What has this forum taught you from being here?

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Oh, absolutely nothing. :)

Or maybe two things...
- Some people just enjoy being rude.
- The majority of "lonely" people are "lonely" by their own choice.
Sterling said:
, I've learned that there are some amazing people that are on here or were on here that don't deserve the hand they were dealt but keep fighting to make things better.

Same. :)

Limlim said:
That there are a bunch of fun sounding people I might actually have stuff in common with, and none of them live anywhere near me. >_<

Maybe that's because you live in the middle of no where. :p You are the main attraction where you live. :p

condemnedsoul666 said:
Kaio-ken, Spirit Bomb....oh wait wrong place


Kammai Hamai Hah! (did i spell that right?)

Equinox said:
That most people with social issues are really great gals and guys.

Agreed. That's why I try to make friends with shy/awkward people offline. :)

Pheenix said:
Yeah but that's annoying o:

This forum needs to teach you patience as well.

Equinox said:
That that are people who fully and utterly live in their own reality.

I reject your reality and substitute my own. :D

floffyschneeman said:
I learned that Peter Lorre is awesome! :D

I haven't learned this yet. Probably because I haven't had the chance to meet Peter. >.>

nerdygirl said:
Being here has also given me a great opportunity to practice expressing myself. Doing that via internet has helped me to improve on that in "real life" situations.

Somehow, I can tell, i don't know how I can tell, but this doesn't suprise me. :)
SofiasMami said:
-That there's a heck of a lot of single male misogynists out there :)

Yeah O_O
Although androgynists as well, I guess.
SophiaGrace said:
- that I can only give so much of myself because there will always be someone that needs help, and I have to look after myself before I can look after others

This is a good one that you said. So true.

Its tort me that I am not the loneliest person on the planet.
That in it self helps. All thogh iv not actually spent to much time alone in the last few weeks.

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