii. Extrapolating these boundaries across the complete section.
iii. Repeating the process in other parts of the basin to create a three-dimensional framework of
seismic sequences.
iv. Determining the spatial relationships of each sequence to its neighbouring sequences.
With more detailed seismograms and the application of the principles developed in seismic stratigraphy to
outcrops, the discipline of sequence stratigraphy was developed.
9.1. Basic Concepts
Sequence stratigraphy is based on the premise that ‘the stratigraphic record contains a strong signal
related to fluctuations in (relative) sea level’ during deposition.
The ideas were developed initially by the Exxon Production Company from analysis of seismic data and
evolved into the concept of “Seismic Startigraphy”. These ideas have now been refined and can be applied
to surface geology and integrated with borehole and seismic data.
Sequence stratigraphy works by recognising ‘key surfaces’ (regional scale erosion surfaces and
transgressive surfaces) which have ‘chronostratigraphic significance’. Once key surfaces are recognised,
sediment stacking patterns can be used to determine depositional patterns and systems tracts.
Note that sequence stratigraphy is not a replacement for facies analysis, but should be an integral part of
9.2. Accomodation Space
The accomodation space is the space made available for sediment accumulation by relative sea-level
fluctuations. The amount of accommodation space created (or lost) is dependent on eustatic sea level (e.g.,
driven by glacioeustacy, changes in spreading rates at mid oceanic ridges), tectonics and subsidence. The
amount of accommodation space created or destroyed, together with the amount of sediment supplied,
controls the stratal geometries that can form.
Subsidence can result from various mechanisms:
(i) crustal thinning due to stretching, erosion during uplift and magmatic withdrawl;
(ii) thickening of mantle lithosphere (heavy) during cooling;
(iii) loading of crust and lithosphere by (a) deposition of sediments and volcanics, (b) tectonic thrusting, or
(c) underthrusting of dense lithosphere;
(iv) dynamic affects of lithospheric flow (e.g., descent of subducted lithosphere);
(v) crustal densification (mineral transformation due to changing P/T conditions or high level
emplacement of dense magma).
In passive (tectonically inactive) margins, where sequence stratigraphy was developed, the main
mechanism driving subsidence is the loading of the crust by the deposition of sediments. Because of the
wedge-shaped geometry of sediments that accumulates (sea below), this creates a hinge point situated on
the landward side of the coastal plain.
9.3. Sequences
The basic stratigraphic unit of sequence stratigraphy is the sequence. A sequence is “a relatively
conformable, genetically related succession of strata bounded by erosional unconformities and their
correlative conformities. The sequence is composed of system tracts and is interpreted to have been
deposited between falling sea level inflection points on a curve of relative sea level” (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Eustatic sea-level cycle
A sequence boundary represents “A regional scale surface of subaerial eroison and emergence
associated with stream juvenation leading to incision and a basinward shift of facies”.
It represents an erosional unconformity and an Onlap Surface.
Sequence Boundaries. The base of a sequence is defined by a sequence boundary which is interpreted to
form at the falling inflexion point of the sea-level curve. Two types of sequence are recognised: type I and
type II sequence boundaries.
Seaward-inclined laminae
Trough cross-bedded
Proximal storm beds with
mudstone interbeds
Burrowedmudstones with
distal storm beds
Transition zone
Marine flooding surface
Figure 5. Siliciclastic parasequence (progradational shoreface): Thickness – metres to tens of metres
Type I Sequence Boundary. A type I sequence boundary forms when the rate of eustatic sea level fall
exceeds the rate of basin subsidence at the depositional-shoreline break. This represents a relative fall in
sea level at the depositional-shoreline break. Coastal onlap occurs seaward of the depositional-shoreline
Type II Sequence Boundary. A type II sequence boundary forms when the rate of eustatic sea level fall is
less than the rate of basin subsidence at the depositional-shoreline break. This results in coastal onlap
landwards of the depositional-shoreline break. There is no relative fall in sea level at the
depoistional-shoreline break.
Well-log location
Coastal Plain Marine Sandstones Marine Mudstones
Figure 6. Stacking patterns of parasequences to form parasequence sets
9.4. Parasequences and Parasequence Sets
These are the building blocks of sequences. A parasequence is a relatively conformable succession of
genetically related beds or bedsets bounded by marine flooding surfaces (surfaces across which there is an
abrupt increase in water depth and minor submarine erosion). All siliciclastic parasequences are
progradational (Fig. 6).
Parasequence sets are stacks of parasequences separated by major flooding surfaces (Fig. 6). Parasequence
sets can be (i) progradational (outbuilding), (ii) aggradational, or (iii) retrogradational (back-stepping). It is
the stacking patterns of parasequence sets that enable the recognition of systems tracts.
9.5. Maximum Flooding Surface
This marks the change from retrogradational parasequence sets to aggradational/progradational
parasequence sets. It represents the most landward shift of depositional facies. It corresponds to a downlap
Condensed Section. This is the seaward correlative of the maximum flooding surface and represents
starved clastic deposition. It may be characterised by authigenic minerals such as glauconite and phosphate,
or by a concentration of fossils.
