My friend told me he was going to Phoenix to pick up his grandson. (5 years old)
I asked if I could go just so I can enjoy the little road trip and scenery.
I ask his grandson if his could share his snacks of chips and dips.
The kid kept giving me chips.
I got up at 4:30 earlier.
I took myself bike riding. I rode for one hour from 5 am to 6am.
I rode 10 miles. I promise myself I would have to ride 10 miles or ride for at least one hour.
Kind of breaking it down to just an hour at a time and accomplishing one goal at a time.
I wanted to be able to focus better and discipline myself.
I also did something I knew I could obtain...if i persevered.
I needed to give this to myself.
I enjoyed it very much. It was a beautiful, peaceful morning.
The sun raised after a while...just for that moment I enjoy the sun's rays breaking from behind the clouds.
Plus there was a hawt babe taking a walk and jog. One time she started jogging just to keep up
with me...As usual, I lost my train of thoughts, went off the trail and almost eat ****..
Last week a freind invited my to go have dinner in a fancy resteraunt.
I was broke..but he said don't worry about..He'll pay.
The previous week a couple of friends wanted to go hang out
I told her I was broke..She told me don't be silly and just to hang out with her.
She said she would pay for me
Then a couple of days later we went to go hang out again...
We were both broke..broke

I still put my arms around her though.
A couple days ago my father left a bouch of CDs on my computer.
It's a bussiness software that a lot of bussiness use.
It's his way of trying to make things up to me....
We have not been seeing things eye to eye lately..lmao
A couple of days ago my mom gave me $20 and told me to mow the yard.
She knew I was broke

Errrr...I mow the yard all the time...lmao
The other day early in the i was taking out the trash dumpster to the street,
I saw my nieghbor that I havn't spoken to before. I went over and introduce myself to him.
I asked him if I could mow his yard for $15. He told me he already had someone doing for
$30. But he siad he would feel bad if I let him mow his yard becuase the guy had been mowing
his yards for years...It was okay. We chit chat for a little bit. He asked me questions and
gave me informations of other possible place to go look for employment. He was being helpful
as best as he can and didn't judge me just becuase I was broke and looking for
I thought it was sort of cool that I was able to introduce myself to a stranger in an awkward
situation. After all these years I finally personally introduce myself to my nieghbor..lmao
Just that in itself helped me or i felt better about myself.