Whew, it was hot & humid out there, but I got the ugly weed-whacking chore done... that should give the wild birds a better survival rate with Tiger lurking in the yard. He's a stone cold killer, that damned Tiger... a real hunter, but I'm not gonna keep him cooped up indoors, to hell with that, my cats gotta run free and take their chances in the big wide world, same way I do.
I dunno what it is about weed-whacking, but I hate that task with a passion. I'd sooner tackle some nasty plumbing problem and wallow in the ****, lol... well, maybe not THAT drastic, but close. I dunno HOW some folks weed-whack for a living, it's a job ya couldn't pay me enough to do... but of course I gotta whack my own weeds, no way I pay some chump to do it. Doesn't mean I gotta like it, though...
This morning, I had high humidity combined with juicy rain-swollen weeds up to 2' high, made for a nice friggin' mess... I was drenched with sweat, pestered by ****** bugs (this IS bug season in Arizona), peppered by shrapnel (shins, face, etc.), just having a wonderful time!!! But with my usual Infantry tenacity, I powered through the miserable task and got 'er done. Nasty-ass weed-whacking, boy, I hate that ****!
I may have ruined a good surf shop T-shirt too, I should've removed it first... thing had juicy green grass & weed stains on it before I wised up and peeled it off. Maybe that Oxi-Clean crap will get rid of the stains, I'm running a load of laundry right now so maybe I'll luck out. If not, I can just wear it around the house, or use it as a work shirt in the yard. **** it, it'll be my weed-whacking shirt, lol... surf in the high desert!
Going back to weed-whacking as a profession, I gotta say, those hands who do that **** for a living are better men than I am. In a perfect world, I'd use ******* NAPALM to control my weeds, or at least a badass flame-thrower, lol. 'Puff The Magic Dragon' lights up my yard!!! Yeah, that would make the news, IF we actually had a news station here, lol... and thank goodness we don't, AYE? Friggin' propaganda stations...
As for weed-whacking, it's not the ONLY job I couldn't do for a living... you couldn't pay me enough to be a dentist, having to smell clients' funky-ass breath all day. **** that ****. I'll pass. I'd sooner make less and not have to deal with it... just an observation from Sidewinder this morning. Well, back to my laundry and this chilled vino, got some kickass chicken burrito mix with Hatch Chiles for lunch, WOOHOO!!!