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Lol. I feel so bad for laughing, but watching your question get ignored again and again made me feel uncomfortable. I will put you out of your misery ;)

It will have to be Chinese. I live in the middle of nowhere - by the time the Japanese take-out got here from 60 or more miles away it would be ruined. I'm not that keen on Japanese cuisine anyway.

Run or fight?
I don't know really. I have an iPad 4, but I'm typing this on a laptop and I'd secretly rather be spending time on the desktop. They've all got their uses I guess. If I had to I'd have the laptop over the tablet. I have never had a notebook because they're generally the worst of both worlds, but I'd probably still take one over a tablet.

We're so spoiled these days. I want to go back to the time when each house had one TV if they were lucky and kids played outside instead of bitching that they've 'only' got an iPhone 4s and their 32" TV isn't big enough...

And in honour of my little rant, because I now feel like a grandad...

pipe or slippers?
Cos i'm a girl, I think slippers are more appropriate

Hear news on TV or read it in newspaper?
Can't I have both? I'll take wings if I have to, but they better be ******* huge awesome ones that make me swoop like an eagle!

clean shaven or bearded?

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