The truth game.

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Yes... damn my morality. It always gets me into bad situations.

If you had one free wish... with no typical genie tricks... would would you use it on?
That each of my children would be healthy happy and successful in their own unique ways.

If you could meet one famous person dead or alive who would it be and why?
It's a tie:

Albert Einstein - I'd want to ask him at one point the solitude which he refers to in the quote I have as my sig stops being painful and starts being delicious.

Any of the 12 Apostles - I'd love to see just how much modern Christianity has it right.

Same question.
Sort of. I used to work on a crew that maintained the trails in Glacier National Park. One rainy day we were tearing out an old rotten boardwalk so we could build a turnpike in its place. We'd torn off the planking and stashed it deep in the woods out of eyesight, and were in the process of doing the same thing with the log frame. I was carrying a thick section of log on my shoulder through the woods when I slipped. The log went flying and I fell face forward, catching myself in a push-up position, but not before a stick from a bush had gone about an inch and a half up my nose. If I hadn't been able to catch myself, I could've been a brain on a stick.

Same question.
I suppose as close as I can get. I had a tubal pregnancy once and nearly bled to death. I was rushed to surgery the minute I got to the hospital. And, for the second, I had a major bacteria in my colon. My family wouldn't take me to the hospital and the ambulance wouldn't take me, they thought it was a urinary tract infection. When I finally did get there, I was hospitalized for a week on IV with Cipro drugs. Not exactly a comatose, see the light moment.

Have you ever been nice to someone's face, but trashed them behind their back?
Yep. And I'd do it again, that son-of-a-... Oh, hey buddy! How's it going?

Have you ever accidently broken something super valuable?
No. All my shoes are Coast Guard shoes. Get it? Coast Guard shoes? Ha!

Have you ever accidently bought an article of clothing that was intended for the opposite sex?
Never... but a stranger asked me once.. I had none.

Have you even gone up to a person and spoke to them thinking you knew them and then it turns out u don't but still insist that you've met before atleast a few times?
No. I usually just apologize profusely for the intrusion and walk away, my entire head blushing.

Have you ever fallen more than one day behind the calender, like thinking it was Wednesday when really it's Friday?
Not that i remember

Same question
i have fallen months behind... when youre unemployed everyday is the same..hehe.. now i work and have a calender so i am sharply upto date :)

have you ever been chewing on gum.. it drops on the pavement and when no one is looking quickly scoop it up and hmmm.. back in the noise hole?
Nope but I think once I dropped it on the floor at home and still chewed it... Yes im gross :S

Have you ever gotten into a strangers car because you thought it was the car of someone picking you up?

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