Spree shooters

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Silent Hill
Nov 2, 2021
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Rather not say.
oh no, this has to be a bad thread, right? don't worry. i'll try to keep it light hearted and tasteful.

My problem is this: Spree shooters. As I'm watching a documentary about the supreme gentleman Elliot Rodger I notice how these people have one thing in common: "injustice". But what is injustice? Well in Elliot Rodgers case he couldn't get laid, no matter how hard he tried. At least he claimed that. But then why go out and shoot a bunch of people? I don't understand that. Why take this out on complete strangers you never even met? People who themselves have their own **** to deal with, their own problems. Not to mention that spree killings, I dunno if I ever mentioned it before, but are just not very original anymore. They're a dime a dozen. People are going "oh another spree shooting?" its more like youtube these days, a numbers game. You'd need to get that perfect high score to even leave your mark.

Personally i'd go in to a more original route, and by God I have turned 48 this month so maybe the alzheimers is kicking in early, I honest to God don't know if I told you guys my own original idea before. More of a contraption really. Here's what I would do to make the history books:

I'd take an old pickup truck, buy one of course, with one of those thingies where it can move up and down so you can easily get sand out and such you know? Then i'd make a guillotine out of a large sheet of metal and get a bunji rope. And a helmet. I'd glue my own head and face in to the helmet so I have a stupid smiling expression on my face, then i'd have the contraption in such a way that I can just aim, preferably at the IRS building (just for fun, no specific reason) and have the guillotine cut off my head at which point the bunji chord much like a huge catapult would launch my own head trough the IRS building's windows. Can you imagine? I mean these people would be working there and suddenly a smiling head with a stupid little helmet on came crashing trough the windows! Then of course the cops would be looking in to it thinking some maniac cut off a smiling man's head and threw it trough the windows of the IRS building, but naw! Then they'd find my body and the contraption. I'd leave no note, no stupid manifesto, i'd just keep em guessing that way. I would however maybe write something funny on the helmet like I dunno "top of the day to you!" or something like that.

Now if I were truly that far gone, that's what I would do. And I wouldn't be hurting anyone except maybe traumatize some workers at the IRS building. And even that would be funny, imagine a tax worker on a shrinks couch explaining how a smiling head just flew on to his desk next to his morning coffee! hilarity prevails!
I think the thing with spree shooting goes deeper than a sense of injustice. I think it's about getting even for a perceived humiliation or disrespect, similar to a lot of gang violence in that regard.

Sometimes the humiliation/disrespect is real. You just can't deal with it this way, though - much like although poverty sucks, you can't deal with poverty by robbing people, dealing hard drugs, and things like that.

And I don't think society helps either, cause society is always saying, in some way shape or form, "a 'real man' is this, a 'real man' isn't that, a 'real man' is supposed to be able to do this, a 'real man' never does that..." It doesn't help, in fact, it pours fuel on the fire. Or how society says that a man's worth is tied to how hot his girlfriend is - it's seen as a measure of the man's power to impose his will on the world, versus getting imposed upon.

Being imposed upon or limited and relegated sucks, that much I agree with. It really does make you feel like the world is making you its bitch. I don't like it. But one thing I've gradually realized over time is, it doesn't matter how hot a woman is, if you have nothing to talk about, or don't get along with her personality/how she sees things/how her mind works. A lot of hot women, at least in the traditional sense of the term, have personalities and beliefs that go against mine. I don't hate them, I just find it hard to relate, and more often than not it seems like we're just not aligned. More and more I've been feeling about their looks, "so what? Without being able to talk, or caring about the person, this doesn't do anything for me". But it's not a class thing, and it doesn't make you inferior if you can't attract a "hot girl". It's a personality/nature or beliefs/values thing.

I read a lot about Elliott Rodger, in fact I read his whole manifesto when I was trying to understand this issue too. He had a lot of problems. He didn't understand what really attracted women (I know every individual is different but I'm talking about in general), he didn't get this instinctively and nobody told him either. He didn't observe it on his own, and the thing is, this can be hard to do. Not that I am taking his side or anything, but the thing is, not everyone gets the same instruction booklet for life. Some people get a really detailed one. Some people don't need one because they get it instinctively. Some people's instruction booklet is full of errors and bad diagrams that mislead you. And some people don't get instructions at all. But society acts like we all have the same instructions and just writes you off as stupid if you don't "just get it" - adding to the humiliation I mentioned earlier.

