Valentines day

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Buy a bunch of chocolates. Got no girl to give it to, I'll eat it myself. More for me!
Personally I don't have very much opinion on Valentines Day (that goes for a lot of things actually)...

I have never been fond of celebrating it but perhaps because I have never had anyone to celebrate with? It seems a little silly to me I guess. A day to show someone you love them... well if you really love them don't just take one day to show them. Show them every day. I would be just as excited to receive a box of chocolates any day of the year, not just on Valentines.
duff said:
This guy at work asked me when it was. He then said he would have to 'do something' - i think he was showing off, saying 'look ive got a woman'

That sounds more like terror of the mood she'll get in if he doesn't to me...
annik said:
duff said:
This guy at work asked me when it was. He then said he would have to 'do something' - i think he was showing off, saying 'look ive got a woman'

That sounds more like terror of the mood she'll get in if he doesn't to me...

he was a scruffy bloke who looks like he doesn't wash much !
i always get the 'do you think you are going to get any ?' question.

I say 'no chance' unless it's a piss take one !

It's a day for other people, not me !
Just wrote a valentines card to this girl I like. I kind of wrote a thread about her if anyone's interested. It's pretty obvious that it comes from me (although it's anonymous). I'm prepared for the worst (as always), so I guess it can only get better than this.

I always hate valenyines day, I'm always alone and it's way to commercial. I must admit it's my one and only chance to write a letter like this, so at the moment I'm happy valentines day exists. On valentines day itself I'll just go to my classes, go home, play some video games and go out. I don't expect any cards or whatsoever, never recieved one.
duff said:
Ive noticed the shops are getting their 'Valentines Day' displays ready already. They make a big thing out of it in the UK, all these hearts and crap in the windows of most shops.

I really do hate it !

Ive had 2 cards in my life. One when I was 15 which was a piss take from my Mam. The second was in 1998 when I was 29. I remember feeling really happy when I got it, thinking somebody actually liked me. Of course it proved too good to be true. I won't go into it but the card caused me alot of upset and problems for the next couple of years. The trouble was I tried to find out who sent the ******* thing which proved to be a big mistake !

Anyway I never did find out who sent it and all I can think it was another 'piss take' by some clever bastard who had too much time on their hands.

Ive always said to myself if I ever got another one I would burn it or rip it to pieces. Ive never got another one again though !

Anybody got any valentines day stories ?

man im sorry....i dont have a valentines day story infact i havent had one to this day....but the same thing happened to me when i was in school....

i found a letter on my locker once in school it was clearly wrtting by a girl...that week there was a letter everyday...i was so happy and excited, i thought, wow! someone likes me? cant be...but thats what the letter was on the last one i got said that on friday of that week "she" would wear a purple shirt cause she had me for a class stupid me...dressed as nice as possible ..gelled my hair and wore my nicest clothes...on that day since there was about 6 different classes ...i was so nervous, the first class came along...and the last class of the day ended...and i never found out who it was..i held onto those letters until my graduation day 4 years later hoping i would find out who it was...til this day who knows
5pt7art said:
duff said:
Ive noticed the shops are getting their 'Valentines Day' displays ready already. They make a big thing out of it in the UK, all these hearts and crap in the windows of most shops.

I really do hate it !

Ive had 2 cards in my life. One when I was 15 which was a piss take from my Mam. The second was in 1998 when I was 29. I remember feeling really happy when I got it, thinking somebody actually liked me. Of course it proved too good to be true. I won't go into it but the card caused me alot of upset and problems for the next couple of years. The trouble was I tried to find out who sent the ******* thing which proved to be a big mistake !

Anyway I never did find out who sent it and all I can think it was another 'piss take' by some clever bastard who had too much time on their hands.

Ive always said to myself if I ever got another one I would burn it or rip it to pieces. Ive never got another one again though !

Anybody got any valentines day stories ?

man im sorry....i dont have a valentines day story infact i havent had one to this day....but the same thing happened to me when i was in school....

i found a letter on my locker once in school it was clearly wrtting by a girl...that week there was a letter everyday...i was so happy and excited, i thought, wow! someone likes me? cant be...but thats what the letter was on the last one i got said that on friday of that week "she" would wear a purple shirt cause she had me for a class stupid me...dressed as nice as possible ..gelled my hair and wore my nicest clothes...on that day since there was about 6 different classes ...i was so nervous, the first class came along...and the last class of the day ended...and i never found out who it was..i held onto those letters until my graduation day 4 years later hoping i would find out who it was...til this day who knows

yes it's horrible when you get your hopes up and nothing happens.

A couple of women in the last few days have casually told me they get cards every year. I suppose normal people get cards.

If I get one, I will go in the back yard and set fire to it. And then piss on the ashes !

I'm already full of regret for sending a card. Since I've put that thing in a mailbox I'm as pessimistic as hell. The only good thing is that it probably can't get any worse.
aspalas; "The only good thing is that it probably can't get any worse."
Thats the spirit! Don't keep thinking what if this, or what if that...just keep thinking it can't get worse, that's what I do. :p
Yeah, the best thing to do is just go for the worst. I'll just prepare for being rejected. Last week I met a very nice girl at an admission for Art School, got her phone number. I might just give her a call if things go wrong, that will probably get my mind off of it.
LonelyInAtl said:
I sent a card out this year. I hope she likes it.....

did you sign it ?

are you going to make yourself known to her as the sender ?

aspalas said:

I'm already full of regret for sending a card. Since I've put that thing in a mailbox I'm as pessimistic as hell. The only good thing is that it probably can't get any worse.

depends if you signed it.
it's going to awkard when you see the woman again, expect plenty of nerves !
good luck !

Lilianna said:
aspalas; "The only good thing is that it probably can't get any worse."
Thats the spirit! Don't keep thinking what if this, or what if that...just keep thinking it can't get worse, that's what I do. :p

i expect the worst possible outcome and that usually happens !
I didn't sign it, but I did put hints in it. She'll figure out it was me pretty soon I guess.

As I said I'm prepared for the worst. I really hope she won't reject me, but I'm not really lucky in terms of love so I don't get my hopes up. For the past months she's given me so many mixed signals... When we meet face to face I always get the feeling she likes me, her friends give me hints... But when we talk on Facebook or Whatsapp she occasionally comes across really desinterested and sometimes we just don't talk to eachother for days. If anyone's interested read this thread, don't mind the parts that are not about this girl. I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on this.

It's really hard to keep my mind off of her. Usually I just know that a girl doesn't like me back so it's pretty easy to just prepare for the worst and abandon my hopes. With this girl however I have absolutely no idea. I don't know if she likes me or not. I really don't (because of these mixed signals). This makes it very hard to not be optimistic, but I know that in situations like this it's for the best to be totally pessimistic about it. I've liked this girl for a very long time now and in my opinion there just is something about us. Also other people who know both of us say they think we're perfect for eachother and feel a "vibe". Still I'm just not sure. I've never gotten lucky in love and somehow I think I'll never will be. There's no way I'll believe that this girl actually likes me unless she tells it herself. As I said she gives me both positive and "negative" hints (at least I think they're negative).

This is, IMO, the perfect opportunity to find out what she thinks. The perfect opportunity to leave it all behind me or have a relationship. I just want to close this book because this has taken far too long. If she's not or not really interested, I'll just tell her that I don't want to see her or speak to her anymore for as long as I want, that's the best way to get over something like this.
Heey Aspalas, i already read that thread you linked and now you decided to send her a card, really good man! Please let me (us) know how it went, i'm really curious! Best of luck man! You did what you could!

You could even send me a PM in dutch if you like. xD

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