I respect these seven people
1.) My Father-No matter what happens (divorce, sugery, fired, ect) he always looks on the bright side and gets back on his feet faster than I could ever hope for
2.) My brother-His life is something that I wish I could experience a fraction of, he is a decorated Marine, a CIA agent, he works part time as a DJ on the east coast (lol, DJ Iceberg) and he just seems to skim over the parts of life that hold me back
3.) Stalin-Noone in history has created the kind of mindwashing he did to his own people. He did horrible things and they respected him as a deity.....thats just straight awesome there lol
4.) my Girlfriend-She makes me ask questions that I enjoy finding the answer to (I know its not possible to splice genes with animals and humans....BUT IT SHOULD! lol) among other things
5.) A close friend-She has had a very odd live and is constantly changing (she went from normal to emo to goth to prep in the span of a few years lol, and has always kept the same outlook on life, plus she is a good person to talk to)
6.) .....okay, maybe only 5 ppl then I guess....
7.) READ NUMBR 6!!!!!
what events have shaped your life into what it is today? (good or bad)