Things were going so well :-/

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Well, it finally got to the point where I managed to burry all my emotions and feelings for Teresa in the past after 5-7 months ish of drug and alcohol abuse. I am still lonely, but at least the major hurt was gone. Then she showed up at my work today just to visit me, and poof... 5-7 months of drug / alcohol abuse to waste, but now the feelings almost feel stronger than ever. :(

I'm glad to hear that you are still on the wagon.

Dealing with the drugs and alcohol can't deal with romantic feelings...if she came to visit you, it's clear that she cares for you.

Have you ever TOLD her how you feel?

Women are sensitive, but not psychic.

However, if you have told her and she says that she doesn't feel the same way, it's probably better to ask her not to visit for while. It IS possible to fall out of love with someone. There is even a book on this: "How to Break Your Addiction to a Person."


lonelygirl said:

I'm glad to hear that you are still on the wagon.

Dealing with the drugs and alcohol can't deal with romantic feelings...if she came to visit you, it's clear that she cares for you.

Have you ever TOLD her how you feel?

Women are sensitive, but not psychic.

However, if you have told her and she says that she doesn't feel the same way, it's probably better to ask her not to visit for while. It IS possible to fall out of love with someone. There is even a book on this: "How to Break Your Addiction to a Person."



I told her out I felt, she told me she felt the same way, then I didn't hear for her for 5-7 months and she blew me off when I would try to talk to her or see if she wanted to hang out. But now all of the sudden she comes back out of no where... I just don't understand it :-/

Humans are confusing. And women doubly so. ;-)

She may care for you, but be worried about your addiction issue. Did you guys use together? Because maybe that is why she's afraid to be with you.

OR, It may be that she cares for you, but there is someone else she's involved with?

Relationships can be so very messy. But take heart that this woman does care for you, if maybe not the way you hope.

Also, you deserve better than that. Don't accept crumbs from someone, their leftovers, when you can have a whole feast.
lonelygirl said:

Humans are confusing. And women doubly so. ;-)

She may care for you, but be worried about your addiction issue. Did you guys use together? Because maybe that is why she's afraid to be with you.

OR, It may be that she cares for you, but there is someone else she's involved with?

Relationships can be so very messy. But take heart that this woman does care for you, if maybe not the way you hope.

Also, you deserve better than that. Don't accept crumbs from someone, their leftovers, when you can have a whole feast.

Nope, last time we talked, she talked about how she would never touch drugs. It was around the time I was knowing her that I turned to them from the stress. So I was a bit weirded out hearing that she did some stuff. Last thing I heard about her relationships, was when she blew me off for a guy 3 years younger than her who had cheated on her several times. She is 18. :-/ I wish I could beleive she cared about me... but she was 5 months and 2 days too late for that...

If she didnt' care about you at all, she wouldn't visit. She does care, but maybe not enough for what you need from her. There are so many people in this world! Women who will be attracted to you, guys who want to be your friends. Just keep your mind and spirit open to all gifts from the universe.
lonelygirl said:

If she didnt' care about you at all, she wouldn't visit. She does care, but maybe not enough for what you need from her. There are so many people in this world! Women who will be attracted to you, guys who want to be your friends. Just keep your mind and spirit open to all gifts from the universe.

Well, in the end, I finally got over it. I thought about her day in and day out and then she visited me, feelings came back. I decided to give it another shot. The night ended up with me being around her friends who were all doing drugs as well as her. I chose to pass since I had a long drive home through an area I had no clue about.

By the end of the night, it was pretty obviously clear she didn't really care about me, more just wanted me I guess as that pity guy. That guy you talk to and tell your problems to, then leave until you need someone to unload onto again.

Her new bf is a complete loser as are her new friends. She dumped her other friends who were supportive, for a bunch of druggy losers. When I went home that night, I realized we have no future, she doesn't feel the way I feel nor ever will, and probably doesn't have much a future of her own. I threw away all the notes she wrote me, her phone numbers, everything.

I'm finally able to put her and all that behind me. I'm doing better now that I have closure. The drug abuse is down to once every week or so if that. I still feel lonely, but at least I don't feel the need to be with someone who isn't worth going after. Closure helps alot I guess.

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