Was Obama born in the USA

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Skorian said:
Liapos said:
I wouldn't exactly call the terrorists that he has captured innocent, or the rest of that Al-Qaeda scum. Obama is just gonna let the terrorists get away with murder, literally, because he's gonna be too **** scared to tackle it with the strength and bravery like George Bush did.

Clearly delusional. Debate here is pointless.
I know, but at some point it "HAS" to get through somehow. I tend to be stuborn like a mule.

It's pretty hard though when they avoid the points one is trying to make. I really don't understand how some people can literally live "in" denial. Must be a warm cozy place.

A dumb stuborn mule, you don't know ****.
You make up your points, that's how you keep going on and on.
Your the one in denial, you think US troop's are worse then the Taliban.
Plus you don't even know what laws they follow and enforce.
Everyone know's but you, yet you tell me im wrong.

So Skorian, is it a warm cozy place or what.
punisher said:
Skorian said:
punisher said:
Skorian said:
stella said:
to be against the war in Iraq means that you were pro Saddam Hussein, pro a despot dictator that tortured and killed his own people. Personally i'm glad he has gone and its all thanks to Bush and Blair :)

Um. Thanks to Bush and Blair Al-Qaeda is more powerful now then they were 8 years ago. Which still isn't much of a threat without a WMD, but still.

Thousands of innocents have been wrongly imprisoned and tortured on false information.

If you take the time you can find confessions by those who performed interrogations to the fact that most of the people they interrogated had nothing to do with any terror.

McCain who thinks a great deal like Bush actually had to be snuck into one of the debates because so many war vets were protesting outside it that that was the only way to get him in.

Al-Qaeda on many occasions would go into areas, cause disturbances, and flee. The people there would blame each other and attack one another. We would go in declaring them terrorists and enemy combatants. Then kill people who were just reacting to a situation that we started to begin with by destabilizing their country. People who wanted nothing more then to protect themselves and their families.

In situations like the one we have started neighbors have a tenancy to inform on one another when they don't like each other.

I have sat and watched small children be interviewed and because we killed one of their loved ones, they confess how they want to kill Americans when they grow up. Small children.

We have literally destroyed whole towns. We have spent a fortune rebuilding those same buildings. It's not unlike digging a hole and filling it back in again. Lucrative for the companies doing the building. A huge money hole for everyone else. And we wonder why our economy is in trouble with leadership that thinks like this
You can tell yourself whatever you want to, to help you sleep at night, but the truth is Bush has been more dangerous to us then any enemy we could have. I personally think the man should be dubbed the Nero of America.

Don't you mean the hero.
I take it you don't know who Nero is?

If i thought you made a spelling mistake i would'nt mention it,
im not a baby
Then why say anything?

If little kid's want to kill americans shame on them,
That's the same as saying a black man killed my mother,
now i want to kill black people.

No, it is more like if Russians broke into our country and killed your mother then you decided when you grew up you were going to get revenge on everything Russian.

If that happened i would'nt want revenge on all russians.
If i did i would be EVIL so they must be too
Well I guess then I am evil. Since I am honest. If some country decided my mothers life wasn't worth anything and killed her I would want to kill them back. In fact most sane people would want revenge. That is why we have prisons to throw people into who hurt people we care about. Many people want to strangle those who hurt loved ones. I guess you don't really care about anyone very much. Mr. Kill them before they kill you.

The truth is we have killed alot of people with trade sanctions. Many people just wanted to live their lives. But we punished innocent people just because Saddam was their dictator. And it is examples of things like this that fueled these terrorists anger in the first place.

Im sure the nice people being forced to live by evil law's are happy now.
Laws that don't protect them. Laws have nothing to do with anything.

Exactly, Taliban laws don't protect them.
You say laws have nothing to do with anything ? What planet are you on dude.
What good are laws in a war zone or civil war? They are useless.

Like the people thanking america for their freedom.

The majority are secretly hating us and being nice to our face so they don't get thrown in prison for voiceing how they feel. Considering that we have killed loved ones who didn't do anything. Even the ones who deserved it have loved ones and didn't want them to be killed.

You can't read mind's so that's bollock's.
No, instead I have taken the time to watch footage where people from other countries run around taking footage of everything they can get. Including taking random interviews of scores of people where they tell the camera what they think of us. Something you never see through normal American media. Because they don't dare tell the truth. Or the war would simply be seen for what it's been. Why do you think so many foreigners who live closer to that area are unsupportive? Because many of them have physically talked to refugees from Iraq. Because they know the over all situation and culture better then we do. Because they have a better idea of what is going on. Not because they are cowards.

The women they don't have to cover up as much.

Many of those women wanted to cover up. Sure some don't, but not everyone was being repressed. Though this really has nothing to do with anything really. It's not about what I want or don't want. It's about what they want.

The taliban made women cover up, no choice's.
They were all being repressed, only you will say different.
Whats wrong with you man.
I have actually talked to a few muslim women. Have you?

They can listen to normal music now, before it was just acapella's of a certain theme.

And you think they all hated it? It's "their" culture, they can do what they want with "their" culture. Not everyone wants to be us. I am not saying I like their culture or dislike it. It's simply not my place to tell them what to do.

I watched a documentry about the taliban. A man was crying because the taliban took his instruments.
Its not their culture your just saying anything now. It's taliban law you fool.
One documentary? The point I am making is that we have done just as much damage as the Taliban. Not that the taliban is good.

No f**cking instument's aloud.
They don't have to worry about decapitation's, for breaking little rule's.

