The truth game.

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OMG She wins by a mile lol, sorry my camera isnt working or Id try to compete XD

continue current question
You can't beat that. I've got huuuuuge eyes.

Next Question:

Ninjas or Pirates?
If we are going with realness factor then Id have to say Ninjas (plus they have a good dental plan...hell they HAVE a dental plan) But there is nothing as badass as sailing the high seas with a slight understanding as to where you are going. sooooo, PIRATES!!!!! YAAAAAAARRRRRRNNNNN!!!!!

okay.....Final Fantasy or Pokemon? (or something lese that is a cult classic/considered odd by the masses lol)
I spend all of my free time watching One Piece so obviously I'd say pirates :p

But between Pokemon and Final Fantasy... no contest, it's gotta be Pokemon.

Ok, what goes on!?!

^^That. That will happen.

What is your favorite movie/tv/book character?
FULGRIM!!!!!!!!!!!! from the book titled fulgrim in the horus heresy series of warhammer ^^

what is the last thing you said to someone that you regret?
I usually regret telling people that I'm unhappy.
One way or another, whoever I tell I end up regretting it.
But don't take that personally!!!! Fulgrim!!!!
Because I know you will and I don't mean it that way....

Ok, who do you respect and what aspect of their character has caused you to respect them?
I respect these seven people

1.) My Father-No matter what happens (divorce, sugery, fired, ect) he always looks on the bright side and gets back on his feet faster than I could ever hope for
2.) My brother-His life is something that I wish I could experience a fraction of, he is a decorated Marine, a CIA agent, he works part time as a DJ on the east coast (lol, DJ Iceberg) and he just seems to skim over the parts of life that hold me back
3.) Stalin-Noone in history has created the kind of mindwashing he did to his own people. He did horrible things and they respected him as a deity.....thats just straight awesome there lol
4.) my Girlfriend-She makes me ask questions that I enjoy finding the answer to (I know its not possible to splice genes with animals and humans....BUT IT SHOULD! lol) among other things
5.) A close friend-She has had a very odd live and is constantly changing (she went from normal to emo to goth to prep in the span of a few years lol, and has always kept the same outlook on life, plus she is a good person to talk to)
6.) .....okay, maybe only 5 ppl then I guess....
7.) READ NUMBR 6!!!!!

what events have shaped your life into what it is today? (good or bad)
My horse died :/

So.... I don't really care about that **** anymore!

Moving on... What is your favorite number. Does it hold any significance to you and if so, what?
3 (Triumvirate!!! MUHAHAHA) it represents ultimate power to me, like that old saying I dont remember, 2 heads are better than 1 but 3 will pwn dem all!!!! (...or something like that <.<)

when you hear the word snuggle, what pops into your head?
Big teeth. And Geneva's fingernails o_O
Yeah... don't ask.

What is your favorite party game?
see-how-many-people-you-can-jam-onto-Fulgrims-bed-at-3am-in-the-morning-while-Troy-is-being-an-ass-and-turning-the-lights-off-before-he-jumps-on-us......but our highest score was only 5 :(

what president do you like the most? (and why)
As a comment on your game... all I have to say is OH YEAH!!!

Anyway... Kennedy. Because of the Kill Hannah song. lol, I got a C in history, what do you expect? :p

Is it better to feel a little pain all the time, or none at all ever? (talking about both physical and emotional pain)
I would rather live with the constant pain since It teaches us things that sever pain some of the time, or no pain at all cannot, we learn to live with it and use it for our own means (or at least I do)

would you take a bullet for someone? and if so then who?
Fulgrim said:
I would rather live with the constant pain since It teaches us things that sever pain some of the time, or no pain at all cannot, we learn to live with it and use it for our own means (or at least I do)

would you take a bullet for someone? and if so then who?

I would take a bullet for anyone that I thought deserving of it. Like my sis mum ppl that I care for and most on here of course ;)

count: question
hmmm, Im gonna answer my own question ^^

I would take a bullet for the people I respect...all 5 of them lol, but maybe not my dad....he could survive anything and still be a sarcastic bas***d :)

I would only take a bullet for mah girl and family :)

If you could have anyone here/elsewhere fall and love with you who would it be?
Theres this one girl in my political ideologies class that is so beautiful and smart and makes the best most interesting points in discussion it would be pretty awesome if she fell in love with me, ah, but I've never even talked to her I don't think she knows who I am..

What would be your ideal vacation?

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