What can we do to make the world a better place?

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2012
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discuss the things we can do to create a better world.

I think the first thing that everyone has to do is BELIEVE.

we need to actually believe the world can get better. i ask some people if they think the world will get better and they say no. well how can it if you dont at first BELIEVE it can be.

kindness is the next thing. little things in our everyday lives like opening the door for someone or saying thank you or smiling and being nice. its not so hard to do.

you dont have to be a politician to change the world.
I think it was Australian comedian Steve Hughes who suggested:
"What do we have to go to work for, everything's already built!"
🤷‍♂️ 😂

I mean, when it comes down to necessities, we don't need a whole lot of extra options and extracurricular aesthetics. Let's be real here:
You need:
Fresh and sanitary food.
Clean and sanitary water.
Clean clothes.
Basic bathing and hygiene supplies.
Basic medical supplies.
A properly structured building over your head...PREFERABLY with electricity.
And consistent, reliable transportation at an affordable price.

That's it.
That's all you need.
You don't need the latest luxury items with every customizable option that you'll pay for, use less than 90 days and then never use again...
Status Symbols are the downfall of our entire society.
You wanna know how we got to the ******** that we're in now?
We got here because of Materialistic Status Symbols.
Get that **** off my lawn.

Okay excuse my bluntness, but yeah, I mean, I'm not wrong.
I think it was Australian comedian Steve Hughes who suggested:
"What do we have to go to work for, everything's already built!"
🤷‍♂️ 😂

I mean, when it comes down to necessities, we don't need a whole lot of extra options and extracurricular aesthetics. Let's be real here:
You need:
Fresh and sanitary food.
Clean and sanitary water.
Clean clothes.
Basic bathing and hygiene supplies.
Basic medical supplies.
A properly structured building over your head...PREFERABLY with electricity.
And consistent, reliable transportation at an affordable price.

That's it.
That's all you need.
You don't need the latest luxury items with every customizable option that you'll pay for, use less than 90 days and then never use again...
Status Symbols are the downfall of our entire society.
You wanna know how we got to the ******** that we're in now?
We got here because of Materialistic Status Symbols.
Get that **** off my lawn.

Okay excuse my bluntness, but yeah, I mean, I'm not wrong.
ikr. i mean who the hell needs to live in a mansion?
I think it was Australian comedian Steve Hughes who suggested:
"What do we have to go to work for, everything's already built!"
🤷‍♂️ 😂

I mean, when it comes down to necessities, we don't need a whole lot of extra options and extracurricular aesthetics. Let's be real here:
You need:
Fresh and sanitary food.
Clean and sanitary water.
Clean clothes.
Basic bathing and hygiene supplies.
Basic medical supplies.
A properly structured building over your head...PREFERABLY with electricity.
And consistent, reliable transportation at an affordable price.

That's it.
That's all you need.
You don't need the latest luxury items with every customizable option that you'll pay for, use less than 90 days and then never use again...
Status Symbols are the downfall of our entire society.
You wanna know how we got to the ******** that we're in now?
We got here because of Materialistic Status Symbols.
Get that **** off my lawn.

Okay excuse my bluntness, but yeah, I mean, I'm not wrong.
Whelp... now, you're just discussing Maslow's Hierarchy of needs to a sort.
You're not WRONG that "stuff" won't make it better. Just like some people don't believe money can buy happiness.

However, he asked how to make the world better.

I believe you're on the right track @Azariah with the kindness thing. And love. Compassion.
Taking a moment before we engage with someone who's being pissy to just take a breath....
You ever have a completely crappy day and snap at someone in the store?? Well, what if this is just their day for that? You might be the only NICE thing that happens to that person today.

Now, I'm not saying to totally excuse utter rudeness or take a sociopaths abuse....

I'm saying, smile more. Be kind more. Put into the world what you want to receive from the world. Help a friend. Smile at a stranger. Volunteer for a non-profit that you support.

Meh.... that's just this old lady's opinion, though. :D :D
My friends make fun of me because all my FB posts end with "Y'all, LOVE each other!" Lolol
They find all the memes they can to mess with me. LOL
Here are a few things I think people who don't have any political power or influence can do (this likely means most of us):

-Learn to empathize over judging and see things from the viewpoints of others (this doesn't mean agreeing with them, just trying to understand)
-Understand that we're biological creatures with some non-negotiable dependencies (i.e., air, food, water) and that there is no guarantee that some supra-sensible being will "save us" from ourselves - we may have to save ourselves from ourselves
-Try to maintain a cognitive distance between knowledge and beliefs, accept beliefs for what they are and knowledge for what it is
-Don't sugarcoat reality - gain a reasonable tolerance for unpleasant facts
-Try to see the consequences of your actions from beyond just your own local sphere
-Try to have civil, caring relationships with people who you don't agree with, even on fundamental issues
-Learn to live consistently with your beliefs and ethical viewpoints and if you can't, find out why
-Don't use other people for your own ends and call out others who do so
-Form an understanding of what it means to be "a good person" (which will likely vary from person to person) and try to follow this as much as possible
-Try to understand that each person is an irreducible unique subjectivity with their own baggage, perspective and preferences and realize that you're exactly the same
-Pay attention to how you actually live - do you live up to your own standards? Would you like you if you met you in the street?
-More could get added...