No, instead they have to worry about being killed by their neighbors or shot down by us for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Accident's happen and people die, decapitation is in purpose. US troops don't do it, the taliban do.
I have watched footage of many troop abuses. Our troops shooting people just driving down the street for fun. Because they are angry at losing friends. Hiding their faces cracking jokes. There is all kinds of footage that is very much not an accident. They aren't innocent, we aren't innocent. What is the lesson? The same bull that happened in Vietnam is happening in the Middle East.

The list goes on and on..........................
I seen lot's of new's footage with kid's happilly playing with US soildier's, praising them in fact. Why don't you think of them.

Because that footage is bias and only shows the side that certian people want shown. The majority is nothing like that. Are you really so gullible? Our troops have also beaten groups of angry children. Kindergarden age who were throwing rocks at them.

I seen both side's so both happen.
What would happen if troops threw rock's at them, they would do the same back. The kid's are little violent idiots.
They are children who watch their parents and friends die for no reason other then being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The troops deserve to have rocks thrown at them. That is what happens when you deploy troops in a civilian battleground where they aren't wanted. The result is you make more enemies then you can kill. It works to your enemy’s advantage. Which is why we were attacked in the first place to make Al-Quada stronger by getting us to attack them. They were generally unsupported by their own people.

What about them knocking saddams statue down, they looked happy
enough to me. Even at his execution they were pleased.

Again, who is happy and who isn't? Not everyone hated him. There is great danger in only seeing one side of anything. Bush has done a great job of hiding reality from people like yourself. Now many people hate us as much as they hated Saddam. I mean in a country that had I believe 16 million. At least half a million are dead. 2 million are homeless. 2 million have fled the country (mostly the most educated). The loss of their brightest and best will plague them for generations.

If im seeing one side your seeing the other, so what's your point.
How many people have been saved ? I can 10 million have.
The war in Iraq is only starting.

Everyone just look's at the bad point's, look at the good.

You miss the greater picture. Bush is no better then Saddam. We have made a mockery of democracy and when we do finally leave, because we tryed to force them into it they are likely to not want it. If we had actually helped them to form a democracy on their own terms there might have been a chance. They weren't against a democracy. But who ever heard of being forced to create a democracy at the point of a gun? Iran had a democracy until we assasinated the guy.

I have never heard of Iran/Bush related new's.
Speaking of Iran
The iranian president did an alternative christmas speech on tv.
He preached hate towards the west and the jew's. What a ****** president and place.
I have watched footage of their leader and the guy is a smart guy. He has actually been on shows like Charlie Rose's show.

We deserve to be hated considering how we are acting and treating people. We are the bad guys, not them.

The democratic leader was assasinated quite a while ago.


The man that broke down barriers between the police and military forces. Barriers that were put there for our protection. The man that broke down barriers between intelligence agencies. Barriers that were there for our own protection. A man who was part of an administration that has legalized torture. Allowed the construction of torture faculties. Put loopholes in our rights to allow the suspension of peoples rights..

I don't know anything about the breaking of barriers.
I agree with you if your on about Guantanimo bay (don't know how to spell it) But then i think maybe it's good.
No, bills like the patiot act changed laws that were there for our protection from abuses of power. Bush and his administration have reduced checks and balances that were set up that way for very specific reasons.

There are actually stories of Jewish people who survived WWII who have fled the US in recent years because of how many similarities there are between what has been going on here and what happened in Germany before WWII. You need to open your eyes and wake up. IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!

That's the first time i heard of that, and i am awake because i noticed you chat bollocks.

Taliban law's are from a certain book, everyone know's that but you.
The Taliban enforce it on all the people, like it or not.
You speak like you read peoples mind's. Go there when the troop's leave and have a look. Also people from Iraq and Afghanistan flee their country to come to the UK an US. I spoke to a few in a take-away, they were very happy with the west. Do you want the number to ask them yourself ?
order me a pizza at the same time.

Iraq has nothing to do with the Taliban. Had nothing to do with Al-Quada.

I am sure some people agree with what we are doing, but a huge number do not. Why else would there be people fighting us? They are all terrorists?

Did you know the British considered our minute men terrorists? Literally.
Skorian said:
Liapos said:
I wouldn't exactly call the terrorists that he has captured innocent, or the rest of that Al-Qaeda scum. Obama is just gonna let the terrorists get away with murder, literally, because he's gonna be too **** scared to tackle it with the strength and bravery like George Bush did.

Clearly delusional. Debate here is pointless.
I know, but at some point it "HAS" to get through somehow. I tend to be stuborn like a mule.

It's pretty hard though when they avoid the points one is trying to make. I really don't understand how some people can literally live "in" denial. Must be a warm cozy place.

A dumb stuborn mule, you don't know ****.
You make up your points, that's how you keep going on and on.
Your the one in denial, you think US troop's are worse then the Taliban.
Plus you don't even know what laws they follow and enforce.
Everyone know's but you, yet you tell me im wrong.

So Skorian, is it a warm cozy place or what.

And if Stella's delusional you are blind.
Skorian said:
punisher said:
Skorian said:
punisher said:
Skorian said:
stella said:
to be against the war in Iraq means that you were pro Saddam Hussein, pro a despot dictator that tortured and killed his own people. Personally i'm glad he has gone and its all thanks to Bush and Blair :)

Um. Thanks to Bush and Blair Al-Qaeda is more powerful now then they were 8 years ago. Which still isn't much of a threat without a WMD, but still.

Thousands of innocents have been wrongly imprisoned and tortured on false information.

