The truth game.

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Awww Thanks for coming to play, nevermore lol.
Ouch! Jesus! Difficult question! lol Could i call all my friends and tell them to go to the same place? lol So i could see all of them at the same time lol.
ok! im going to be objective: I would be at my friends mess... errr i mean.... apartament, in Ohio! lolz

I liked the question. Can we keep it?
I would have to say on vacation in Japan right now. Not thinking about work or anything else.

Forgot to add a question ^^

*stares at screen*
Anyone do anything for 4/20?
I would be sitting on the wall in old town Québec with my new acoustic.

What's your favorite movie? Or TV show? What do you like about it?
Favorite Movie would probably have to be Dr. Strangelove, or how I learned to love the bomb. Its an old movie but is hilarious to me (really dry humor, most people I know cant understand it) and is still relevant to today even though it was made decades ago (by Stanley Kubrik! ^^ The director of A Clockwork Orange, another one of my favorite movies)

when was the last time you had fun with a group of people? Real, engaging fun that left you feeling great? (for me it was my first party when my parents were away from home, 5 teenagers, one bedroom, one bed, and no lights......OH YEAH! LOL, but its not what you are thinking you perverts >.>)
Actually it was a bit like that, you perverts. But I fell asleep and snored loudly, which killed the mood. :D lol.

Hm, last time I really had fun with a group of people.
That'd have to be when Julia, Sam and I were flooding the rat holes in the chicken coop and caught 6/7ths of a litter of rats... they were mouse sized and too cute to kill so we hiked way out into the laguna and dumped them under a tree. They were big enough to fend for themselves, but little enough to be cute, so there was no way a three girls could have squashed them. But it got a little crazy trying to catch them!
Qui said:
Actually it was a bit like that, you perverts. But I fell asleep and snored loudly, which killed the mood. :D lol.

pffft, I thought your snoring was hilarious. It wasnt something I expected but not something I minded, in fact it helped me sleep unlike Sophie and Adams constant giggling and talking >.>

though when Sophie said 'will somebody shut him up?' that pissed me off >.> next time she falls asleep I say we put a sock in her mouth then start freaking out and screaming fire ^^
lmao I snore like a man!

hold on... what was the question?

Ok, here's one. If you could be as tall or short as you wanted, how tall would you be? And I have a feeling this will get confusing... let's try to keep it metric, ok?
2 meters is almost 6'7"
That's like 5 inches taller than you are right now... alright I knew this question would confuse me.
Ok, a good height for me would be around 178 cm, or roughly 5'10"
which is a bit taller than I am now, but not much. Just a smidge.

Better question!
What person/event are you looking forward to/dreading the most for tomorrow?
well whenever I read my Halo books (like the game) they describe the spartans as over 2 meters bleh! Im fine being 6 foot tall (screw metric, ill use my monarchial inaccurate system used by only a few nations in the world ;P)

continue question since this technically isnt an answer.
Im looking forward to hanging out with my friends and playing games

If you were crazy or had to who would you kill and why?
If I was crazy ;)

Nah I wouldn't hurt a fly I'm one of the most peaceful people you'll ever meet, but if I went crazy and had to kill someone I guess it would be the leader of some massive PAC, take you pick

What is your favorite organism?(not necessarily an animal but it could be)
I love birds (thinking of your avatar). Sorry I don't have a more specific answer. I love to watch them, in the trees, in the air when I'm out walking or just looking out of the window. Big or small doesn't matter. They're all so majestic. I wish I could fly like them ^^

I love wolves too, though they have a pretty bad reputation here in Sweden =(

Same question
*Dose Google search*sees that Wikipedia coms up in fist search* *Reads* *understands nothing*

MMmm My favorite organism? Well I would have to say categorically with out a doubt it has to be most definitely the genetic material over the course of evolution most defernetly the organisms that make up the single cells,,, Very complex in deed... lol and if you believe that I understand anything about this then your a bigger fool then me :p

New question :D Sorry NeverMore But did you believe for a second that I actually know anything about organisms lol

Have you ever farted and let someone else get the blame for it?

what is the creepiest or most wrong thing thats ever happened to you?
(wow this topic grew fast XD just goes to show everyone here wants to know stuff about each other)
probably being ditched in the forest when I was 12 during summer camp. I was alone in the woods for about 2 hours trying to find my way back (my friends had decided to sneak out and go swimming in the lake, but left me there. That incident made me like the night....kinda like batman's traumatic experience with bats lol.

what is the oddest phrase you know? (in english or another language) For me its sono ah framato (splling?)(italian for feed me, Im hungry)
a mi tortuga, le gusta la lechuga - I think it means, my tortoise likes lettuce (in spanish)

Whats the most amaazzzzzziingg thing that's ever happened to you or to someone you know.. something that made you go WOWWWW.
Me *Cough* and this girl at church camp did some things *cough*
And I was like O.O this rocks (im still a virgin tho we only "messed" around).

whats the stupidest thing youve ever done?
...oh man I've done so many things...I dont know what i havent done lol.
my favorite question here was where would u want to be. I wish that by now I'd be dead, have lived my life w/o all the mistakes i've made and was in heaven .lol.

whats the stupedest thing u've ever done?
can't recall too many moents, but ah man

this morning as I'm leaving for school, we have this wooden box in our garage right next to where i park-well techinally my mother's car. and for some reason, the box wasn't right up against the wall, it was out at an angle a little and I didn't notice it. So as I'm backing out, the side of the car scapes up against the corner of the box. Frick it's not too bad, but it's kinda bad. I hope I won't get into trouble.

But I'd like to keep in perspective that hopefully this isn't as bad as the time my sister ran into a cement wall at blimpies,

tehe, so far neither me or my sister has gotten in a car accident with another car, we're both pretty safe drivers, but stationary objects are out to get us.

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