harper said:
I use the :O) because I thought I made a clever little quip. It was for me... not you. I think you must be mixing me up with one or more other posters, Siku. You seem pretty het up about a lot of things I never said or did.
Okay. I apologize for reading your emotes wrongly.
I think you forget when we initially interacted for the first time on here, harper. First impressions are not fair but they are strong and can plant seeds. I saw you conveyed a strong emotion back then towards a member here and then you channeled it towards me for trying to simply defend the guy fairly. So, please, stop making me seem like a crazy person and deflecting now to appear humble.
Okay. Let's go higher yet simpler then.
I'm crazy, but you're "normal". Please. Define normal.
That debate... Do you not see a problem with this logic and the under-lining cause and source of this very discussion.... and why I react and defend misunderstanding on here so damn much? I see both sides. I defend the one that is feeling more hurt and to stop the side that causes the hurt. But, both sides end up hurting in the end... and becoming what they hate without realizing it. The side that can handle it more is usually the side that dishes it out the most without realizing it. The hurt eventually lash out in defense and the other begins to hurt in the process. The hurt attracts one another. THAT is what and WHY I do what I do. It is nothing more. I am not here to make either of us look worse or say one side is more wrong than the other. We are all in the same in this stupid uncontrollable blame game. Accepting... That's all it's ******* been about! We can't because we ALL take things wrongly because we're all damaged in different ways. Again. We ALL are. Including me! Don't make other people feel lesser because you don't want to.
I am only here to help and hope I am accepted and welcomed, and most importantly, loved, in the process! So no, it's not 100% selfless but it is still pure actions and deeds. There, I'm naked now. Enjoy my transparency as you pretend to not be emotionally bothered by any rebuttals and even vent like the rest of us do.... As I sit here continuously bearing my all in pure hopes I reach people... Is my entire, point! And some will see my outburst as a crazy person and not what it is, an emotional person with passion. There's this false notion that you can't be rational and emotional. There is in-fact a possible balance in the two and the best word I can explain for such a thing. Is, compassion. But it needs to be paired with truth in order to actually spread.
I've acknowledge that I am in-fact an over-thinker and far from perfect. However, don't hypocritically disrespect my views because they don't align to yours. You only simply correct or condescend in replies, which implies you are either hurt or stern in your beliefs. You don't feel the need to explain it. Only state it. Think of how that looks? The 180 change in behavior. How I conveyed mine with the approach of extending off of others is a sign of respect and despite that and my over-explaining it's still seen wrongly. Yet, I'm made out to be the only over-thinker. Actually, you might me right. I over think, you stick to your age and knowledge. Ever consider that a deep thinker is absorbing life lesson faster? I can't take a step back with this because any step back will be a large one and we'll go back to doing this again in another topic here as two people misunderstand one another.
And Yes, I'm clearly hurt for being pegged as being crazy when I know I'm not. However, I am also here choosing to no longer let outside influences determine who and what I am but while still making sure I think long and hard before my determination in hopes of further growth. You have to find balance in that as well. That's where I feel I lost you... and I keep trying to get through to you with.... Getting locked in your own box of knowledge and experience instead of trying to figure people out through raw behaviors that constant occur here, instead. Times and people change, as well. Advice should not be out cloning yourself, or thinking only your advice will work. That's why stimulation and guidance is a more sufficient 'working' advice counsel. Especially towards broken individuals.
I am not going to call someone who has possibly been through something traumatic and the behavior that follows it, approached as 'problem that needs fixing'. You've said and very much implied "problem" on many occasions. No, it's a very real and hard to understand hurt that needs healing. Congrats on anyone that does, in causing more alienating and more of yourself in stating such things to people you simply do not understand and just lived a different life entirely. That made them the way that they are, not
chose to be.
This forum and seeing these constant back and forth behaviors that are just two people seeing each other wrongly, and my overwhelming need to try to get people to see it, is what is keeping me from feeling SANE.
TheSkaFish said:
Siku said:
TheSkaFish said:
Siku said:
Being here and self-proclaiming you don't have mental issues is a clear indicator that you in-fact, DO.
STOP and analyze YOUR OWN feelings and projections you create...
And if you strongly feel I'm doing this for selfish reasons or to only help myself when you read this, you're doing it wrong and only proving my point further. Read again, please.
I'm not sure if this post is in response to my post, since it comes right after my post. But I was just goofing around with the posts I made on this thread. Partially just to do it, and also in response to....certain things.
No. Hardly at you at all. Sorry for not clarifying. It's just something I've had bottled up until now and is a general observation.
To be perfectly honest. I'm going through my own significant inner turmoil and self reflection right now that has me being more vigilant with my views that I find to be not perfect (none are), but as open as I can personally possibly be with my own experience and limitations. If that makes any sense. So yeah, I feel and understand the "response to....certain things".
I gotcha. We're cool
And yeah....what's more, I see those "certain things" remain unresolved, creeping in the shadows, brave as ever. Then again, what else did I expect? Justice? Empathy? Sense? LOL! Not on this watch...
As far as all this goes, from both you, Siku, and Harper, I haven't seen anything bad from either of you. You both seem like decent people to me. I feel like all of this was some kind of misunderstanding, some trip that started on the wrong foot and just kept going but if we all stopped to chill I think we'd see that neither of us is a real bad guy. We're all reasonable people here.
Just my $0.02
Thank you, Ska.
Yeah... Those shadows that even if they're discussed you're easily pegged as a conspiracy nut. Amirite?
I appreciate that, and I know you're just trying to help and de-escalate. It's very kind of you and for what it's worth, I like you both a lot. I'm not trying to fight here, just stimulate growth. No worries, I know I sound emotional but it's purely passion not hatred and I'm sure he means no ill either. I promise.