If you take the time you can find confessions by those who performed interrogations to the fact that most of the people they interrogated had nothing to do with any terror.

McCain who thinks a great deal like Bush actually had to be snuck into one of the debates because so many war vets were protesting outside it that that was the only way to get him in.

Al-Qaeda on many occasions would go into areas, cause disturbances, and flee. The people there would blame each other and attack one another. We would go in declaring them terrorists and enemy combatants. Then kill people who were just reacting to a situation that we started to begin with by destabilizing their country. People who wanted nothing more then to protect themselves and their families.

In situations like the one we have started neighbors have a tenancy to inform on one another when they don't like each other.

I have sat and watched small children be interviewed and because we killed one of their loved ones, they confess how they want to kill Americans when they grow up. Small children.

We have literally destroyed whole towns. We have spent a fortune rebuilding those same buildings. It's not unlike digging a hole and filling it back in again. Lucrative for the companies doing the building. A huge money hole for everyone else. And we wonder why our economy is in trouble with leadership that thinks like this
You can tell yourself whatever you want to, to help you sleep at night, but the truth is Bush has been more dangerous to us then any enemy we could have. I personally think the man should be dubbed the Nero of America.

Don't you mean the hero.
I take it you don't know who Nero is?

If i thought you made a spelling mistake i would'nt mention it,
im not a baby
Then why say anything?

If little kid's want to kill americans shame on them,
That's the same as saying a black man killed my mother,
now i want to kill black people.

No, it is more like if Russians broke into our country and killed your mother then you decided when you grew up you were going to get revenge on everything Russian.

If that happened i would'nt want revenge on all russians.
If i did i would be EVIL so they must be too
Well I guess then I am evil. Since I am honest. If some country decided my life wasn't worth anything and killed my own mother I would want to kill them back. In fact most sane people would want revenge. That is why we have prisons to throw people into who hurt people we care about. Many people want to strangle those who hurt loved ones. I guess you don't really care about anyone very much. Mr. Kill them before they kill you.

The truth is we have killed alot of people with trade sanctions. Many people just wanted to live their lives. But we punished innocent people just because Saddam was their dictator. And it is examples of things like this that fueled these terrorists anger in the first place.

Im sure the nice people being forced to live by evil law's are happy now.
Laws that don't protect them. Laws have nothing to do with anything.

Exactly, Taliban laws don't protect them.
You say laws have nothing to do with anything ? What planet are you on dude.
What good are laws in a war zone or civil war? They are useless.

Like the people thanking america for their freedom.

The majority are secretly hating us and being nice to our face so they don't get thrown in prison for voiceing how they feel. Considering that we have killed loved ones who didn't do anything. Even the ones who deserved it have loved ones and didn't want them to be killed.

You can't read mind's so that's bollock's.
No, instead I have taken the time to watch footage where people from other countries run around taking footage of everything they can get. Including taking random interviews of scores of people where they tell the camera what they think of us. Something you never see through normal American media. Because they don't dare tell the truth. Or the war would simply be seen for what it's been. Why do you think so many foreigners who live closer to that area are unsupportive? Because many of them have physically talked to refugees from Iraq.

The women they don't have to cover up as much.

Many of those women wanted to cover up. Sure some don't, but not everyone was being repressed. Though this really has nothing to do with anything really. It's not about what I want or don't want. It's about what they want.

The taliban made women cover up, no choice's.
They were all being repressed, only you will say different.
Whats wrong with you man.
I have actually talked to a few muslim women. Have you?

They can listen to normal music now, before it was just acapella's of a certain theme.

And you think they all hated it? It's "their" culture, they can do what they want with "their" culture. Not everyone wants to be us. I am not saying I like their culture or dislike it. It's simply not my place to tell them what to do.

I watched a documentry about the taliban. A man was crying because the taliban took his instruments.
Its not their culture your just saying anything now. It's taliban law you fool.
One documentary? The point I am making is that we have done just as much damage as the Taliban. Not that the taliban is good.

No f**cking instument's aloud.
They don't have to worry about decapitation's, for breaking little rule's.

No, instead they have to worry about being killed by their neighbors or shot down by us for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Accident's happen and people die, decapitation is in purpose. US troops don't do it, the taliban do.
I have watched footage of many troop abuses. Our troops shooting people just driving down the street for fun. Because they are angry at losing friends. Hiding their faces cracking jokes. There is all kinds of footage that is very much not an accident. They aren't innocent, we aren't innocent. What is the lesson? The same bull that happened in Vietnam is happening in the Middle East.

The list goes on and on..........................
I seen lot's of new's footage with kid's happilly playing with US soildier's, praising them in fact. Why don't you think of them.

Because that footage is bias and only shows the side that certian people want shown. The majority is nothing like that. Are you really so gullible? Our troops have also beaten groups of angry children. Kindergarden age who were throwing rocks at them.

I seen both side's so both happen.
What would happen if troops threw rock's at them, they would do the same back. The kid's are little violent idiots.
They are children who watch their parents and friends die for no reason other then being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The troops deserve to have rocks thrown at them. That is what happens when you deploy troops in a civilian battleground where they aren't wanted. The result is you make more enemies then you can kill. It works to your enemy’s advantage. Which is why we were attacked in the first place to make Al-Quada stronger by getting us to attack them. They were generally unsupported by their own people.

What about them knocking saddams statue down, they looked happy
enough to me. Even at his execution they were pleased.

