Totally given up on life.

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Hi everyone i am new here. Sorry i guess for those depressive replies i posted a day earlier. I just don't know what to do. My life has all gone wrong. I am failing in my grades, (almost got kicked out from my undergraduate programme), I have pretty not done nothing much...even simple stuff like cycling and swimming, I have not been able to master, and day in day out my life is pretty much the same, wake up, surf the net...(sometimes i wonder i do by spending hrs staring at my laptop's screen ) and once again sleep. I am so sick and tired of myself. I yearn for changes in my life, but yet each time i try, I fail, and each time i fail, my friends mock me, laugh at me, making me just wanting to go back to my tiny shell and hide. I tried end my life alot of times, yet too, in this aspect, I am a failure. Each time when i try slitting my wirst, I end up chickening out, throwing the knife away (and it left me alot of poorer too.. I have bought a couple of knives, and end up throwing them in the bin). I also tried sleeping pills, buying them but yet again, I chicken out. I am really tired of myself. I do have a girl that I like and i would say the feeling is mutual. But yet again, I fear that i bore her. My life is totally miserable. Sometimes, if i really had one wish, I would just wish for someone to lend me a helping hand, pull me out of the abyss of despair....So sorry for the lamenting guys...but i seriously am lost on what to do.
hey i know how how feel about the grades and all, not everyone moves at the same pace....sometimes it might take you...i'll PM you instead, but dont beat yourself up over the grades..
or about being least you are yourself!
My life is completely empty... I don't even have a school to go, or anyone to speak to. I am isolated from humanity. I wake up, force myself to read something on the computer, or listen to some music, lay in my bed pointlessly, eat some food, then go to sleep again... this has been repeating every day... for 5 years. I'm too apathetic to suicide, but I guess I will have to do it sooner or later.
I understand you SadRabbit. When I read your message, I thought that i wrote it. I feel the same as you and thought a lot of times to suicide but I can't. Something tells me not to. Every day I surf the Internet or create a silly and easy program. The only thing that would make me happy is a girlfriend. But I can't find any. When I go for a walk or to drink a coffee in a cafeteria, I try a lot but I can't find any. Belive me I understand how you feel.

P.S. I don't know English well so I may have made mistakes
PLEASE PLEASE Folks! My dear Mimizu, my new cute sad rabbit, (I'm a rabbit too!) and cute image Sotosyeah...
In my view, Suicide is a LIE.

It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

You have to deal with Life while you're Alive, but you have to deal with Death when you're Dead!

Life can be MUCH MUCH better than you can ever imagine, dear friends!

I know it's soooo hard and sooo lonely and sooo painful and I can feel your pain and I can understand and commiserate. Please don't give up, though!

Hugs and support and encouragement,

mimizu said:
My life is completely empty... I don't even have a school to go, or anyone to speak to. I am isolated from humanity. I wake up, force myself to read something on the computer, or listen to some music, lay in my bed pointlessly, eat some food, then go to sleep again... this has been repeating every day... for 5 years. I'm too apathetic to suicide, but I guess I will have to do it sooner or later.

I love you Mimi and I hope you will NEVER do such a wicked act. :-(

I hope you will TRUST GOD instead of the Enemy, the Father of Lies.
lonelygirl you could be a very successful psychologist. You always give so useful advise. Thank you very much about giving me so good advise. I think I will let my life go on...
[/font]]Just a rant
For some being who they want, and getting what they want comes soo easy... for others, to have anything, even one small simple thing is soo hard! If we really want it we have to fight soo hard! I fight everyday... soo much pain and effort; little progress. While thoes who don't have to try hard for anything, be it their cool personality, or pretty faces and nice bodies, friends, loving family, confidence, or their grades, ect, get to look down on me. I think seeing me makes their day better and it makes them feel better about themselves. Their smirks, fakeness, I see it. The're not better then anyone, they didn't earn what they have, they don't appreciate it, they didn't work for it. They just use it, and life a ******* beach. I struggle eveyday and that makes me strong, I have to work hard for the same things you were handed. I have a GREAT DEAL OF CHARACTER!
Hi forsakenfornow,

I think that you can look down on them too. Firstly, you have what they will never have: character. Secondly, all the things you do, all the things you get, are far more valuable than everything they got, for they've never had to fight to get a thing. I'm sure that many people out there will surely recognize your value than those 'cool' people - like I do.:)
Sorry to hear that im new here as well and i feel loneliness lots of times but as hurtful as it can be.. i manage to entertain myself with stuff on the net most of the time, and my DS Lite pokemon. it will still make me look like a loser but it will take off some sadness or lonely times in my day. I know its hard to do something and think it will fail, even i tell you about motivation or inspiration sometimes it doesnt last, but u know what one things gets me out of loneliness or sadness is to just talk to a stranger willing to listen and not mock you like right now. talking someone about it somehow relieves u of this pain sometimes. talk to us we are here for you.
I guess no one can help my loneliness. I am a lazy ill disciplined person who is infact not good at anything....except maybe sleeping. My grades are going downhill due to laziness and a slight stupidity, my tutorials are pilling up, my test are like a day or 2 away, and I am still wasting my life away, siting and staring into space. Why, you ask me, do i do this, I for one, cannot tell you the reason cause I have no idea. I just wish one day, someone comes along show me a goal, helps me along, shower with me some love (I am not saying that my parents don't love me, I just feel that, I and them have a very huge gap), and I promise that person, I will be willing to die for him/her if that day comes.
SadRabbit said:
I guess no one can help my loneliness. I am a lazy ill disciplined person who is infact not good at anything....except maybe sleeping. My grades are going downhill due to laziness and a slight stupidity, my tutorials are pilling up, my test are like a day or 2 away, and I am still wasting my life away, siting and staring into space. Why, you ask me, do i do this, I for one, cannot tell you the reason cause I have no idea. I just wish one day, someone comes along show me a goal, helps me along, shower with me some love (I am not saying that my parents don't love me, I just feel that, I and them have a very huge gap), and I promise that person, I will be willing to die for him/her if that day comes.

argh no no dont die yet talk to me i might be able to give you something.. if not ul die smiling coz of my stupid jokes :p relax calm urself and think.. why am i born in this world? is there any meaning in my existence ? just kidding seriously , goal is certainly hard to create, but to put all ur interest together ul be able to create one. have fun
SadRabbit said:
I guess no one can help my loneliness. I am a lazy ill disciplined person who is infact not good at anything....except maybe sleeping. My grades are going downhill due to laziness and a slight stupidity, my tutorials are pilling up, my test are like a day or 2 away, and I am still wasting my life away, siting and staring into space. Why, you ask me, do i do this, I for one, cannot tell you the reason cause I have no idea. I just wish one day, someone comes along show me a goal, helps me along, shower with me some love (I am not saying that my parents don't love me, I just feel that, I and them have a very huge gap), and I promise that person, I will be willing to die for him/her if that day comes.

i can relate to that. i seems to me that we've been slowly conditionned to become lazy or inhibited towards social activities, especialy in the teenage years. the social environment didn't fit with our unique nature and personality. maybe we have been happy when we were toddlers; careless, spontaneous, adventurous. i kinda remember being an hyperactive meatball that would make everyone laughing, screaming at old ladies. somehow i've lost that: this inner child trapped under layers and layers of social conditioning. but he's been there all along, i just forgot about him. find out what kind of kid you were.. what were your dreams, desires. how did people perceive you. let that true personality flourish and people are gonna be attracted to you.

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