At this point in my life, I spend increasingly more time questioning the premises of questions rather than attempting to answer those same questions, diligently searching for false dichotomies and eagerly putting them to rest, and looking in all directions for the next paradigm shift. In this latest period of personal growth, I am once again reminded that life is a continuous learning experience. Beware of any thinking (emotional, intellectual, spiritual) that causes you to craft articulate little boxes to place yourself in. Be open to the idea that your evolution as an individual will not end at 25, 35, 45, 55, or beyond. On that note, attempts to rigidly define oneself at any stop along the way are often futile and can be precarious. Introspection, when it delivers us to a healthier and more holistic understanding of ourselves, is a good thing. In that process, knowledge should flow from within, not the other way around. More specifically, thoughts should not be pushed inward. Such an activity is not introspection; rather, this would qualify as self-deception or self-conditioning and is a limiting and unhealthful behavior.
Use caution when dealing with the self. Be its true advocate. Only build it up. Don't limit it. Don't fool it. Don't trick it. Don't abuse it.
When intelligence and reason can deliver us to a place that is healthful in our lives, then they have served a wonderful purpose. Not all thought is healthful. Not all analysis is noble. Be wary of false dichotomies. It sounds like you are on the right track.
On a marginally related note, have you considered writing short stories or novels? You are quite exceptional with the written word and I sense that writing is also an outlet of sorts for you - a place where logic, creativity, and emotion blend in a way that makes sense.