Again, who is happy and who isn't? Not everyone hated him. There is great danger in only seeing one side of anything. Bush has done a great job of hiding reality from people like yourself. Now many people hate us as much as they hated Saddam. I mean in a country that had I believe 16 million. At least half a million are dead. 2 million are homeless. 2 million have fled the country (mostly the most educated). The loss of their brightest and best will plague them for generations.

If im seeing one side your seeing the other, so what's your point.
How many people have been saved ? I can 10 million have.
The war in Iraq is only starting.

Everyone just look's at the bad point's, look at the good.

You miss the greater picture. Bush is no better then Saddam. We have made a mockery of democracy and when we do finally leave, because we tryed to force them into it they are likely to not want it. If we had actually helped them to form a democracy on their own terms there might have been a chance. They weren't against a democracy. But who ever heard of being forced to create a democracy at the point of a gun? Iran had a democracy until we assasinated the guy.

I have never heard of Iran/Bush related new's.
Speaking of Iran
The iranian president did an alternative christmas speech on tv.
He preached hate towards the west and the jew's. What a ****** president and place.
I have watched footage of their leader and the guy is a smart guy. He has actually been on shows like Charlie Rose's show.

We deserve to be hated considering how we are acting and treating people. We are the bad guys, not them.

The democratic leader was assasinated quite a while ago.


The man that broke down barriers between the police and military forces. Barriers that were put there for our protection. The man that broke down barriers between intelligence agencies. Barriers that were there for our own protection. A man who was part of an administration that has legalized torture. Allowed the construction of torture faculties. Put loopholes in our rights to allow the suspension of peoples rights..

I don't know anything about the breaking of barriers.
I agree with you if your on about Guantanimo bay (don't know how to spell it) But then i think maybe it's good.
No, bills like the patiot act changed laws that were there for our protection from abuses of power. Bush and his cronies have reduced checks and balances that were set up that way for very specific reasons.

There are actually stories of Jewish people who survived WWII who have fled the US in recent years because of how many similarities there are between what has been going on here and what happened in Germany before WWII. You need to open your eyes and wake up. IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!

That's the first time i heard of that, and i am awake because i noticed you chat bollocks.

Taliban law's are from a certain book, everyone know's that but you.
The Taliban enforce it on all the people, like it or not.
You speak like you read peoples mind's. Go there when the troop's leave and have a look. Also people from Iraq and Afghanistan flee their country to come to the UK an US. I spoke to a few in a take-away, they were very happy with the west. Do you want the number to ask them yourself ?
order me a pizza at the same time.

Iraq has nothing to do with the Taliban. Nothing to do with Al-Quada. I am sure some people agree with what we are doing, but a huge number do not. Why else would there be people fighting us? They are all terrorists? Did you know the British considered our minute men terrorists? Literally.

You actually sound like a taliban/evil terrorist member or something. You make excuse after excuse to protect them.
Have you got a little secret you want to share with us.
punisher said:
Skorian said:
Liapos said:
I wouldn't exactly call the terrorists that he has captured innocent, or the rest of that Al-Qaeda scum. Obama is just gonna let the terrorists get away with murder, literally, because he's gonna be too **** scared to tackle it with the strength and bravery like George Bush did.

Clearly delusional. Debate here is pointless.
I know, but at some point it "HAS" to get through somehow. I tend to be stuborn like a mule.

It's pretty hard though when they avoid the points one is trying to make. I really don't understand how some people can literally live "in" denial. Must be a warm cozy place.

A dumb stuborn mule, you don't know ****.
You make up your points, that's how you keep going on and on.
Your the one in denial, you think US troop's are worse then the Taliban.
Plus you don't even know what laws they follow and enforce.
Everyone know's but you, yet you tell me im wrong.

So Skorian, is it a warm cozy place or what.

And if Stella's delusional you are blind.

Thank you punisher. You have just described yourself.

I'm sorry, but this is getting really tiresome, trying to respond seriously to you, only to have you dribble on like this, then **** on someone when they have an intelligible disagreement with you. I no longer take you seriously, as I'm sure Skorian, nor Liapos do either. Please watch the way you reply, and if you actually want a good, serious debate which don't consist of "whatever man, you're just saying that!" then you know where to find us.

I hate to come off this way, but from now on I'll just simply ignore these kinds of threads posted by you as I'll know what to expect.

Stella, this is in no way meant to offend you, or anyone else who agrees with his views and I'm not trying to start anything with anyone. I've just come to the conclusion that I (personally) cannot have a good debate with this specific person.

I wish you all the luck with your future posts punisher. Good day.
punisher said:
You actually sound like a taliban/evil terrorist member or something. You make excuse after excuse to protect them.
Have you got a little secret you want to share with us.

It's not about protecting them. It is about recognizing reality and working with it, rather then against it.

You cannot declare war on a thousand year old idea with guns and win. Definitely not by killing those who grew up hearing such an idea. You will turn almost all into your enemy.

You cannot deploy an army against civilians. When the troops can’t distinguish between friend and foe the result is a disaster. It’s a great way to turn the situation from a few against you, too many. You will gain them sympathy and the support of others.

This is a big part of why Russia lost.

You cannot create a democracy that isn’t supported by the people. At least not a real democracy. Who ever heard of a democracy created at the point of guns? The very idea works against itself.
Estreen said:
punisher said:
Skorian said:
Liapos said:
I wouldn't exactly call the terrorists that he has captured innocent, or the rest of that Al-Qaeda scum. Obama is just gonna let the terrorists get away with murder, literally, because he's gonna be too **** scared to tackle it with the strength and bravery like George Bush did.

