What do you like about yourself?

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nope_real said:
People like stuff about themselves? I pretty much take any goodness in me for granted and resort to self pitty, as I fritter away years and years. Aesthetically I couldn't care less, self preservation isn't on my list of agendas and the bulk of my happiness and good being comes from external things. I never stop to analyse myself, because its like starring into an ugly abyss. I've always found it more important to see the good in others and to genuinely like things about people, there is no self interest involved and any beauty of goodness you see is in better clarity. On a basic level, i'm pleased my body functions, I have my sight, my hearing and can walk.

Don't forget the chin ;)
punisher said:
nope_real said:
People like stuff about themselves? I pretty much take any goodness in me for granted and resort to self pitty, as I fritter away years and years. Aesthetically I couldn't care less, self preservation isn't on my list of agendas and the bulk of my happiness and good being comes from external things. I never stop to analyse myself, because its like starring into an ugly abyss. I've always found it more important to see the good in others and to genuinely like things about people, there is no self interest involved and any beauty of goodness you see is in better clarity. On a basic level, i'm pleased my body functions, I have my sight, my hearing and can walk.

Don't forget the chin ;)

Lols. That is the only aesthetically pleasing thing on my bent inbred face. I have no fear, I plan to live like a supervillain wearing a mask with only my chin exposed.
I'm a great self-learner. I've taught myself many hobbies like fishing, fly fishing, kayaking, metal detecting, etc.
I like the fact that while most of my peers were abandoning music once the academic requirement was filled, I was ponying up the dough to keep it a part of my life.

It was a tough bronco to break. Tuba's are expensive. Well worth it, though.
I like that I have the ability to understand people and actually listen to what they say and don't say.
Haha. This is a nice thread.
I'm not really used to people talking to me and I totally shock from the inside when someone touches me (accidentaly bumps into me of course) but I can get totally happy when someone just simply smiles at me. So yeah a good part about me is that one can make my day easily.
Also I help the little kids here in town when I'm skateboarding. Explaining them how to do tricks and stuff and it seems to make them happy. So I'm glad I am capable of doing good stuff for other people
On April, 23 I reach 4 months on this forum and I just did post #400. My ex-therapist would be proud of me. I miss her a lot :`-(
Pasha Selim said:
On April, 23 I reach 4 months on this forum and I just did post #400. My ex-therapist would be proud of me. I miss her a lot :`-(

Added point for pasha selim : cool,kind and friendly guy who appreciate every little things :)
lingo said:
Pasha Selim said:
On April, 23 I reach 4 months on this forum and I just did post #400. My ex-therapist would be proud of me. I miss her a lot :`-(

Added point for pasha selim : cool,kind and friendly guy who appreciate every little things :)

*Hug* I give you all my points. :)
I think i look pretty good and have a decent personality, im just too shy to use it!
someguy said:
Cool thread, just read through most replies.

On topic. I don't like much about myself but I do consider myself intelligent.

Intelligent, caring, understanding and funny as ****.
Oh, sorry, you seem to have left a few out, so I thought I'd fill in the blanks for you, Palli. :p
Relatively intelligent, extremely creative, dry sarcastic sense of humor. :) Compassionate to a fault -- have to hide it behind a wall of cynicism and ebil, which can be fun, too. :D
Okay, so I had to think really long and hard for this one...but I think I found one. I like that I'm finally making an effort to turn my life around.
I believe I feel the same as Freeder... Although its tough and I am depressed a lot, I do have many friends/acquaintances, and I am trying to turn my life around..
I have a strange but decent sense of humor.

And I think most would agree that I am a very nice guy.
Hummm... wat i like about myself let me see.... hummm well the ability to store anger really... i am amazed at how much anger i can store

There's a lot of things I like about myself.
I'm a ****ies lover...ya gatta love that.
I love that I'm smarter than I give myself credit for. When it's pointed out to me, it takes me completely by surprise and can totally make my day.