I don't remember the details, but I think his home life wasn't ideal either. And he may have faced some racism too, being neither fully Asian, nor fully white. Also from what I gathered, he seemed to be a difficult person to get along with or connect with/relate to, and had some kind of mental health problems. There were probably some other things too that I don't remember right now.

A big thing I noticed though, was how into "the hot girls" he was. He was trying to fit in to a scene where he didn't belong, and was never going to belong, and it only brought him pain. It would have been better if he had just said "screw it, they are a bunch of ******** anyway, why would I want to be a part of this?" And just gone and looked for a scene where he fit in better. But his anger and other issues got the better of him instead, and once you break the law that severely, once you kill or do other heinous crimes, there's nothing anyone can do for you anymore.
oh no, this has to be a bad thread, right? don't worry. i'll try to keep it light hearted and tasteful.

My problem is this: Spree shooters. As I'm watching a documentary about the supreme gentleman Elliot Rodger I notice how these people have one thing in common: "injustice". But what is injustice? Well in Elliot Rodgers case he couldn't get laid, no matter how hard he tried. At least he claimed that. But then why go out and shoot a bunch of people? I don't understand that. Why take this out on complete strangers you never even met? People who themselves have their own **** to deal with, their own problems. Not to mention that spree killings, I dunno if I ever mentioned it before, but are just not very original anymore. They're a dime a dozen. People are going "oh another spree shooting?" its more like youtube these days, a numbers game. You'd need to get that perfect high score to even leave your mark.

Personally i'd go in to a more original route, and by God I have turned 48 this month so maybe the alzheimers is kicking in early, I honest to God don't know if I told you guys my own original idea before. More of a contraption really. Here's what I would do to make the history books:

I'd take an old pickup truck, buy one of course, with one of those thingies where it can move up and down so you can easily get sand out and such you know? Then i'd make a guillotine out of a large sheet of metal and get a bunji rope. And a helmet. I'd glue my own head and face in to the helmet so I have a stupid smiling expression on my face, then i'd have the contraption in such a way that I can just aim, preferably at the IRS building (just for fun, no specific reason) and have the guillotine cut off my head at which point the bunji chord much like a huge catapult would launch my own head trough the IRS building's windows. Can you imagine? I mean these people would be working there and suddenly a smiling head with a stupid little helmet on came crashing trough the windows! Then of course the cops would be looking in to it thinking some maniac cut off a smiling man's head and threw it trough the windows of the IRS building, but naw! Then they'd find my body and the contraption. I'd leave no note, no stupid manifesto, i'd just keep em guessing that way. I would however maybe write something funny on the helmet like I dunno "top of the day to you!" or something like that.

Now if I were truly that far gone, that's what I would do. And I wouldn't be hurting anyone except maybe traumatize some workers at the IRS building. And even that would be funny, imagine a tax worker on a shrinks couch explaining how a smiling head just flew on to his desk next to his morning coffee! hilarity prevails!
I don't know. I think the people at the IRS would just get a DNA sample and check on your taxes, find out the you owe them some money, send the bill to your relatives, and then move on to the next case. Oh, and get another coffee break before heading off to lunch so they can make it back in time to get ready to go home.
I don't know. I think the people at the IRS would just get a DNA sample and check on your taxes, find out the you owe them some money, send the bill to your relatives, and then move on to the next case. Oh, and get another coffee break before heading off to lunch so they can make it back in time to get ready to go home.
No no no you misread, brother, its without any cause. I'd choose the IRS just because it would be funny. I don't owe them any money i'm a good boy.

And I don't think society helps either, cause society is always saying, in some way shape or form, "a 'real man' is this, a 'real man' isn't that, a 'real man' is supposed to be able to do this, a 'real man' never does that..." It doesn't help, in fact, it pours fuel on the fire. Or how society says that a man's worth is tied to how hot his girlfriend is - it's seen as a measure of the man's power to impose his will on the world, versus getting imposed upon.
I firmly agree, but then we'd be going in to a whole other subject. You should check out the documentary "The Red Pill" by a documentary film maker who during the filming of her documentary was a strong feminist but actually turned by talking to and meeting the men's rights movement. I realize both those words have a bad name and no its not right wing stuff, its called the red pill before it became this right wing / conspiracy / qanon type thing attached to it. Much like Pepe it was made "alt right". As for mens rights movement, that has a bad name too intentionally by radicalized feminists. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against feminism or the alt right, but I do suggest you check that documentary out:

It explains the role of men in society. how men are somehow "expendable" how right now theres parents of boys who feel as if they almost need to apologize to people for having a son instead of a daughter. how tons of men (including myself) don't get to see their kids, all that kind of stuff. and please, don't get me wrong, again, i do actually see both sides of the argument. but some things in society need to change, like what you mentioned too. take for example the metoo movement, lately ive been thinking i'm glad im no longer dating that thats long ago. because today theres even talk how women if they regret it later on "it was still rape". that kind of stuff. yet they still expect the old sentiment that as a man you need to make the first moves on a girl. theres just things in society that are long overdue for change. i'm not really trying to make any point here, but i do suggest anyone to check out that documentary. wether you agree with it or not, its an interesting watch. and i'm totally cool if anyone here disagrees with what i said. i totally get that theres always two sides. but me being a man, well mens rights i feel are important too, and equally as important as womens right. if we truly want to be equals, it needs to be total equals, and neither of us get to cherrypick what rights we do want, and what rights we don't want.
I find this interesting, deffo a left side of my brain question …

I think people do these shooting sprees because they want just one moment to feel powerful before they die… I watched the supreme gentleman’s documentary and I think his plan was more symbolic but he wasnt able to carry it out, so he resulted in just a random spree.
I could write a lengthy essay on the complexities of this dynamic but nobody would really read it. The basic takeaway is, if you've ever seen the movie Jaws, here's how this **** works:

Sociopaths are more alike Barracudas, a Psychopath is the Great White.

At least, as far as society is generally concerned.

The nightmarish reality however, is that the biggest differentiation between a Zebra and a Donkey is the stripes and origins.

Ya see where I'm going with this, right?

I genuinely feel and think that both should be legally held accountable and legally punished the exact same. Society just hasn't faced the Black Mirror yet, and to a large degree, it doesn't want to because it is afraid to because it already knows what it will see.
I could write a lengthy essay on the complexities of this dynamic but nobody would really read it. The basic takeaway is, if you've ever seen the movie Jaws, here's how this **** works:

Sociopaths are more alike Barracudas, a Psychopath is the Great White.

At least, as far as society is generally concerned.

The nightmarish reality however, is that the biggest differentiation between a Zebra and a Donkey is the stripes and origins.

Ya see where I'm going with this, right?

I genuinely feel and think that both should be legally held accountable and legally punished the exact same. Society just hasn't faced the Black Mirror yet, and to a large degree, it doesn't want to because it is afraid to because it already knows what it will see.
I really like to read lengthy essay type posts. Ha! ha!
I could write a lengthy essay on the complexities of this dynamic but nobody would really read it. The basic takeaway is, if you've ever seen the movie Jaws, here's how this **** works:

Sociopaths are more alike Barracudas, a Psychopath is the Great White.

At least, as far as society is generally concerned.

The nightmarish reality however, is that the biggest differentiation between a Zebra and a Donkey is the stripes and origins.

Ya see where I'm going with this, right?

I genuinely feel and think that both should be legally held accountable and legally punished the exact same. Society just hasn't faced the Black Mirror yet, and to a large degree, it doesn't want to because it is afraid to because it already knows what it will see.
I read the essay answers too.
However, I usually don't post on these kind of threads cause people can attack.
I stick to the games.
Actually, it's best just to post want you want to post. Some will like it, some will not. But, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you post what you want to post. You are here for you. :)

I guess I'm kind of used to the Steam discussion boards, where I make a lengthy say on the meta of a game, just for someone to be like "tl;dr." --Or as a Manager, managing my staff, very often I have to paraphrase my own thoughts, because a quarter of my staff is formerly diagnosed with ADHD and has trouble focusing.

I think, write, and speak almost entirely from a stream of consciousness, or improvisation. But also I think a bit like an editor in part I guess from being misconstrued due to my lack of social skills.
I was thinking earlier about how I agree with the posts saying that spree shooters do it to feel powerful for once in their lives, before they die. It's not an act of actually trying to defeat your problems, it's more like an act of desperation, giving up. It's an expression of powerlessness, mixed with extreme anger and maybe detachment from reality.

So I was thinking, how can a person feel like they have some power, before it gets to this point?

I think this is why it's important to have something that you're good at. Because if you're good at something, then you know you have at least that much going for you. You know that if you have nothing else, at least you have that. Also, a lot of life seems to revolve around getting respect, getting people to like you, because you're good at something.

