I just wanna know the current members of the forum a bit better

. *scratches head* Erm, maybe perhaps the country you're from, your age, hobbies or interests, or what you do in your free time. And just about anything you'd say to describe yourself
I'm from the USA, I was born here and lived here all my life.
I'm older than I would like to be, but I was happy I was young when I was (1990s).
I don't think I'd like to be a kid in today's world as much.
I like that a lot of the stuff that I like today, was new back then and the feeling of getting to enjoy it with those I was close to. And I liked the feel of the world back then.
I feel like the world I grew up in, was in many ways, a better one, and I miss it every day.
Hobbies, interests, what I do in my free time, anything I'd say to describe myself:
Well, my
ideal self would be good at creative things like my story-writing and rock 'n roll heroes. I wish I could do the kinds of things that I used to get a buzz from.
actual self, what I actually do, is going back over my life and trying to understand how and why my life turned out like this, and trying to think my way out of repeating the same mistakes and patterns. Trying to understand myself so I can change on a deep level. Doing myself over again.
And I guess, depression. It's hard for me to have much energy or enthusiasm for anything, and it has been for some time now. This makes it hard for me to get to know people, which I very much would like to do, but I don't often have much to say because it's hard for me to get into anything. Nothing makes me feel that great anymore as long as I'm stuck in my problems. Discouragement/self-doubt has been something I have always struggled with in all areas of my life.
Like I said, it's hard for me to really have those right now. But, I have been interested in things like Star Wars and other fandoms. I like my old toy collections. I like a lot of bands but the ones I keep returning to are Rancid (and really anything to do with Tim Armstrong) and the Smashing Pumpkins. I take pictures of insects when I can get a good shot on my camera on my phone. I like cars, my favorite being the Mustang. And animals, especially dogs - my favorite breed being the Golden Retriever. I grew up with one, and he really showed me how good life is with a dog.
Anyway, that's about all I can think of for now.