1. My OCD prevents me from physically moving forward at times, which others see as weird. I will focus on an object until I am "satisfied" enough to be able to move on. My contractor noticed it last year when I fixated on a cigarette butt on the ground while he was talking to me, but I totally zoned out.
2. I'm obsessed with music trivia to the point where I learn everything on an album, right down to the track times and will memorize them.
3. I've never felt "in love". While I've had several girlfriends, they always felt temporary with no real attachment. One gf even said during a romantic walk that she could picture us growing old together, to which I replied "Why?". We lasted about 6 weeks. I'm basically undateable.
4. I have a phobia of anything sticky and fully lose my **** if I touch anything sticky. I avoid gum like it's poison.
5. In university I had a huge panic attack that lead to a full mental breakdown and lost the ability to read and write and had to relearn everything to go back to school.
6. I live for my dog.