Clearly delusional. Debate here is pointless.
I know, but at some point it "HAS" to get through somehow. I tend to be stuborn like a mule.

It's pretty hard though when they avoid the points one is trying to make. I really don't understand how some people can literally live "in" denial. Must be a warm cozy place.

A dumb stuborn mule, you don't know ****.
You make up your points, that's how you keep going on and on.
Your the one in denial, you think US troop's are worse then the Taliban.
Plus you don't even know what laws they follow and enforce.
Everyone know's but you, yet you tell me im wrong.

So Skorian, is it a warm cozy place or what.

And if Stella's delusional you are blind.

Thank you punisher. You have just described yourself.

I'm sorry, but this is getting really tiresome, trying to respond seriously to you, only to have you dribble on like this, then **** on someone when they have an intelligible disagreement with you. I no longer take you seriously, as I'm sure Skorian, nor Liapos do either. Please watch the way you reply, and if you actually want a good, serious debate which don't consist of "whatever man, you're just saying that!" then you know where to find us.

I hate to come off this way, but from now on I'll just simply ignore these kinds of threads posted by you as I'll know what to expect.

Stella, this is in no way meant to offend you, or anyone else who agrees with his views and I'm not trying to start anything with anyone. I've just come to the conclusion that I (personally) cannot have a good debate with this specific person.

I wish you all the luck with your future posts punisher. Good day.

This reply is sexy.

I want to do nasty things to it. I want to spank it and pull its hair and call it dirty names.

Ya, I know. *Shrug*

I have a fascination with people showing their true colors.
There is getting to be to many instances of personal attacks in this thread. If you wish to debate the topic then debate the topic. If you choose to throw personal insults instead then the thread will be locked.
Skorian said:
punisher said:
Skorian said:
punisher said:
Skorian said:
stella said:
to be against the war in Iraq means that you were pro Saddam Hussein, pro a despot dictator that tortured and killed his own people. Personally i'm glad he has gone and its all thanks to Bush and Blair :)

Um. Thanks to Bush and Blair Al-Qaeda is more powerful now then they were 8 years ago. Which still isn't much of a threat without a WMD, but still.

Thousands of innocents have been wrongly imprisoned and tortured on false information.

If you take the time you can find confessions by those who performed interrogations to the fact that most of the people they interrogated had nothing to do with any terror.

McCain who thinks a great deal like Bush actually had to be snuck into one of the debates because so many war vets were protesting outside it that that was the only way to get him in.

Al-Qaeda on many occasions would go into areas, cause disturbances, and flee. The people there would blame each other and attack one another. We would go in declaring them terrorists and enemy combatants. Then kill people who were just reacting to a situation that we started to begin with by destabilizing their country. People who wanted nothing more then to protect themselves and their families.

In situations like the one we have started neighbors have a tenancy to inform on one another when they don't like each other.

I have sat and watched small children be interviewed and because we killed one of their loved ones, they confess how they want to kill Americans when they grow up. Small children.

We have literally destroyed whole towns. We have spent a fortune rebuilding those same buildings. It's not unlike digging a hole and filling it back in again. Lucrative for the companies doing the building. A huge money hole for everyone else. And we wonder why our economy is in trouble with leadership that thinks like this
You can tell yourself whatever you want to, to help you sleep at night, but the truth is Bush has been more dangerous to us then any enemy we could have. I personally think the man should be dubbed the Nero of America.

Don't you mean the hero.
I take it you don't know who Nero is?

If i thought you made a spelling mistake i would'nt mention it,
im not a baby

Then why say anything?

Because Bush is not Nero.

If little kid's want to kill americans shame on them,
That's the same as saying a black man killed my mother,
now i want to kill black people.

No, it is more like if Russians broke into our country and killed your mother then you decided when you grew up you were going to get revenge on everything Russian.

If that happened i would'nt want revenge on all russians.
If i did i would be EVIL so they must be too

Well I guess then I am evil. Since I am honest. If some country decided my mothers life wasn't worth anything and killed her I would want to kill them back. In fact most sane people would want revenge. That is why we have prisons to throw people into who hurt people we care about. Many people want to strangle those who hurt loved ones. I guess you don't really care about anyone very much. Mr. Kill them before they kill you.

The truth is we have killed alot of people with trade sanctions. Many people just wanted to live their lives. But we punished innocent people just because Saddam was their dictator. And it is examples of things like this that fueled these terrorists anger in the first place.

If i did'nt care about anyone i would'nt say revenge is evil.
Don't make excuse's for terrorist's, they kill to takeover.
They even kill aid workers helping them.
Im sure the nice people being forced to live by evil law's are happy now.
Laws that don't protect them. Laws have nothing to do with anything.

Exactly, Taliban laws don't protect them.
You say laws have nothing to do with anything ? What planet are you on dude.

What good are laws in a war zone or civil war? They are useless.

If their was'nt a war taliban laws would apply.
Like the people thanking america for their freedom.

The majority are secretly hating us and being nice to our face so they don't get thrown in prison for voiceing how they feel. Considering that we have killed loved ones who didn't do anything. Even the ones who deserved it have loved ones and didn't want them to be killed.

You can't read mind's so that's bollock's.

No, instead I have taken the time to watch footage where people from other countries run around taking footage of everything they can get. Including taking random interviews of scores of people where they tell the camera what they think of us. Something you never see through normal American media. Because they don't dare tell the truth. Or the war would simply be seen for what it's been. Why do you think so many foreigners who live closer to that area are unsupportive? Because many of them have physically talked to refugees from Iraq. Because they know the over all situation and culture better then we do. Because they have a better idea of what is going on. Not because they are cowards.

