that makes me so sad Miriam1966.
I feel like I am leaning towards your ways of thinking and feeling about society the way people just cannot wait to make fun of you or reject you for differences.
I do feel happier since I went at least slightly off the grid, no more facebook every 5 minutes. I feel like I was looking for acceptance and approval on there that was never going to manifest no matter how many nice happy pics I shared or how optimistic my posts were.......I couldn't be real, if I was real on there, then people acted funny, like they don't have any issues at all and what am I thinking by posting about anything in my personal life is that is less than perfect.
I just feel so sad about the way all of my old friends treat me now, because I live far from my home town, but I tried to stay in contact with so many of them online and texting or phone calls,,,,,,,,,,,,,,still, after I found out my son was in jail and why, and it was really hard to take alone,,,,,,,,no one stepped up to listen to my heart break, so i said enough,,,,,,if they cant be here at my worst, they dont get my best either, i will share my best with only my pets and hubby from now mind is less stressed since i quit facebook, but the same empty lonliness is still there, guess it always will be,,,,,,,,,,i get accused of being stuck up and always have because i am so shy,,,.,,,,we all cannot act or feel the same, we really would be robots if we did,,,,,,,,,??