But, that's the question - does everyone have the capacity to be good at something? Or do you have to be born with strong traits (like being born strong, rich, hot, etc.) and/or talent (like being really good at something right away, or able to get good at something quickly), otherwise you're hopelessly limited/screwed, damned to being no more than average in life, at best (this is what I worry about).
I was thinking earlier about how I agree with the posts saying that spree shooters do it to feel powerful for once in their lives, before they die. It's not an act of actually trying to defeat your problems, it's more like an act of desperation, giving up. It's an expression of powerlessness, mixed with extreme anger and maybe detachment from reality.

So I was thinking, how can a person feel like they have some power, before it gets to this point?

I think this is why it's important to have something that you're good at. Because if you're good at something, then you know you have at least that much going for you. You know that if you have nothing else, at least you have that. Also, a lot of life seems to revolve around getting respect, getting people to like you, because you're good at something.

But, that's the question - does everyone have the capacity to be good at something? Or do you have to be born with strong traits (like being born strong, rich, hot, etc.) and/or talent (like being really good at something right away, or able to get good at something quickly), otherwise you're hopelessly limited/screwed, damned to being no more than average in life, at best (this is what I worry about).
Yes, IMO, a person can feel supreme power and supreme freedom by doing shooting sprees. Just think none of the rules matter to you any more. Nobody is calling you a looser. Instead they are running away from you in fear. You are free to do anything that you want to do. You wont get a ticket for shooting too fast or too slow. You won't get taxed on how many bullets you fire. The rules no longer apply to you. Nobody can do or say anything to you. It's just you, your gun and ammo, and your final time on this planet. It's all very romantic actually. The ending sucks though.

I was born mechanically inclined. I could tell a bunch of stories but I wont. I had a friend who was not mechanically inclined at all. But, he really wanted to be a diesel mechanic. So, he went to school and graduated as a diesel mechanic. He kept screwing up at his job. But, he stuck with it. He would bring me engines to rebuild because he kept messing them up. Finally though, after much time and effort, he got good at doing it. So, IMO, everybody does have the capacity to be good at something. But, I think they really have to want to be good at it.
I was thinking earlier about how I agree with the posts saying that spree shooters do it to feel powerful for once in their lives, before they die. It's not an act of actually trying to defeat your problems, it's more like an act of desperation, giving up. It's an expression of powerlessness, mixed with extreme anger and maybe detachment from reality.

So I was thinking, how can a person feel like they have some power, before it gets to this point?

I think this is why it's important to have something that you're good at. Because if you're good at something, then you know you have at least that much going for you. You know that if you have nothing else, at least you have that. Also, a lot of life seems to revolve around getting respect, getting people to like you, because you're good at something.

But, that's the question - does everyone have the capacity to be good at something? Or do you have to be born with strong traits (like being born strong, rich, hot, etc.) and/or talent (like being really good at something right away, or able to get good at something quickly), otherwise you're hopelessly limited/screwed, damned to being no more than average in life, at best (this is what I worry about).
I think in reality, a lot of people look at others and think "I wish I had their luck"... they dont think, I wish I could work that hard. They see no effort, hard work, they just see luck.

I remember getting my grades, I used to hang around with girls who... well... we all were dumb. They never studied even for an hour, but when our grades came all I could hear was "wow you're so lucky"... would drive me insane... no I worked for this... I wasn't born with all the answers lol I worked hard.

So many successful people have come out and spoken about their resilience, hard work, failures... to try and stop people from thinking that have no choice in the matter.

Spree killers, do want their last or only hurrah, I think a lot feel like things should be handed to them though, and when it's not, when they accept it will never just be given to them... they rage and quit, because hard work, why bother when life is not fair.. chuck has it all... his parents gave it to him, why cant that be me... mentality.
It doesn't necessarily have to have a clear or deep reason for motivation.
Case and point: Brenda Spencer.
Who, opened fire against the school across the street from her home in the 1980's, and after the standoff with police was asked why she did it and she coldly and disconnectedly responded: "I don't like Monday's"

I hate We Need To Talk About Kevin, because it's mostly boring and underwhelming as a movie, but there is one great line in that movie that does capture spree shooters mental states perfectly from when he's interviewed after the incident:

THAT'S how these people think.
Previous commenters say it pretty well. Humiliation and getting even with humiliation and something like a perceived injustice. But it doesn't mean that everyone would become a spreeshooter who is humiliated. There maybe something like an ammount of aggression and schizophrenia making them think there is no way out, and with the aggression and anger building up they just go on a killing spree. But indeed there must have always a degree of humiliation and some ammount of injustice perceived by them (in those time they experience it it is straightforward reasoning).

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