Do I succeed at all of these? Not at all, but I try. As far as the bigger issues go (world peace, world hunger, etc.), individuals can only really do so much. Cooperative groups are needed to tackle such things.
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Just change our perceptions. Maybe the world is a better place already.


They seem pretty happy. As well they should look at how full, bouncy, and colorful their hairs is. Women would die for that kind of hair.

They are all different, yet they all are beautiful. Even that green one on the far left. What is she like a 1,000 years old. I think she came over from the My Old Pony set by accident because she is senile. But, hey! You go girl! Work it!
I think the big thing is, we need to somehow shift the focus of society from competition to self-actualization. The whole model of what society and even life itself, is all about, is still stuck on competition. I think that's the main problem - we've outgrown competition, but we're not letting it go. It's overstayed it's welcome. And that's messing everything up. The world is getting too connected, too small, for competition. Plus we have the technology and understanding to just do things a better way than before - in the old days we had the excuse that we didn't know better, or that the technology just wasn't good enough. But now we do.

But it's hard to pursue self-actualization when you don't have enough resources to get to security, first. And getting enough resources to survive and have a decent lifestyle - more than merely existing - is what most people seem to be stuck on.

Then there's the problem that a few people are endlessly greedy. I don't know what can be done about that. You can't just get rid of them, because that's uncivilized. But it will be hard to change their minds, because they don't feel like they're doing anything wrong, and/or believe that they are inherently superior beings. Until we can get everyone on the same page or at least close enough, I think things will continue to be messy.

I feel like the world would be a better place if we could distribute resources in such a way that people didn't have to constantly earn and re-earn their own existence over and over, but could be free to actually live their lives. There's a big difference between those things.
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Shoot Trump.
Make his family work.
Educate people.
Tax the rich.
Make politicians and public figures, responsible for their actions.
Cease the pursuit of celebrity icons.
Stop being so wasteful.
Be more compassionate to others.
All kneel and appraise me.
discuss the things we can do to create a better world.

I think the first thing that everyone has to do is BELIEVE.

we need to actually believe the world can get better. i ask some people if they think the world will get better and they say no. well how can it if you dont at first BELIEVE it can be.

kindness is the next thing. little things in our everyday lives like opening the door for someone or saying thank you or smiling and being nice. its not so hard to do.

you dont have to be a politician to change the world.
it's got so much more then being nice,the world is an evil world today,and it's just going to get worse,the corrupted government is to blame for that 😡
the world to be ruled by women as in Finland or other Nordic countries
In the beginning, there were only women. Or to be precise, the earth was only populated by female organisms. They didn’t actually call themselves female. Because English wasn’t invented, and males weren’t invented either, there was no need to differentiate between sexes. Because there was only one sex: And that sex was female.

Then about a billion years ago, some female eukaryotes mutated into males. And so began the now famous entertainment of sexual reproduction. While before each female was perfectly happy to create a copy of herself, now she had to find a “man”, and go through the time consuming and emotionally problematic process of mating.

There are many theories as to why males “happened”. Scientists also agree that sexual species had some evolutionary advantage over asexual ones. In this sense, sexual species were “better” than asexual ones, and males seemed to have brought some benefit.

But there is a more important question.

Is our world with sexual species “better” than a parallel counter factual universe where males never evolved? What if the evolution of males was net negative? While it might be true that sexual species are relatively more successful than asexual ones, what if everyone ended-up worse of in an absolute sense?

Since we have no way of knowing what that parallel word looked like, we can only conjecture. But I speculate that the male experiment has failed.

Why? Just look around you.

All the world’s conflicts stem from men that feel inadequate. At the root of any war is one man or a small number of men. Little men who want to show that they are big men.

For every good idea in the world, there are a thousand crazy ideas. And the most dangerous crazy ideas have been dreamt up by men. From the tops of mountains, or man caves, or prison cells. Men who in turn, inspire millions of other men to dream crazy. You would never find a woman at the heart of a fundamentalist cult

There is plenty of evidence that the effect of men on the world is indeed net negative.

It’s probably time for us to accept that the male experiment has failed. And it’s time for the world to return to its natural order. An order ruled by women.

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