
Before you read this; Short text of my problem. If you don't want to read, that's ok. But if you decide to give your opinion back to me, please read the entire text and not just the tl;dr. Thank you.
So around a month ago I had one of these moments in my life where I felt I had to figure out what to do with my life before my time starts running out.
FYI I'm 21 atm. I know I'm still young but it's bothering me to the extent where I'm depressed and scared all the time because I'm afraid I won't ever figure out what to do.
First of all I'm a person who likes to do everything, I get easily influenced by pretty much everything so I almost feel like I want to become professional in every single aspect of every single hobby I've ever had or I'm going to have.
My biggest passions in my life to this point have been gaming and music. I'm fairly sure that what I decide on for my 'main' dream will have something to do with either of those. But I will also say something later on in this post about why I'm not sure about doing it and why I'm feeling so confused.
Gaming - I started my somewhat hardcore gaming around the age of 13. I finally got 24/7 access to a computer and it became my new life. I've been playing a massive amount of MMORPG games out there and I feel like I've achieved more in these games than what I've done IRL, and not to mention I've enjoyed it a lot more. Some if not most of my fondest memories to this day are from games. Nostalgic as hell, they are. I have also had my fun with video& picture editing, events and contests that include real money but I'm not sure if this is it.
Why not go for gaming?
Well that's it, I really want to. But some of my not-so-good human traits are that I'm a very proud and unintelligent person. I do what I think others expect from me rather than doing what I feel like doing. I always try to be the perfect person in front of someone else, resulting me to have a thousand different personalities. Now having this said gaming have been my biggest joy in life until now, but the reason I haven't done anything serious about it is because I'm afraid of being seen as a 'uncool' person. Taken from the book of society, gaming 24/7 is something a nolifer and idiot would do, and I don't want to be seen as that kind of person. But working as a sound technician, producing music or playing in a band is a lot more original, so it seem like a much better fit for me even though It's not what I really want. I just kinda want it because of all the respect and fame you get.
Music - I'm not sure if I should say it's my second biggest passion or if it's on the same line as gaming, because I could for sure not live without it but it doesn't take up as much time because I can listen to music while doing other stuff, can't I? Well, a couple of years ago I also bought my first acoustic guitar, then shortly later my first el-guitar. I bought the el-guitar because it looked cool, not because it was good. It was a BC Rich Warlock NJ Deluxe, and I loved it. I played a lot in the start, but since I was living with my poor family and didn't have my own room, I didn't get as much time on it as I wanted. I could NEVER spend hours practice while there are other people in the room listening, I would be too shy and scared of that, even if it's my own family. So I stopped playing. Around one month ago, I bought my first keyboard. This was a MIDI-keyboard I could plug into the computer and use headset so I didn't have to be afraid of others listening anymore, and I could even play late after midnight. I'm still playing now after a month and I like it a lot, I think I can get a lot better and keep playing for years if I just manage to keep my spirit up.
Second part is that I want to be a producer. But I'm not really sure if I want to be a producer, so what the hell does that mean?
When I listen to music I get so emotional and into it. I close my eyes, wave my arms around and pretend like I'm in another world. The first time I figured out I wanted to make my own music was after discovering TSFH - Two Steps From Hell, a trailer music company making trailer music for well... trailers. But I'm sure they have songs for movies and games aswell. The choruses in these songs were so epic and I started dreaming about how it would be my biggest dream ever to be able to create such music and share it with the world. I mean, just listening to it was amazing, sharing it with my friends even more amazing. Creating it myself, would be unbelivable. But why didn't I do it? I give up easily.. I have no self esteem, I don't believe in my self, I'm inpatient and I can't picture myself being able to do anything great. I even recently started listening to a lot of electro and got this feeling all over again, only this time I actually tried to fool around a bit. I downloaded Ableton and FL Studio and tried to learn as much as I can, but I got so easily bored.
If there's something you see as one of your biggest dreams, it could barely fit into your imagination because it's too great. But when it comes to learning it, and working with it, it doesn't seem fun at all. You get bored so fast, you feel like you're doing everything alone, you suddenly feel like you're never gonna finish it and in the end you just quit. Is this really a dream? If you have a dream you want to accomplish, then why is it so hard to do? Is it because I'm bad at it, and it's just difficult in the start? Or is it because I'm satisfied with what's already out there? I don't know... And when it comes back to the gaming, I never saw anything more to it, I never thought it could be more than just 'gaming'. But now I feel like gaming is the only thing I could do. Making a youtube channel to make videos, start streaming, it's the only thing I have confidence in, because I've been doing it for so many years, I know I could do great. But why won't I? Because I'm afraid of becoming that guy I actually want to be, but other people might not like.
TBH I barely know what I'm saying myself atm, so dont sweat it if you're confused. I might change the text later on aswell, if I change my mind about anything.
TLDR;I love both gaming and music, but I don't know what I want to give it all in for. I feel most confident about gaming, and I think I could do great but I'm afraid of being a too shut-in person not doing anything respectful like playing an instrument or becoming a known athlete. I have always loved music aswell, and becoming a componist/producer seemed like my biggest passion, but I get too bored and I don't like doing it.
In the sum-up I atm play the piano, work and do stuff with friends. It's annoying the hell out of me not being able to know what I want to do, so I end up doing nothing. What do you think I should aim for, how do I find out? Should I go for what I like doing or should I go for what I find to be my biggest dream, but atm too hard to accomplish? I hope you atleast read the tl;dr so I can get some serious inputs. Thanks in advance!