I watched footage from both side's, not everyone is thinking that.
The women they don't have to cover up as much.

Many of those women wanted to cover up. Sure some don't, but not everyone was being repressed. Though this really has nothing to do with anything really. It's not about what I want or don't want. It's about what they want.

The taliban made women cover up, no choice's.
They were all being repressed, only you will say different.
Whats wrong with you man.

I have actually talked to a few muslim women. Have you?

I lived with one for 19 years, i call her mum.
(have a look at the: would you date an asian man or women threads)

They can listen to normal music now, before it was just acapella's of a certain theme.

And you think they all hated it? It's "their" culture, they can do what they want with "their" culture. Not everyone wants to be us. I am not saying I like their culture or dislike it. It's simply not my place to tell them what to do.

I watched a documentry about the taliban. A man was crying because the taliban took his instruments.
Its not their culture your just saying anything now. It's taliban law you fool.

One documentary? The point I am making is that we have done just as much damage as the Taliban. Not that the taliban is good.

No way near as much, the troop's are their to free them from taliban.
It's not Bush or America's fault if a few soldiers are evil.
No f**cking instument's aloud.
They don't have to worry about decapitation's, for breaking little rule's.

No, instead they have to worry about being killed by their neighbors or shot down by us for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Accident's happen and people die, decapitation is in purpose. US troops don't do it, the taliban do.

I have watched footage of many troop abuses. Our troops shooting people just driving down the street for fun. Because they are angry at losing friends. Hiding their faces cracking jokes. There is all kinds of footage that is very much not an accident. They aren't innocent, we aren't innocent. What is the lesson? The same bull that happened in Vietnam is happening in the Middle East.

Yeah some of the troop's are evil not all.
Have you seen footage of westerners being tortured and beheaded.
Even aid workers get it, they go to help and get killed.

The list goes on and on..........................
I seen lot's of new's footage with kid's happilly playing with US soildier's, praising them in fact. Why don't you think of them.

Because that footage is bias and only shows the side that certian people want shown. The majority is nothing like that. Are you really so gullible? Our troops have also beaten groups of angry children. Kindergarden age who were throwing rocks at them.

I seen both side's so both happen.
What would happen if troops threw rock's at them, they would do the same back. The kid's are little violent idiots.

They are children who watch their parents and friends die for no reason other then being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The troops deserve to have rocks thrown at them. That is what happens when you deploy troops in a civilian battleground where they aren't wanted. The result is you make more enemies then you can kill. It works to your enemy’s advantage. Which is why we were attacked in the first place to make Al-Quada stronger by getting us to attack them. They were generally unsupported by their own people.

If they deserve to have rocks thrown at them, the kids deserve a beating.
Throw it at the people that did it, not the ones that did'nt.
What about them knocking saddams statue down, they looked happy
enough to me. Even at his execution they were pleased.

Again, who is happy and who isn't? Not everyone hated him. There is great danger in only seeing one side of anything. Bush has done a great job of hiding reality from people like yourself. Now many people hate us as much as they hated Saddam. I mean in a country that had I believe 16 million. At least half a million are dead. 2 million are homeless. 2 million have fled the country (mostly the most educated). The loss of their brightest and best will plague them for generations.

If im seeing one side your seeing the other, so what's your point.
How many people have been saved ? I can 10 million have.

The war in Iraq is only starting.

Thats good.
Everyone just look's at the bad point's, look at the good.

You miss the greater picture. Bush is no better then Saddam. We have made a mockery of democracy and when we do finally leave, because we tryed to force them into it they are likely to not want it. If we had actually helped them to form a democracy on their own terms there might have been a chance. They weren't against a democracy. But who ever heard of being forced to create a democracy at the point of a gun? Iran had a democracy until we assasinated the guy.

I have never heard of Iran/Bush related new's.
Speaking of Iran
The iranian president did an alternative christmas speech on tv.
He preached hate towards the west and the jew's. What a ****** president and place.

I have watched footage of their leader and the guy is a smart guy. He has actually been on shows like Charlie Rose's show.

We deserve to be hated considering how we are acting and treating people. We are the bad guys, not them.

The democratic leader was assasinated quite a while ago.

So all the Western civilians are bad guys ? What about the innocent jew's in the west ?

The man that broke down barriers between the police and military forces. Barriers that were put there for our protection. The man that broke down barriers between intelligence agencies. Barriers that were there for our own protection. A man who was part of an administration that has legalized torture. Allowed the construction of torture faculties. Put loopholes in our rights to allow the suspension of peoples rights..

I don't know anything about the breaking of barriers.
I agree with you if your on about Guantanimo bay (don't know how to spell it) But then i think maybe it's good.

No, bills like the patiot act changed laws that were there for our protection from abuses of power. Bush and his administration have reduced checks and balances that were set up that way for very specific reasons.

There are actually stories of Jewish people who survived WWII who have fled the US in recent years because of how many similarities there are between what has been going on here and what happened in Germany before WWII. You need to open your eyes and wake up. IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!

That's the first time i heard of that, and i am awake because i noticed you chat bollocks.

Taliban law's are from a certain book, everyone know's that but you.
The Taliban enforce it on all the people, like it or not.
You speak like you read peoples mind's. Go there when the troop's leave and have a look. Also people from Iraq and Afghanistan flee their country to come to the UK an US. I spoke to a few in a take-away, they were very happy with the west. Do you want the number to ask them yourself ?
order me a pizza at the same time.

