what did you do today?

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ooh good god cheaptrick fan , just reading your posts make me feel exhausted


well today i got up at 11:30

got out of my bunk, ate a granola bar with some v8 turned on the tv, and played dragon age for about an hour

then i got a call from a frianqunce (friend/ aquaintance)

a guy i met last night, to hang out, so then i got dressed made a pbj ate, that and a fruit cup and some potato chips ( my floor is covered with crumbs now by the way) while watching the new episode of scrubs on huli.

put ony coat, and walked a few blocks in -0 weather

then we went to the coraridge mall, and walked around a little, then we went ice skating for about an hour and a half then we rented a movie and watched that with some poopcorn coke an d hot coco, then his parents let me stay for dinner which was great, since i've been living off spagetios and pbj, we had pork chops, rice, salad, apples and ice cream sandwhiches afterwards

then some more people came over and we played some foosball then we watched district nine, oh and then we played twister and i won booth times!! :D which was great because i totally got pawned in foosball

well oyasuminasi watsiwa tomodachi


laku noc moi prijateli
I finally had a couple of days off from work.
I've just been lazy.
I spoke to my daughter, she's feeling much better. She wants to come and visit me. I had her make flight reservations.
I spoke to my ex-wf too...she's too resereved at the moment:p
Burned a CD for my truck's stereo. Me truck stereo CD player can read a dics with hundreds of songs :p thank god becuase it dosn't have a usb port.

My daughter called me again. I was asleep...now i can't go back to bed. it's past midnight.lol
I havn't seen my daughter for 12 years. I love and miss her very much.
that's great for you Crow!

Today I went out to dinner with my best friend whom I have seen twice since I left for college. It was a little awkward, but then it was like oh, you jerk, that's why you're my best friend >.>
We have a strange relationship that I can't really explain except to say that he's a jerk and I'm stupid, and we aren't like that around other people. Somehow it works out great and we get along great. Except we don't really bother to get in touch much because we're both so damn lazy.

Since I'm home on holiday I detailed my mom's car today. That sucked and it was disgusting.
My hip hurts, my shoulder hurts, I'm going home in T-minus 7 hours and haven't started packing yet.
I can't wait to go home and start class again.
evanescencefan91 said:
ooh good god cheaptrick fan , just reading your posts make me feel exhausted


My day-to-day work may be mundane, but it never ends. lol

I'm happy to read about your day. It sound as though you're settling in nicely to college life. I'm really happy for you. ((((EvFan)))))
cried a lot
registered on the chatbox
read some more
listened to some music I downloaded
planned my week- tomorrow I have to go back to work and I`m repellent to that.
procrastinated again- some translations I had to do
chatted here :D- fabulous but tiresome for my one lazy neuron left ..lol...:p
..in the end..finding excuses for not burying myself in work again. :cool:
*hugs crow*

i hope things get better :)

ehh today i got up at (;30

sat down and ate a granola bar put on several layers of clother for another installment of subzero biking to work

work till 2 since i was pretty beat, last night i went out with a few guys which was pretty fun we loitered around target and wallgreens and quite sometime, then we played tetris on one of the guys's sega saturn

so i got back to my dorm around 2:30 got online for half an hour then took a shower, slept till 8pm

got up ate another granola bar,microwaved some soup in the lounge and took it back to my dorm to eat while i watched resident evil regeneration online

read some posts here and checdked email, then played a little immortal on my guitar , and now i figure i'll venture off to sleep again

good night

i just realized i didn't put an accuare time of awakening in the last post lols

too late to edit now

9:30 am if anyone's curious

got up the same time today went to work, worked till 4pm

and man those cardboard boxes and shelves are vicious I got scraps all over my hands and arms,
but on the plus side, i think I'm getting a little bit of arm muscle, ehh it'll be gone the week I'm done working

came back and watched an episode of scrubs

returned a call from a friend :D

he picked me up around 5:35

and we went back to his place and had dinner

living off spagetios and soup i was very thankful chatted a bit, he showed me some of his yearbook from when he was in private school

then we went and saw sherlock Holmes

I really liked it, it twas good i thought, and then i came back here and i am now writting this i know very eventful

was fun nonetheless

i hope he got back home okay, it's been snowing all day

it's just the most perfect pretty snow though

the sparkling fluffy kind like the kind in the movies and christmas ornaments
really quite nice

I caan't believe just 13 more days till school starts again *sighs*

but it is much more then what highschoolers get, ya i encountered one and got a really good laugh in their face about it,

i think they were use to it

it felt exceptionally good

and yafinnaly got my first payment i really prefer the tangible check though it's always got such a nice feeling to it,

but woot i got $200 and i hope to get some more :)

well goodnight again everyone


today i got up at nine thirty biked to work

worked for seven hours

I'm also working this weekened right up till the start of the new semster then 3 days after that

ohh but thinking of the buttload of money come tuesday my bank account is just going to be like what the hell! where'd you come from?

then i vaccumed m- our room, ohh I'm going to miss it being just my room and just my hallway

the quietness and the feeling that this was all my place it was a good break :)

tommorow I'm gonna have to go to the conivence store see if they have any ant traps,

i vaccumed all the cruns so hopefully that will help, but they're the evil caniving little creepy bastards,

that are actually too small to squish they are impervious to my textbook of doom, what am I going to do?