9.6. Depositional System and Systems Tracts
The depositional system is a three-dimensional assemblage of lithofacies. Three different systems tracts are
recognised (note that the lowstand systems tract is different in type I and type II sequences):
Lowstands Systems Tract - LST
Transgressive Systems Tract - TST
Highstand Systems Tract - HST
9.7. Type I Sequence (Fig. 7)
This is a sequence that is deposited above a type I sequence boundary.
Lowstand Systems Tract (LST). This has three parts.
• Basin Floor Fan (Low Stand Fan - LSF) - a submarine fan system. This is characterised by fluvial
valley incision on the shelf (incised valley formation), erosion of canyons on the slope (i.e., sediment
bypass), and deposition of turbidites (and associated facies) on the fan.
• Slope Fan (turbidites and/or debris flows). Either a feeder channel for the basin floor fan or associated
with the lower part of the Lowstand Wedge. The base is a downlap surface.
• Lowstand Wedge. Incised valley fills; progradational/ aggradational parasequence sets. The basal
surface is a downlap surface and an onlap surface.
Transgressive Systems Tract (TST).
Characterised by one or more retro-gradational parasequence set(s). The basal surface is a
transgressive surface (an onlap surface).
Highstand Systems Tract (HST).
Aggradational to progradational parasequence set(s). The basal surface represents the Maximum
Flooding Surface (a downlap and onlap surface).
9.8. Type II Sequence (Fig. 8)
This is a sequence that is deposited above a type II sequence boundary.
Lowstand Systems Tract (LST). This is represented by a Shelf Margin Wedge (SMW). The shelf SMW
consists of one or more progradational to aggradational parasequence set(s). The basal surface is
represented by an onlap/downlap surface.
The TST and HST are the same as in a type I sequence.
9.9. The ‘Slug’ Model
The standard cross-section showing the development of type I and type II sequences is generally referred to
as the ‘slug’ model (Figs 7 and 8).
Basin-floor fan
Slope fan
Sequence boundary
Maximum flooding surface
Condensed section
Incised valley system
Incised valley fills
Coastal plane deposits
Shallow marine sandstones
Shelf/basin mudstones
Basinal mudstones/sandstones
Fan/levee deposits
Transgressive surface
Figure 7. Type 1 Sequence
Coastal plane deposits
Shallow marine sandstones
Shelf/basin mudstones
Sequence boundary
Maximum flooding surface
Condensed section
Transgressive surface
Figure 8. Type 2 Sequence
9.10. Cycles and the Global Cycle Chart
The application of sequence stratigraphy has resulted in the development of the cycle chart, which shows
the changing patterns of coastal onlap over the Phanerozoic. Five orders of cycles were recognised.
First-Order Cycles. 200-400 Myr duration. Related to the formation and breakup of supercontinents.
Second-Order Cycle. 10-100 Myr duration. Related to changes in the volume of mid-oceanic ridges.
Third-Order Cycles. 1-10 Myr but commonly shorter than 3 Myr. May be related to changes in oceanic
ridge sreading rates or growth of continental ice sheets.
Fourth- and Fifth-Order Cycles. 200,000 to 500,000 and 10,000 to 200,000 yrs, respectively. Related to
the Milankovitch orbital parameters. In the Tertiary and Quaternary, these may be driven by the waxing
and waning of ice caps.
The evolution of extensional basins can be divided into three phases: Rift, Drift and Passive Margins (Fig.
0 km 500
Full crust
Quasioceanic crust Standard ocean crust
Lavas and sediments
Full crust
Full crust
Ocean crust
Transitional crust
Sea level
Sea level
Figure 9. Extensional basins: A, Rift basin; B, Protoceanic basin; C, Passive margin
10.1. Rift Basins
The typical example is the East African Rift System. Rifting is driven by passive mantle processes - crustal
thinning due to lithospheric stretching (tensional stress) which generally affects weak (thick) continental
crust. The tectonic style is normal faulting. While originally considered to be purely graben formation,
extensive half graben formation is now favoured. Early volcanism may be variable ranging from alkaline to
peralkaline mafic to silicic compositions, and including ignimbrites, lavas, pyroclastics and epiclastics.
Coarse grained alluvial fans and fan deltas are associated with the fault scarps (the precursor thick
continental crust on the basin’s margins undergoing progressive isostatic uplift) and in some cases axial
drainage systems may develop. Climate influences the interior of the rift basis: temporate climates promote
clastic or carbonate lakes; arid to semi-arid climates promote aeolian sand systems and playa lakes
(developing continental evaporite deposits). As the rift becomes larger, it is eventually flooded by the sea
and marine (clastic or carbonate) depositional systems prevail. Failed rifts may develop into
intracontinental basins with further subsidence apparently driven by tectonic processes.
