Hijacc said:
I need to stay....
But Robin I was on when I could I was a good mod
isn't being a mod about doing what you can?
I was here when I was needed.
I tried I really really did and if that isn't enough.....
I don't know what to say.
Well, since You're asking, there are four things for why i dismantled You:
- You've gone through a hard time recently and this has affected Your mood so much that You've become alot less than Your former self, in many ways, and this has made You unreliable as a moderator since a staff member of a community like this are supposed to be
extra supportive and active, not something
less than any of the other members. To put it simple; a moderator at a community dedicated to the lonely and depressed doesn't do much good being lonely and depressed him-/herself. Bluey is a rare exception (aiming at his down-curves) who has done alot more good here than anyone else even during his troubled times.
- This has also made me worried about You, like many others have, and since You obviously weren't quite fit for every part of the moderator job, i don't think it's fair to You either to be stuck with those obligations. You've clearly got more important things to do. A moderator post isn't supposed to be used for a higher status, so what are You actually complaining about? We all know how a great moderator You've been, but You haven't lately.
- You've practically emigrated to another community where i've heard You are a staff member at now instead. Your absence is a enough of a reason.
- It took You no less than ten days to reply to my PM to You where i told You about much of the above and that it was about to affect Your staff membership. It put the final nail in the coffin; You didn't even care enough to reply to it.
Seriously Hijacc, and everyone else for that matter, i personally appointed You because i thought You were an excellent example of a moderator, and You were, but can You say, with complete honesty, that You have been fit for helping people of whom some have been close to suicide, being a 16 year old guy too busy elsewhere and in a depressed state?
There are a few other things that i've heard about You which i can't be certain is true and which i don't wish to express openly like this. But do note this though; it wasn't me who brought this up. It was an amount of several other people who informed me of Your state, and if they wouldn't have, i wouldn't have known anything of
what You were doing, or
how. I'm glad that they did though, because it was when they informed me of all this that i started to notice it myself.
Moderating a community like this is supposed to be hard and time-consuming work, because this is a community with members who require special attention and care. The one's who are moderating it should therefore be willing and able to do so. You've shown the opposite for too long.