What is your favorite video game?

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zaney said:
FF7 is probably my favorite game of all time too :D I've beaten it several times and gotten all the limit breaks and ultimate weapons.
I also love Half Life but more for the engine. CS 1.6 hands down best fps of all time (it uses the Half Life engine)

You think that's hardcore. I had 6 golden chocobos in my stables. I had all mastery materia on 3 characters. Beaten omega, ruby and emerald. And 2 saved games at 99:99:99 hours. The second only having made because in the first one I had skipped 2 enemy-skills which you couldn't get in endgame any more. The reason I like FF7 so much is because the story can really take you away. You feel with the characters, the end of disc 1 was always a *gulp* moment :(

Also Half Life 2, 2 AM in the morning, headset on, all lights out. Doing Ravenholm on hard mode with ammo running out. Shiiit man... I thought I was going to need diapers.

Polar said:
Also Half Life 2, 2 AM in the morning, headset on, all lights out. Doing Ravenholm on hard mode with ammo running out. Shiiit man... I thought I was going to need diapers.

Yeah! XD

The priest was pretty funny as well.
Polar said:
You think that's hardcore. I had 6 golden chocobos in my stables. I had all mastery materia on 3 characters. Beaten omega, ruby and emerald. And 2 saved games at 99:99:99 hours. The second only having made because in the first one I had skipped 2 enemy-skills which you couldn't get in endgame any more. The reason I like FF7 so much is because the story can really take you away. You feel with the characters, the end of disc 1 was always a *gulp* moment :(

Haha I got nothing on you buddy. I also have had every mastery materia but didn't go so far as getting all the e.skills. I agree with you about the story and the characters, it really is what makes the game so great. You can't forget Nobue Huematsu's soundtrack though.
Have you played FF8? It's really good too.
Yeah 8 is great as well, not up to 7. But still far above the average game. There are few things I dislike about 8. The whole GF/magic by the charge system. It's bad enough you have to use magic as if it were an item, but the fact that you could equip them to boost stats made me not want to use them ~at all~. Aura was the only magic actually worth extracting/using (and that's because it was "severely" overpowered...) Also did not like it at all that they closed down city access at end game... felt like someone took my freedom away. Still the story is once again amazing, and the soundtrack is epic. Shame they messed up the battle system too much to my likings.
Polar said:
The whole GF/magic by the charge system. It's bad enough you have to use magic as if it were an item, but the fact that you could equip them to boost stats made me not want to use them ~at all~..

Yeah I wish they just stuck to the same system as FF7 in all the FF games. I think the combat system has gotten worse and worse in the ps2 / ps3 releases. My favorites are probably 7, 8 and 9 - all on ps1 :D. I also like FF tactics :)

Played one not too long ago on the ps3 and it didn't even seem like a Final Fantasy game. Combat system had completely changed.

LoneKiller said:
@ Ak5 and Polar. What did you guys think about "FF 9"?

Yeah bit to animeish to my likings as well. Story isn't super, but not bad either. The antagonist however is a total ***. If it wasn't for him being referred to as the main character's brother I honestly would've thought he was in fact a woman. The metro sexuality didn't really pan out for him. Also while Seph from FF7 is insane in an appealing way, Kuja is just insane in a clownish way. FF IX shines in world design and exploration, and it's slightly more challenging than 7/8 for instance which is good. I really liked the intricate dungeon design as well. Also Ozma is one of the more challenging side bosses to unlock and beat, that really took me a while.

I thought that the card game in 9 was absolutely appalling.
Whoever was in charge of that, I'd like to choke the very life out of them.
In no specific order:

Tonka Firefighter
Tonka Construction 2
Reader Rabbit Kindergarten
Fisher Price Rescue Heroes
Franklin the Turtle After School
Tonka Search & Rescue
Jump Start 1st Grade
Pink Panther Mission in Space

call me weird, lately I'm into a Sega Master System game called Wonderboy in Monsterland. It's a cheesy little game, easy to finish, with a LAME ending, but heck, whenever I have to wait after something I'll start a game lately on my wii, lol.

favourite game of all times would probably be Shining in the Darkness for its graphics.

and of course Sims 2, for all the creative possibilities it opened to me.
Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Knights of the Old Republic, Fable, Half Life 2. Those are the only ones I can really think of right now.
The video games I like are old. By far my favorite is Age of Empires2 The Conquerors. I started screwing around with it online a few years back, but about a year ago I started to play more seriously (although I'm nowhere near pro). I like that I can actually apply a lot of crap I learned in school to the game, and straight logic.

Other than that, I like N64 games like Mario Kart, Goldeneye. I also love Killer Instinct for the SNES. But of course these games are fun mainly cuase I was with good company.

Oh, Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time for the N64 is also great (but boring once you've already beaten it)

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