well hopefully that will put an end to them and i will laugh manically as they syffer

you know it really is a shame that bugs don't really have a conscious they're deaths would be so much sweeter knowing they were contemplating it as it happened

....wow i haven't seen that spitefullness for actually a while now


anyways once i had finished my vaccuming i cooked up some noodles and watched buffy,

then i watched a few more episodes while playing the guitar, i think/hope I'm getting better

the perfect B chord is still very elusive damn my highschool dodgeball finger injury i blame it all on you


well at least the E string is kinda optinal it still sounds good

working on transitioning from Bb to Eb

made my fingers kinda sore after a while

well I've ought to take a shower then get ready for bed

got another fun filled workday ahead tomorrow


goodnight everyone

Got up early, went for an incredibly nippy run, showered, went to school (first day of the semester! Bleghk.)

Came home, did some housework, ate, wasted time, got on computer.

Haha evanescencefan91, I have the same problem when playing guitar. I have no feeling in the top inch or so of the ring finger on my left hand...so chords can be a prob for me. It's an old knife injury. :p

I got up at 5:30. Spent quite time be myself.
Went to work all day. Stayed bussied to make the time fly.
I didn't listen to my mp3 player today..I figure I give it a rest...

I totally crank it up in my truck though.
I have a kick ass sound system in my truck, now.
I like to feel my music.lol The bass speakers i got really gives it a kick.
I miss jamming out with a band, sometimes.
It's an awzsume feeling to feel all the sounds...ear plugs recommended though :p

I went to the bank to cash me check...I like gett'in paid :)

Ran into a chick and chit chated with her.
I belive I kind of went out with her in HS for a couple of weeks. Oh man...I didnt treat her very nice
back when and she still wanted me to **** her brains out. She even told me if I was gay becuase I
didn't want to have sex with her. LoL

Then i went to my surpport group meeting..I nodded out during the meeting becuase I was very tired
from working all day. I drank a couple cups of coffee...it didn't wake me up, then.
Now I'm totally fucken wired. LMAO

LOL..evenscene...just bAR the damn thing





cleaned the house like i do everyday oh i did do something different for a change i scrubbed the kitchen cupboards:rolleyes:
I got up and went to work. Errr....I work everyday, now...wtf???
I ma making up for the time I didn't work last year :p

I sold of one my prize and joy. As I handed it over, i notice
Jenni's name that I craved into it.

I'm tired n I feel like being a vegg...

I got stuff going in my head..(err..that can be dangerous for me.lol)

I woke up with a thought...it was clear as day. She loves me very much.
She's done everything she possibly can at this piont in time to show me that she dose.
haha thanks crow and badjedidude

ahh bad jedi dude

for a while thought it said like beetlejuice or something

ya i do barr it

today i got up at 9:20 ate breakfast got dressed and went to work

worked till 6today but tomorrow I'm only working from 12-5 so i get to sleep in yay

i went and bought 4 books today

the bookworm in the bookstore conumdrum *sighs*

i bought generation me
killing in the name of God
the girl with the dragon tattoo

and this is your brain on music it's so cool iot's about like the psychology of listening to music and such music and psychology

2 of my personal favorites

oh books

*nerdgasm* :p

then i came back and did laundry ate some easy mac and cheetos
now I'm playing videogames


why did yo sell your prized joy crow?

what was it? was it a guitar

came b
-Woke up about 1PM
-Cleaned my house (had some beer's and smoked some ganja with a friend the other night)
-Walked to down town
-Bought dinner
-Went home, ate dinner
-Slept for two hours
-Headed back to down town for work (11PM)
-Walked home from work (4AM)
-Tired, posting here
- hopefully sleep
Got up at 10am.
Went into Perth city (West. Australia) at 12pm.

Totally bought new shoes!
Totally bought a compact camera!
Totally bought bag and SD card for camera!

Totally saw a girl I wanted to talk to who was watching me eat sushi!
Totally failed to do anything about it!

Totally happy that I can take better pictures and walk/run comfortably now! :D
Totally sad that I spent all that money! :(

Now, I need an ice cold shower... As it was 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 Fahrenheit) outside today >_<
damn..I woke up and it's 2 in the A.M.
and I have to work tommorrow...errr today.lol

I'm making a CD for my truck. I can load 200 songs on a disc and my stereo plays it:p
I'm rocking out to a love song someone turned me on to.

Always... always..always...always..always
I luv you
I hate you
I can't get around you
I breath you
I taste you
I can't live without you
I can't take anymore
This life of sulitude.
I guess i'm out the door
I'm done with you
My wrap my head around your heart
Why would you tear my world apart
Always..always...always always, I just can't live without you
I love you
I hate you
I can't live around you...always, always, always always :p

Yes...It was my RR flying V.
It dosn't make a very good lemon juice squeezie thing of ma loo.
I'm in dire need of a lemon juice thingie....I need the money. Always, always, always..always.lol
Because I desrie to perforate her..alwaYS, always, always, always.:p

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