Hi everyone i am new here. Sorry i guess for those depressive replies i posted a day earlier. I just don't know what to do. My life has all gone wrong. I am failing in my grades, (almost got kicked out from my undergraduate programme), I have pretty not done nothing much...even simple stuff like cycling and swimming, I have not been able to master, and day in day out my life is pretty much the same, wake up, surf the net...(sometimes i wonder i do by spending hrs staring at my laptop's screen ) and once again sleep. I am so sick and tired of myself. I yearn for changes in my life, but yet each time i try, I fail, and each time i fail, my friends mock me, laugh at me, making me just wanting to go back to my tiny shell and hide. I tried end my life alot of times, yet too, in this aspect, I am a failure. Each time when i try slitting my wirst, I end up chickening out, throwing the knife away (and it left me alot of poorer too.. I have bought a couple of knives, and end up throwing them in the bin). I also tried sleeping pills, buying them but yet again, I chicken out. I am really tired of myself. I do have a girl that I like and i would say the feeling is mutual. But yet again, I fear that i bore her. My life is totally miserable. Sometimes, if i really had one wish, I would just wish for someone to lend me a helping hand, pull me out of the abyss of despair....So sorry for the lamenting guys...but i seriously am lost on what to do.