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Sitting in soaking wet clothes replying to messages and posts. I could catch pneumonia, but some things just have to be done. It's good to see I've got my priorities right...
^ good that you have priorities user 130057

Sitting out back with decaf & cigs
Sorting the scanned picture disc into films and then into negative order. Oh yeah!
Garbageman said:
annik said:
Sorting out my flickr & watching Murder, She Wrote.

Which episode? I am a little jealous. :D

Seems to be called "Twice Dead". A research scientist was supposed to have been killed in a plane crash but wasn't but gets murdered anyway!
thinking 'yep wasting£42 on this really has finally taight me how empty and futile video games make me feel' sorry to those who like it and all but it just bought back the memory of how vapid i find video games, i think i buy a game once in a while to remind mysef of that, i may play it if im in pain and need to pass time but yeah not my thing
^ Feel free to send it to me if you don't like it! :p

I'm going to buy it next month or in november. I'm sure it'll be on sale somewhere on black friday.
nah i do need something that takes my mind off craving and pain when its really bad and my brains no good for thinking anyway and as empty and utterly pointless as games are they do do that
Jumping around the front room to Waterfall by the stone roses. Greatest British band ever, Beatles and the Stones can take a ride. Who is and who isn't...
Wearing pyjamas and thinking I should finally go to bed now while wishing something would happen to make it so that I don't have to get up/go out in the morning.
Missing him, like thinking it'd be so much better with him here right now.
Looking online for a place that will help a pigeon with a broken wing a lady found in her patio for free. I tried to wrap it's wing but couldn't get the wrap to stay on. :(

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