Iraq has nothing to do with the Taliban. Had nothing to do with Al-Quada.

I am sure some people agree with what we are doing, but a huge number do not. Why else would there be people fighting us? They are all terrorists?

Did you know the British considered our minute men terrorists? Literally.

A lot agree with it, but can't OR won't say it.



Ok, say you are correct. Then why is our strategy serving to make them a stronger more effective fighting force? What part of violence = violence do you not understand? Quite simply for every person we kill in the name of fighting terror 1 or more people will take that persons place. This could quite simply continue till there is almost no one left to fight on either side. In many ways the way to look at it is that the rest of the world is rebellion forces and we are the empire (in Star wars). The fact that you don't understand the dynamics of why that is. Is why you can't conceive of why we are losing. And in fact really have already lost. Our economy is in danger. Our military is a mess. We are over extended. We could have won, but because of people who think like you do, we didn't.

The more you repress people, the more they will resist; simply labeling them as bad will not fix the problem. And I am not even getting into the fact that Bush started a war against a word. Instead of specifically designing the objective to taking out Al-Quada he has gone after a much larger umbrella of people. Making our tactics simply ineffective and overextending us beyond our means. It is not wise to start one military objective and then mostly ignore it a while, while taking on something else. Also modern armies are primarily designed to fight modern standing armies. As in an actual military. Most of the precepts of war are designed for this same purpose. The rules completely change in a civilian environment. The rules of engagement primarily are designed to work against a military force run by a governing body. Without this the battleground radically changes. Bush's little war was doomed to fail from day 1 because he failed to recognize he was using the wrong tactics and tools for the job.

A while back I ran across a good example of what we are doing as a nation. A good example of how foolish we are in our policy and practices.

Economics professors have a standard game they use to demonstrate how apparently rational decisions can create a disastrous result. They call it a 'dollar auction.' The rules are simple. The professor offers a dollar for sale to the highest bidder, with only one wrinkle: the second-highest bidder has to pay up on their losing bid as well. Several students almost always get sucked in. The first bids a penny, looking to make 99 cents. The second bids 2 cents, the third 3 cents, and so on, each feeling they have a chance at something good on the cheap. The early stages are fun, and the bidders wonder what possessed the professor to be willing to lose some money.

The problem surfaces when the bidders get up close to a dollar. After 99 cents the last vestige of profitability disappears, but the bidding continues between the two highest players. They now realize that they stand to lose no matter what, but that they can still buffer their losses by winning the dollar. They just have to outlast the other player. Following this strategy, the two hapless students usually run the bid up several dollars, turning the apparent shot at easy money into a ghastly battle of spiraling disaster.

Theoretically, there is no stable outcome once the dynamic gets going. The only clear limit is the exhaustion of one of the player's total funds. In the classroom, the auction generally ends with the grudging decision of one player to 'irrationally' accept the larger loss and get out of the terrible spiral. Economists call the dollar auction pattern an irrational escalation of commitment. We might also call it the war in Iraq."

This may be the best explanation of where Bush & Co. are in terms of their Iraq war policy. Bush is desperately trying to keep the game going and hand it off to the next president.

This example works on so many levels in so many ways. An over abundant pride that refused to accept ones mistakes hoping to accept the lesser defeat and ignore the only slightly greater. It is this, which destroyed Russia.
Estreen said:
punisher said:
Skorian said:
Liapos said:
I wouldn't exactly call the terrorists that he has captured innocent, or the rest of that Al-Qaeda scum. Obama is just gonna let the terrorists get away with murder, literally, because he's gonna be too **** scared to tackle it with the strength and bravery like George Bush did.

Clearly delusional. Debate here is pointless.
I know, but at some point it "HAS" to get through somehow. I tend to be stuborn like a mule.

It's pretty hard though when they avoid the points one is trying to make. I really don't understand how some people can literally live "in" denial. Must be a warm cozy place.

A dumb stuborn mule, you don't know ****.
You make up your points, that's how you keep going on and on.
Your the one in denial, you think US troop's are worse then the Taliban.
Plus you don't even know what laws they follow and enforce.
Everyone know's but you, yet you tell me im wrong.

So Skorian, is it a warm cozy place or what.

And if Stella's delusional you are blind.

Thank you punisher. You have just described yourself.

I'm sorry, but this is getting really tiresome, trying to respond seriously to you, only to have you dribble on like this, then **** on someone when they have an intelligible disagreement with you. I no longer take you seriously, as I'm sure Skorian, nor Liapos do either. Please watch the way you reply, and if you actually want a good, serious debate which don't consist of "whatever man, you're just saying that!" then you know where to find us.

I hate to come off this way, but from now on I'll just simply ignore these kinds of threads posted by you as I'll know what to expect.

Stella, this is in no way meant to offend you, or anyone else who agrees with his views and I'm not trying to start anything with anyone. I've just come to the conclusion that I (personally) cannot have a good debate with this specific person.

I wish you all the luck with your future posts punisher. Good day.

He is making things up. How can he say what all muslims really think ? Then to use it to disagree with me.
Speaking to a few muslim women dont mean anything, but living with one does. Just because Skorian doesnt swear, doesnt mean he dont **** on people too.
But its ok dont tell him off, i dont mind being told off.

What the hell do i know,
im just a white, islamaphobic, racist right ? ? ?

Thanks Estreen.
punisher said:
He is making things up.

