There is a principle of honoring the negative. It's like how you appreciate your home when you have left it for a while, or when you eat your favorite food too often and you get sick of it. The secret to going beyond good and evil is first to realize that objectively you merely have actions and consequences, and then to cause all darkness to serve and amplify the light. Thus I hold the sceptre in my left hand while concealing the right.
The virtues of light are love and truth, while the virtues of darkness are conflict and strength. Without strength and trials, light isn't worth a damn. Without love and truth, strength is but tyranny, and conflict mere aggression.
Foolish is the man who seeks to imitate his own shadow, for it is the place of the shadow to imitate the man. It is the place of the woman to compliment the man, and the place of the man to choose her with chivalry and devotion, just as he is devoted to training, moderation, and the negative principle that it may come to amplify the positive by relation. If you seek to get rid of the negative you will also get rid of the positive. Such is the folly of a people who think their end will be heaven, valhalla, the elysian fields, or some other one dimensional realm of death.
Humans have completely forgotten the pattern, forsaken the understanding, and it's due to both the church and gender confusion. No longer is the male male, no longer is the female female, it is just as Jesus said it would be in the gospel of Thomas "when you make the man and woman into one, so that the male is no longer male and the female is no longer female, when you make hands in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, eyes in place of an eye (genetic engineering), images in place of an image (computers), then you will enter the kingdom. Occult fools, it wasn't an agenda, neither was anything else he predicted, just a statement of prophecy.
Relationships that aim for equality don't work, but if the woman be ruled over by the man, then the man shall likewise by ruled over by the woman, and there shall be harmony of chivalry and poetic symmetrical justice. This is the pattern nature has given us, which most of us now forsake in our folly, to the draining of all poetry and elegance from our souls, and to the destruction of the family unit itself.
The virtues of light are love and truth, while the virtues of darkness are conflict and strength. Without strength and trials, light isn't worth a damn. Without love and truth, strength is but tyranny, and conflict mere aggression.
Foolish is the man who seeks to imitate his own shadow, for it is the place of the shadow to imitate the man. It is the place of the woman to compliment the man, and the place of the man to choose her with chivalry and devotion, just as he is devoted to training, moderation, and the negative principle that it may come to amplify the positive by relation. If you seek to get rid of the negative you will also get rid of the positive. Such is the folly of a people who think their end will be heaven, valhalla, the elysian fields, or some other one dimensional realm of death.
Humans have completely forgotten the pattern, forsaken the understanding, and it's due to both the church and gender confusion. No longer is the male male, no longer is the female female, it is just as Jesus said it would be in the gospel of Thomas "when you make the man and woman into one, so that the male is no longer male and the female is no longer female, when you make hands in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, eyes in place of an eye (genetic engineering), images in place of an image (computers), then you will enter the kingdom. Occult fools, it wasn't an agenda, neither was anything else he predicted, just a statement of prophecy.
Relationships that aim for equality don't work, but if the woman be ruled over by the man, then the man shall likewise by ruled over by the woman, and there shall be harmony of chivalry and poetic symmetrical justice. This is the pattern nature has given us, which most of us now forsake in our folly, to the draining of all poetry and elegance from our souls, and to the destruction of the family unit itself.