Since there seems to be no clear sign that there is a magical invisible all knowing all powerful omnipotent being, I'd say we're in the clear.
Also, I'd just like to mention that religion does not = morals and ethics. There are too many people that believe that tripe. If that was the case, the centuries prior to the advent of religion would have been utter chaos, resulting in the death of humankind due to the lack of a god. Since we humans made it as far as we did before religion, I feel safe to say that it is/was not needed.
Also also, if there is in fact a god, and he disappeared, he would be taking the devil with him, since the devil is a creation of this god. We would then be living in a religion free, potentially utopian society. There would be no missionaries denying the starving Africans food just so they can get a few more people on their side, or ethnic genocides based on religious beliefs /coughHitler /coughArmenia /coughKKK
We would also see a delightful lack of those assfaces in the WBC.