You've had girls yell insults at you from cars???occasionally someone will yell it from a passing car
Next time that happens...MOON THEM!
You've had girls yell insults at you from cars???occasionally someone will yell it from a passing car
You must be living in an alternate universe lol. I don’t know that to be true at all.………. Women swoon over good physiques ……………… it is the Number 1 thing guys are told to do, by women.
People are definitely cruel at times, but they can also be shallow, stuck up, narcissistic posers etc at times as well. You don’t want such people in your life anyway. There are different circles out there man. People who are kinder, people who are specifically attracted to people who are clever or good with words etc. In other circles there are people attracted to certain types of activities, even fetishes, that you might be into. Search them out. I won’t post specific links here. They’re not hard to find.As far as me being teased for being ugly? It's fairly common. Sometimes it will be in bars, other times it will be on the street, occasionally someone will yell it from a passing car. When I lived in my first house-share I overheard several of my housemates talking about it. Just last weekend I had a girl in my friendship group, I have asked another girl to see what she thought of me; the report came back "he's a nice guy, but eww, no way!"