What is it you see in your reflection?

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Positive: A man who has been sober for a little north of a decade. A person with pride because of it.

Negative: A person who put the ones he loves the most through absolute Hell from alcohol addiction. A person with permanently dilated pupils from past abuse of prescription medications and LSD. Even after all this time, they haven't went down to normal size. The eye specialist I was referred to
couldn't come up with any reasonable conclusion as to why. It ****** sucks, because anyone who doesn't know me takes one look at my eyes and thinks that I'm stoned 24/7.
LoneKiller said:
Positive: A man who has been sober for a little north of a decade. A person with pride because of it.

That's definitely an achievement. Well done mate :)
Quite often, I see a person who has a kind of aura of loneliness around him. He also seems too insecure, not masculine enough and disappointed about himself.

On a better day I see a guy who has actually quite a nice face and who is a caring and positive person despite his weaknesses.
I see someone who has been tested by some tough trials and made it through stronger for them. She is no naïf, and despite occasional angry outbursts, surprisingly, life has not made her bitter.


LoneKiller said:
A person with permanently dilated pupils from past abuse of prescription medications and LSD. Even after all this time, they haven't went down to normal size. The eye specialist I was referred to
couldn't come up with any reasonable conclusion as to why. It ****** sucks, because anyone who doesn't know me takes one look at my eyes and thinks that I'm stoned 24/7.

It's funny (in an ironic way) because my pupils are permanently smaller now because of a past Rx. They do dilate some under low light conditions, but in normal light, they are pretty damned small. I've had healthcare professionals ask me if I've been on opiates. :/
LoneKiller said:
A person with permanently dilated pupils from past abuse of prescription medications and LSD. Even after all this time, they haven't went down to normal size.

mine are bigger than they were before my hundred or so trips

an added bonus are my permanent tracers, floaters, and occasional hallucinations...
Generally speaking, I see a work in progress. I see nervousness, shyness, a lack of effort.

Sometimes I see a disgusting fat mess and am convinced that I'll never be able to find someone that loves me, will marry me, or will have kids with me. I see no hope. Loneliness. I see myself becoming one of those old ladies who yells at "hussies" at bus stops where I live.

Sometimes I see progress. I see someone who has lost a little weight and is striving to reach her goals. Someone who WILL be in a position to find the ~love of her life~ when she's ready.

It all depends on the day.
What I see in the mirror ? Wasted potential :D And a sense for sarcasm so strong that seems to be coming out of nearly ever pore of my body :p
What do I see:

A shy, unappealing girl.

What would I change:


What would I keep:

Probably nothing.

My negative outlook:

I'm too shy, and I just hate everything about myself.

Positive outlook:

I'm...smart? o.o

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