10.2. Proto Oceanic (Post Rift or Drift) Basins.
The only modern example is the Red Sea Basin. The transition from rift to drift is defined by the onset of
sea floor spreading - initial defuse extension by rotational faults and dike injection, and subsequent
concentration of extension at a single centre (Mid Ocean Ridge formation). Volcanism changes character at
the spreading centre from mixed basic-acidic types to typical mid oceanic ridge basaltic compositions. A
change in subsidence from early thermally driven subsidence to later sediment loading subsidence takes
10.3. Passive (Atlantic-Type) Margins.
These represent intraplate continental margins, and are tectonically passive. Sedimentation forms a seaward
thickening sediment wedge, and this leads to subsidence driven by sediment loading. Consequently
the hinge line is situated onshore. The concepts of Sequence Stratigraphy were developed primarily by
study of passive margins in the Mesozoic and Caenozoic (particularly around the Atlantic Ocean). Volcanic
rocks are generally absent.
Basins can develop in many different regions of an arc-trench system. In general within an arc-trench
system, we can recognise a trench, a trench slope (associated with the accretionary prism), a forearc basin,
an arc platform and a backarc basin (Fig. 10).
Accretionary prism
Volcanic arc rocks
Continental rocks
Oceanic plate
Basin deposits
Acrretionary Prism Arc platform Back Arc Basin
[± spreading centre]
Deep-sea trench
Trench-slope basin
Forearc basin
[± spreading
Intra-arc basin
Subducting slab
Sea level
Figure 10. Basins associated with a convergent margin
11.1. Deep-Sea Trench
This forms where the oceanic plate is subducted beneath the arc system. Trenches range from 6000 to
11000 m deep. Sediments consist of trench fans with axial channel levee complexes and sheet flow
turbidites derived from the island arc, material derived from the subducting oceanic plate and distant
marine transported axially along the trench. Where there is no sedimentation, starved trenches may
11.2. Trench-Slope Basins
The trench slope is formed by oceanic crust sediments tectonically accreted to the overiding plate to form
an accretionary prism. A basin or basins formed within this region are called trench-slope basin(s). They
are flat-floored basins which develop a sedimentary succession which may contain hemipelagic mud, ashfall
tuffs, thin silty turbidites or coarse-grained mass-flow deposits. Most material is derived from the island
arc system.
11.3. Forearc Basins
These may have widths of 25 - 125 km and lengths of 50 - 500 km (strings of forearc basins occur along
arc systems). They may or may not be associated with forearc spreading. Forearc basins common show a
shallowing upward clastic succession (turbidites → shelf clastics → non-marine clastics) derived from the
adjacent island arc system. When the volcanoes of the island arc system are submerged, extensive
carbonate platforms may develop (e.g., Tonga).
11.4. Intra-Arc Basins
Arcs are 50 - 250 km wide. The arc massive represents the region underlain by crust generated by arc
magmatic processes, the arc platform having positive relief consists of overlapping volcanic vents. The
most active volcanoes are situated on the forearc margin of the arc platform, but volcanic activity typically
extends back 100 km and limited activity as much as 200 km. Intra-arc basins develop within the arc
platform. Intra-arc basins contain arc volcanoes or their eroded remnants, shallow-level synsedimentary
igneous intrusions and extensive volcaniclastic sediments. In tropical climates, fringing reefs and carbonate
platforms may be associated with submerged intra-arc basins. The volcanic deposits are dominated by calcalkaline
suites, but andesites and basalts also occur. Active arcs may migrate due to changing subduction
angles; consequently intra-arc basins may evolve into either forearc or backarc basin.
11.5. Backarc Basins
These develop behind the island arc system, either between two island arcs or between the arc and a
continent. They usually form as a result of extension and crustal thinning, although the exact mechanism is
unknown. The backarc basin may contain a remnant-arc ridge. The evolution of oceanic backarc basins can
be divided into four phases: (i) rifting of an intra-arc basin and development of various mass-flow deposits;
(ii) backarc spreading and volcanic arc volcanism with extensive proximal volcanic deposits; (iii) basin
maturity with decreasing island arc influence, decreased spreading and increasing pelagic and hemipelagic
influence; and (iv) basin inactivity with pegaic sediments and minor reworked epiclastic material.
Strike slip basins develop in areas where strike slip faulting is occurring. These basins range is size from
small sag ponds a few metres wide to basins up to 50 km wide. We will consider two types: Fault Bend
Basins and Transpressional Basins.
12.1. Fault Bend Basins
These develop at releasing bends along strike-slip faults. Extension is due to one fault block sliding past
and away from the other. Fault bend basins are commonly lens-shaped in plan view. Sedimentation tends to
be dominated by coarse-grained aprons developed along the relief related to faulting.
12.2. Transpressional Basins
These develop at compressional bends along strike-slip faults. They are generally long narrow structural
depressions, parallel to regional faults and folds. They are bounded by thrust faults or strike-slip faults.
These basins are often characterised by axial transport of sediment parallel to the structural trends. Small
foreland basins (formed due to flexural loading of the marginal crust by thrust sheets) and piggy-back
basins (developed on thrust sheets themselves) are commonly developed. Sedimentation is dominated by
coarse grained aprons and fluvial systems.
Transpressional Basin Fault bend basin
Normal faults
Downthrow block
forming basin
Basins produced by
tectonic loading
Figure 11. Strike-slip Basins.