The only way you can win an argument is by using this tactic I bet. Attack "me" personally. Because the bottom line is you don't want to face facts. You only want to hear those who agree with you and everyone who doesn't must be making what they say up. I have seen this soooo many times. It's many peoples bottom line.

How can he say what all muslims really think ? Then to use it to disagree with me.

For one, at one point in time I spent time reading middle eastern news. I have watched quite a few interviews. I like when people just walk around with a camera and shove it in everyones face and ask them questions. The rawer the footage, the better.

Speaking to a few muslim women dont mean anything, but living with one does.

Many always beats one. What the majority think is what is important, not the few.

Just because Skorian doesnt swear, doesnt mean he dont **** on people too.

Who ever said I didn't. I very much dislike some things. I never claimed otherwise. But I would rather others dislike those for their own reasons, rather then my own.

I don't like hearing an excuse as to shitting on people. It's like saying, "they do it too, see"? So that makes it, OK? I mean really.

But its ok dont tell him off, i dont mind being told off.

Why would you attack "her" decision? You realize your attacking people for disagreeing? For saying they don't agree? How much more obvious could it be? Your getting dangerously close to saying anyone who doesn't agree with you is making things up and is stupid. Seen it before, sure I will see it again.

What the hell do i know,

What sort of argument is this? This is evidence of what? An excuse to insult people and to say it's ok?

im just a white, islamaphobic, racist right ? ? ?

Are you? What do you think it's like for those who are? Do you think saying this proves anything one way or the other?

Thanks Estreen.

People say what they do for a reason. Don't attack them.
Skorian said:
punisher said:
He is making things up.

The only way you can win an argument is by using this tactic I bet. Attack "me" personally. Because the bottom line is you don't want to face facts. You only want to hear those who agree with you and everyone who doesn't must be making what they say up. I have seen this soooo many times. It's many peoples bottom line.

Hey did i win :D
I give valid points just like the few you did. Its two sides to it but you make it into one. Have i made anything up yet, you know what im saying.

How can he say what all muslims really think ? Then to use it to disagree with me.

For one, at one point in time I spent time reading middle eastern news. I have watched quite a few interviews. I like when people just walk around with a camera and shove it in everyones face and ask them questions. The rawer the footage, the better.

You have seen some good things then too. Not all of them are angry at the west, and lots are being repressed.
Speaking to a few muslim women dont mean anything, but living with one does.

Many always beats one. What the majority think is what is important, not the few.

I heard what my mother thinks about it, and the whole muslim community where i live. They have family in them countries and i know how they feel.

Just because Skorian doesnt swear, doesnt mean he dont **** on people too.

Who ever said I didn't. I very much dislike some things. I never claimed otherwise. But I would rather others dislike those for their own reasons, rather then my own.

I don't like hearing an excuse as to shitting on people. It's like saying, "they do it too, see"? So that makes it, OK? I mean really.

Estreen said it, i just used her words to explain.
I did'nt say its ok.

But its ok dont tell him off, i dont mind being told off.

Why would you attack "her" decision? You realize your attacking people for disagreeing? For saying they don't agree? How much more obvious could it be? Your getting dangerously close to saying anyone who doesn't agree with you is making things up and is stupid. Seen it before, sure I will see it again.

I did'nt attack her at all,
i did'nt say anything about her disagreeing with me.
She was right to tell me off, did i say she was wrong NO.
Did i say she's making things up NO. I said you were making things up.

What the hell do i know,

What sort of argument is this? This is evidence of what? An excuse to insult people and to say it's ok?

Its not an argument, people like your points (the bad side) and ignore my point's (the good side). There is two sides to it and you know that.

im just a white, islamaphobic, racist right ? ? ?

Are you? What do you think it's like for those who are? Do you think saying this proves anything one way or the other?

I think people think i am what i said :D
I'll let people make up their own minds.
Thanks Estreen.

People say what they do for a reason. Don't attack them.

If that was attacking her she must of attacked me.
I said what i said for a reason, and i dont see any of it as attacks.
Your making it bigger then it is.
Minus said:
There is getting to be to many instances of personal attacks in this thread. If you wish to debate the topic then debate the topic. If you choose to throw personal insults instead then the thread will be locked.

*stands up and applauds* Very fair, Minus, to issue a warning about the insults.
Minus said:
There is getting to be to many instances of personal attacks in this thread. If you wish to debate the topic then debate the topic. If you choose to throw personal insults instead then the thread will be locked.

For those that that is not clear enough for, it is not pointing at anyone still but applies to all posting in the thread.
Minus said:
Minus said:
There is getting to be to many instances of personal attacks in this thread. If you wish to debate the topic then debate the topic. If you choose to throw personal insults instead then the thread will be locked.

For those that that is not clear enough for, it is not pointing at anyone still but applies to all posting in the thread.

Perhaps it's best if they take this discussion to PM?

I cannot be the only person that is sadistically happy with this news. They wanted to be barbaric and live in the Dark Ages, they got their wish. I just hope the stinking filthy bastards don't bring it over here or that we don't have to give them antibiotics for it. But the nicey hippy liberals will probably cave in and give them our medical supplies.
stella said:

I cannot be the only person that is sadistically happy with this news. They wanted to be barbaric and live in the Dark Ages, they got their wish. I just hope the stinking filthy bastards don't bring it over here or that we don't have to give them antibiotics for it. But the nicey hippy liberals will probably cave in and give them our medical supplies.

Its sounds like a more painful and slower death then just a bullet.
Im quite happy :D

The filthy f**king pigs, they must bloody stink of ****.
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