What do you like/dislike about Internet?

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Like: At my age it's still seems kind of like sci-fi.
The information....I learned how to read with encyclopedias....absorbing information is an agreeable pastime.
The people contact. I don't know very many people; this helps with that.

Dislike: The needless disputes between people on these sites.
The advertising.
The anxiety that DHS or NSA is monitoring. I try not to say anything that might be construed as sedition or something like that.
Like: I have access to any information I can find, conceive of, or find reference to. I can have any music ever recorded and uploaded playing while I do these other things. I can connect with anyone, and discuss anything.

Dislike: I can't trust the information I find to be reliable, or trust that the research I do will find anything useful. I can discover that the music I need was never recorded, or if notes were made about it, it was never finished. I often find that the people I connect with are far worse off than I am, and sorely in need of help that I can't provide, or the discussion I join goes nowhere and provides no assistance. Also, far too many mean-spirited, cruel people who rage and rant and howl about nothing. Finally, in the end, I discover that I'm far more alone than I thought possible, and this ruins my slightly hopeful mood and makes me just walk away from the 'net and sit in the shadows, feeling worse.
Likes: I like how I have access to a wealth of information, art, music, fiction, documentaries, all sorts of knowledge and entertainment at your fingertips, often from the convenience of my own home.

I also like how the Internet enables me to get to know people that I otherwise would probably never have encountered, due to geographic distance.

Dislike: My dislike is the flipside of my like - there is so much information out there that it can feel like I am being pulled in a million directions at once. Sometimes this information is conflicting - if I look up, for example, the best way to go about any given thing, I will find a million answers all claiming to be the most effective. Not being an expert myself, it's difficult for me to know which information is best for me, which is still good but not the best choice for me, and which is just plain wrong. I find myself overwhelmed at the sheer amount of information. It's the idea that when there are so many choices available, it actually makes it harder to make a choice. Another problem I have with having too much information is that sometimes I find that whole days have gone by when I've just went from link to link, article to article, and it feels like I've read a million things but can't even remember any of it. It's like stuffing myself on a buffet, not even remembering the taste of any of it, and feeling kind of disgusted with myself that so much time has passed and I don't even have anything to show for it.

I dislike Internet arguments, even though I have gotten pulled into quite a few over the years. I am continuing to try to avoid them as I get older and realize that it's not really worth it. But I just don't like how easy the Internet makes it to get into arguments.

I also don't like cyber-bullying. I've never been a bully and I wouldn't really say I have been cyber-bullied either. But I just don't like any form of bullying and again, I don't like how easy the Internet makes it to bully people.

Finally, I don't like how the Internet has so much pornography on it. I really do think it messes with people's minds, and even if it doesn't influence you to dehumanize women (or men, as the case may be), it causes other problems. I believe it can numb your capacity to feel for anyone but yourself and hijacks your passion away from things you care about, and to something meaningless. Without even considering the moral issue, it can function a lot like an addictive substance and I think it is very easy for it to become a bad habit - a crutch to lean on and a huge waste of time. Especially for lonely guys who want a girlfriend but don't know how to go about getting one or how to become more attractive in the first place. It only prolongs the problem of loneliness for a relationship. The time spent on porn could have been spent on doing something that would make a person more attractive and live a more full life.

For the record, I'm not a technophobe. While I listed more dislikes than likes, I do feel that my likes carry more weight. I do feel that at the end of the day, the good stuff on the Internet outweighs the bad, and that a person can avoid most of the bad stuff if they want to.
The inability to convey tone.
Occasionally results in 'oh..faecesicles..' moments when people misunderstand.
Aisha said:
The inability to convey tone.
Occasionally results in 'oh..faecesicles..' moments when people misunderstand.

This ^^

People sometimes takes things the complete wrong way not sensing the tone.
How people on the net come into your life. You welcome them in strike up a friendship, have fun on the forum, maybe pm or email and they just leave one day with no words.. Very hurtful to my spirit anyways. I would never do that, I would always have the courtesy to inform them..The web can and is a cold place.

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