Okay I usually don't do this but it is almost 4:30 am here, I can't go back to sleep.

Has anyone else noticed how bad people's grammar is anymore? I'm not a saint when it comes to grammar, not at all, I'll probably have grammatical mistakes in this post. But I have noticed how bad a lot of people are. I used to work for someone who would correct me all of the time, it was kind of annoying. Now though I notice it with people in person and even on TV. Like the use of good and well, that is misused so often it is mind blowing.
I deal with people everyday where most will say good instead of well, repeatedly. I never say anything because I don't want to be rude. It's young and old too, all generations. Just like me and I, which can be confusing which one to use sometimes. Or like referring to yourself and another person where you put yourself first, no it is the person and I (or me sometimes) not me and the person.
Just today one of my coworkers used GOOD where he should have used WELL and did it several times in a row while talking to a customer, and the customer did it too. I was going bonkers in my head but I never said anything because I know how annoying it is when people do that to you. I correct my mother because it is fun and funny to do, she's bad at using good instead of well too. My old boss and his constant corrections fixed that so now I notice it all of the time. Even when I'm watching TV, especially Family Feud with Steve Harvey, he is horrible for misusing GOOD, sometimes he is correct and says "you played well" but most of the time he uses good.
I blame schools and society in general, we get so caught up in slang and emojis we forget the basics. It might not seem like a big deal but when you talk to someone who uses proper grammar, even if you don't notice, it feels like you are having a deeper, richer conversation with someone.
I shouldn't be posting on my chrome book, the freaking thing has no delete button!! You have to use the backspace key, so annoying, and the keyboard makes louder clickity clack sounds. I should have used my laptop but this thing has app games on it. I hope I don't wake anyone up.
I've already heard someone get up to use the washroom. I tried to type softer but that means I have to type slower and that's not how I type. I'm not a hunt and pecker type of keyboard user. I told a guy at work he's a hunt and pecker and he replied "what did you call me?" He didn't know that is the term used for someone who uses only a couple of fingers to type and looks at the keyboard while doing it. It's now 5 am...ugh time to stop proof reading. 

Has anyone else noticed how bad people's grammar is anymore? I'm not a saint when it comes to grammar, not at all, I'll probably have grammatical mistakes in this post. But I have noticed how bad a lot of people are. I used to work for someone who would correct me all of the time, it was kind of annoying. Now though I notice it with people in person and even on TV. Like the use of good and well, that is misused so often it is mind blowing.

Just today one of my coworkers used GOOD where he should have used WELL and did it several times in a row while talking to a customer, and the customer did it too. I was going bonkers in my head but I never said anything because I know how annoying it is when people do that to you. I correct my mother because it is fun and funny to do, she's bad at using good instead of well too. My old boss and his constant corrections fixed that so now I notice it all of the time. Even when I'm watching TV, especially Family Feud with Steve Harvey, he is horrible for misusing GOOD, sometimes he is correct and says "you played well" but most of the time he uses good.
I blame schools and society in general, we get so caught up in slang and emojis we forget the basics. It might not seem like a big deal but when you talk to someone who uses proper grammar, even if you don't notice, it feels like you are having a deeper, richer conversation with someone.
I shouldn't be posting on my chrome book, the freaking thing has no delete button!! You have to use the backspace key, so annoying, and the keyboard makes louder clickity clack sounds. I should have used my laptop but this thing has app games on it. I hope I don't wake anyone up.