ALL chat: Sometimes slow, sometimes fast; always about sex, gay porn, penises (a la Mysis), lols, lmaos, Zak screaming, sex, doodle, food, poofing shells, daily routine updates, sex, Eve's bewbies, kicking Steel's balls, sharing stolen pics of absent members, food, Soph's jeebus convos, Nerdy's tentacle problems/fantasies, sex, food, sharing music, minty's mints, DC's creepy old man pole dancing vids, conversations about LC, food, conversations involving LC, sex, Zak's orgy-tastic b-day parties, technical computer speak, sex, Nilla's falcon punches, Soph's psychological questions, sex, teasing each other for typos, food, teasing MacFags, "baby-time" with minty and Nilla, sex, Evelotion, 80s music, screwing around with noobs, food, questionable youtube videos, changing usernames for fun, sex, food, unicorn-designers, flaming unicorn-designers, banning jackasses, inventing weird masturbation techniques, sex, grilling noobs for info, food, lurking, posting on every subject, bullshitting each other, sex, tentacle porn dreams, food, creepy/flashy emoticons, dating/romance advice, sex, plans for amazing conquests that will never happen, sex, food, and owning Knight.
*added: tentacle porn dreams, 80s music.