Thanks punisher i hope you are right
ugh two things i hate, 1st pretty sad and pathetic when you almost seem to get into a compeption about who's life is more sucky
and it's just really frustrating when you know for a fact that your life is way more crap. but they go on and on about their life,
and when you have to go to the bathroom but thee janitorial staff is cleaning it, so i either have to go all the way back over to thee caffiteria to use the bathrooms there or just wait till they get down,
i mean sure it's nice you know that someone cleans the bathroom other than me, you really gotta give those guys some respect,
and acually they re ussaly pretty nice, they'll say hello and be friendly,
eh but back home i was the only one thatused my bathroom, so it never really got very dirty
i need, to stduy, but first i need to organize all my notes, and i went out after my first class and got a bunch of notebooks folders 3 hole punch and 3 ring binder, and charged it to my ubill, ya i've got a feeling my dad pribably won't be to hapy about seeing all those extra things on there
oh yay finnaly they're done cleaning the bathroom, i can go to the bathroom now
ya ******* riviting college life, sitting around waiting to go to the bathroom