Playing with myself.
No seriously, I'm playing the Sims 3 and I've made my character, a natural born bonafide genius who has reached the top of his science career in two weeks. Professional!
It's nice to be playing the Sims 3 as a life simulator, instead of the usual death simulator that is normal. You appear to have a child...shall I drown him for you? Fatigued, you say? Fatigued? Maybe you should swim more, little Johnny. That's it, yes, swim more. Your lungs are filling up with water? It's natural, don't worry, when under stress your body generates all the oxygen it needs. Oh hello Mister Grim Reaper, that's a nice cowl you've got there. Have you lost weight? You look like you've been on a diet. Well now, little Johnny is now a tiny plaque on the ground you say? I'll get my kleptomaniac sim to steal that, purely so I can set fire to it later! Well, you have a nice day now Mister Grim Reaper, and I'll see you soon. Ta-ta.